file_selector 0.9.2+3 copy "file_selector: ^0.9.2+3" to clipboard
file_selector: ^0.9.2+3 copied to clipboard

Flutter plugin for opening and saving files, or selecting directories, using native file selection UI.

0.9.2+3 #

  • Updates links for the merge of flutter/plugins into flutter/packages.
  • Updates example code for use_build_context_synchronously lint.
  • Updates minimum Flutter version to 3.0.

0.9.2+2 #

  • Improves API docs and examples.
  • Changes XTypeGroup initialization from final to const.
  • Updates minimum Flutter version to 2.10.

0.9.2 #

  • Adds an endorsed iOS implementation.

0.9.1 #

  • Adds an endorsed Linux implementation.

0.9.0 #

  • BREAKING CHANGE: The following methods:

    • openFile
    • openFiles
    • getSavePath

    can throw ArgumentErrors if called with any XTypeGroups that do not contain appropriate filters for the current platform. For example, an XTypeGroup that only specifies webWildCards will throw on non-web platforms.

    To avoid runtime errors, ensure that all XTypeGroups (other than wildcards) set filters that cover every platform your application targets. See the README for details.

0.8.4+3 #

  • Improves API docs and examples.
  • Minor fixes for new analysis options.

0.8.4+2 #

  • Removes unnecessary imports.
  • Adds OS version support information to README.
  • Fixes library_private_types_in_public_api, sort_child_properties_last and use_key_in_widget_constructors lint warnings.

0.8.4+1 #

  • Adds README information about macOS entitlements.
  • Adds necessary entitlement to macOS example.

0.8.4 #

  • Adds an endorsed macOS implementation.

0.8.3 #

  • Adds an endorsed Windows implementation.

0.8.2+1 #

  • Minor code cleanup for new analysis rules.
  • Updated package description.

0.8.2 #

  • Update platform_plugin_interface version requirement.

0.8.1 #

Endorse the web implementation.

0.8.0 #

Migrate to null safety.

0.7.0+2 #

  • Update the example app: remove the deprecated RaisedButton and FlatButton widgets.

0.7.0+1 #

  • Update Flutter SDK constraint.

0.7.0 #

  • Initial Open Source release.