figma2flutter 0.0.1-alpha copy "figma2flutter: ^0.0.1-alpha" to clipboard
figma2flutter: ^0.0.1-alpha copied to clipboard

Convert figma design tokens to Flutter code

figma2flutter (pre-release) #

This package converts Tokens Studio for Figma json exports into Flutter code.

[Notice] You may use this package but breaking changes may occur when relying on releases lower than v1.0.0

How to use #

1. Install #

dart pub global activate figma2flutter

2. Export #

Export your tokens from Figma and save the json file in your project folder.

You can do this manually or use the Tokens Studio for Figma plugin to export your tokens directly into your repository.

3. Generate #

Run the command in the root of your project

figma2flutter --input <path_to_json_file> --output <path_to_output_folder>

Default config values are:

--input: ./design/tokens.json
--output: ./lib/assets/tokens/

Token support #

  • ❌ sizing
  • ✅ spacing (output = EdgeInsets)
    • ✅ 1, 2, 3 or 4 values
    • ✅ accept int/double values, px of rem suffix
  • ❌ color
    • ✅ Solid (output = Color)
      • ✅ hex
      • ✅ rgb
      • ✅ rgba
      • ✅ hsla
    • ❌ Gradients
  • ❌ borderRadius
  • ❌ borderWidth
  • ❌ boxShadow
  • ❌ opacity
  • ❌ fontFamilies
  • ❌ fontWeights
  • ❌ fontSizes
  • ❌ lineHeight
  • ❌ letterSpacing
  • ❌ paragraphSpacing
  • ❌ textCase
  • ❌ textDecoration
  • ✅ typography (output = TextStyle)
  • ❌ asset
  • ❌ composition (pro)
  • ❌ dimension
  • ❌ border

Ideas for contributing #

  • ❌ Add an example that illustrates how to use the package
  • ❌ Generate a view similar to the Figma plugin (sort of a tokens Gallery)
  • ❌ Generate MaterialColors when we have multiple color values and int base keys (100, 200, 300, 400)
  • ❌ Generate extensions for Gap to easily allow spacing tokens to be used as Gap (spacing.small=4 => Gap.small => const Gap(4))



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Convert figma design tokens to Flutter code

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unknown (license)


args, collection, meta, path


Packages that depend on figma2flutter