fireauth 0.0.4+1 copy "fireauth: ^0.0.4+1" to clipboard
fireauth: ^0.0.4+1 copied to clipboard


A Flutter Package that aims to simplify Flutter Firebase Authentication and streamline development.

[0.0.1] - 2021-05-12 #

  • Enabled Mail, Anonymous, Google and Phone Authentication
  • Added Documentation

[0.0.1+1] - 2021-05-12 #

  • Updated README and documentation

[0.0.2] - 2021-05-18 #

  • Updated all the Firebase Dependencies to a combination that works

  • FireAuth Phone Authentication: Mobile onError Callbacks work

  • FireAuth Phone Authentication: VerificationDialog closes on verificationCompleted

  • Generic Code Improvements

  • Added a success callback to all AuthController static methods

  • Removed AndroidX BrowserImplementation in app level build.gradle (example app)

  • (example > main.dart) Added success callback examples

  • Has Some Error; Fails to Recognize Auth State on Reload

[0.0.2+1] - 2021-05-18 #

  • Auto Versioning using Image Picker

  • using idTokenChanges

  • Has Some Error; Fails to Recognize Auth State on Reload

[0.0.3] - 2021-05-18 #

  • Added Specific Versioning Again

[0.0.4] - 2021-05-26 #

  • Upon Learning that there is a Dart SDK Bug regarding Hot Reload in Flutter Web, I have gone back to firebase_core version 0.7.0 and firebase_auth version 0.20.1
  • Updates will be made if there's a fix for the Dart-SDK Bug or I come up with a temporary solutions

[0.0.4+1] - 2021-05-28 #

  • UpgradedFirebaseVersioning After a successful test dry-run
pub points


unverified uploader

A Flutter Package that aims to simplify Flutter Firebase Authentication and streamline development.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (license)


firebase_auth, firebase_core, flutter, google_sign_in, provider, toast


Packages that depend on fireauth