fimber 0.7.0 copy "fimber: ^0.7.0" to clipboard
fimber: ^0.7.0 copied to clipboard

Extensible logging for Flutter - based on Timber on Android, using similar (as far as Dart lang allows) method API with same concepts for tree and planting logging tree.

[0.7.0] - Dart 3 update. #

[0.6.6] - Bugfix for log matcher to include package not only files #

[0.6.5] - Bug fixes #

-- Update android dependencies to mavenCentral (from jcenter) #116 -- Fix for Log without exception but with stack trace #115

[0.6.4] - Added log line/path to file to [CustomFormatTree] #

-- Additional tokens for [CustomFormatTree] with filename/filepath log line and character.

[0.6.1] - UnPlantableTree interface #

-- Added support for Unplantable Trees, that will have end of lifecycle method for cleanup after it is removed.

[0.6.0] - Release of Nullsafety #

  • Update to support null-safety

[0.5.0-nullsafety.1] - first RC - Updated to support dart null-safety #

-- No other fixes/updates, just null-safety

[0.4.4] - Fix for printing color when with level output #

Same as 0.4.3 - missed one usecase.

[0.4.3] - Fix for printing color when with level output #

  • #78 issue Fixing coloring output on the formatted log output.

[0.4.2] - Fixed versioning #

  • fixed versioning

[0.4.1] - Bug fixes #

  • #75 issue - Fix for TimedRollingFileTree missing passed logLevels and logFormat
  • #73 issue - Fix for mute levels list not being distinct

[0.4.0] - Release of Fimber ready for Web (JS/FlutterWeb) #

  • Moving File loggers to separate fimber_io package
  • Clean up

[0.4.0-dev] - Removing dependency on dart::io. #

  • If want to use File loggers use fimber_io package

[0.3.3] - Deprecating dart:io dependency #

  • Removing FileLogging and moving it to separate package: fimber_io
  • 0.4.0 version will remove dependency on dart::io - so that Fimber can be used in Web projects.

[0.3.2] - Bug fix for Time rolling tree. #

  • #52 issue Fix for check of new file format based on timeSpan intervals.

[0.3.1] - Bug fixes around File rolling tree #

  • initialize outputFileName variable by @sceee
  • removed unnecessary async that caused SizeRollingFileTree constructor to not construct the first logfile correctly before writes to the uninitialized filename could happen by @sceee

[0.3.0] - Code styles updates and bug fixes #

  • Code styles updates based on pedantic lint rules.
  • bug fix for TAG generation taking from correct stacktrace location = index 4.

[0.2.1] - Auto create directory for log files #

[0.2.0] - Colorize logs #

  • Added ANSI colorized option for DebugTree and CustomFormatTree (by default it is disabled)
  • AnsiStyle classes as extra for adding any colorful output for console.

[0.1.11] - FileLog bugfix #

  • FileLog bug fix for conflicts on file append.
  • FileLog uses flush buffer as temporary storage and writes to disk in 2 cases: 1 every 500ms and when ever buffer size exceeds 1kB.
  • Added unit tests for new bug.
  • docs update

[0.1.10] - FileLog append fix, mute levels #

  • bug fix for file log bug where new lines were overriding file not append lines.
  • Added log level muting from Fimber.mute and Fimber.unmute

[0.1.9] - CustomFormatTree and FileLogTree #

  • Custom format tree and File logging tree based on custom format. This will allow DartVM apps to output to defined file.

[0.1.8] - Support for stacktrace optional parameter #

  • Stacktrace optional parameter after adding ex can be provided from try catch block's second parameter
try {
} catch (ex, stacktrace) {
  Fimber.e("log message", ex:ex, stacktrace: stacktrace);  

[0.1.7] - Changed the #

  • Accepting dynamic (any class) on ex property of Logger. This allows to pass Error or Exception or any other value to log statement - toString() is used for printout

[0.1.6] - DebugTree time options #

  • Added Elapsed time option for debug tree logging (useful for server side/dart vm logging)
  • Added Time option for debug tree

[0.1.5] - bug fixes #

  • Bug fix for log tag auto creation inside constructor.
  • Added tests for factory method logging after constructor log tag fix.

[0.1.4] - iOS exception stacktrace logging #

  • no update on fimber, only mirror update for flutter_fimber iOS plugin

[0.1.3] - iOS plugin part for logging #

  • Added support for iOS log output.
  • Un-plant tree option.
  • Block function operation.

[0.1.2] - only dart package form #

  • Small changes around packaging and removing any flutter references.
  • Revert to print from debugPrint for dart only support.
  • DebugTree got printLog method to override to support other solution to print formatted log line tou output stream, will be helpful in AndroidDebugTree (for example).
  • Updates to stacktrace dumping for DebugTree and added method to extract stacktrace.

[0.1.1] - Small updates #

Small updates

[0.1.0] - First Version #

Initial version with Fimber debugging and DebugTree

pub points


unverified uploader

Extensible logging for Flutter - based on Timber on Android, using similar (as far as Dart lang allows) method API with same concepts for tree and planting logging tree.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


Apache-2.0 (LICENSE)


Packages that depend on fimber