fireauth 0.0.5-frozen copy "fireauth: ^0.0.5-frozen" to clipboard
fireauth: ^0.0.5-frozen copied to clipboard


A Flutter Package that aims to simplify Flutter Firebase Authentication and streamline development.

0.0.5 #

  • (Stable Version)

  • FIX: Contains a Hot Restart Bypass for the AuthManager for the Web Platform only - This was to bypass the DartWebSDK bug where Hot Restart doesn't work as expected with StreamBuilder and FirebaseAuth

  • (v0.0.5-legacy): Contains the older versions of the firebase plugins (^0.7.0 for core and ^0.20.1 for auth)

  • (v0.0.5-frozen): Contains version 1.1.0 for auth and 1.0.3 for core

0.0.4 #

  • (Stable Version)
  • FIX: Upon Learning that there is a Dart SDK Bug regarding Hot Reload in Flutter Web, I have gone back to firebase_core version ^0.7.0 and firebase_auth version ^0.20.1
  • Update: (+2) Tested Single Version combination for firebase plugins. Will be implemented in next build (v0.0.5-frozen)
  • Same as v0.0.1 with all the improvements of v0.0.2 but without its Hot Restart bug

0.0.2 #

  • (Deprecated Version)
  • FLAW: Updated firebase dependencies to stable pair
  • FIX: PhoneAuth: Mobile onError Callback now Works
  • FEAT: PhoneAuth: VerificationDialog closes on verificationCompleted
  • FEAT: Added a success callback for AuthController static methods
  • DOCS: Added success callback examples in example app
  • WARNING: This version has a specific DartWebSDK bug that prevents AuthenticationManager from working correctly during Hot restart on Web. Doesn't exist in Release Mode or on Mobile.

0.0.1 #

  • (Stable Version)
  • FEAT: Enabled Mail, Anonymous, Google & Phone Authentication
  • DOCS: Added Exhaustive Documentation
pub points


unverified uploader

A Flutter Package that aims to simplify Flutter Firebase Authentication and streamline development.

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (license)


firebase_auth, firebase_core, flutter, google_sign_in, provider, toast


Packages that depend on fireauth