fhoto_editor 0.0.2 copy "fhoto_editor: ^0.0.2" to clipboard
fhoto_editor: ^0.0.2 copied to clipboard

FhotoEditor Plugin with simple, easy support for image editing using Filters, Cropping and transformation. plugin support for all ios and android and web, cropping feature is only available for ios an [...]

FhotoEditor #

pub package license

FhotoEditor Plugin with simple, easy support for image editing using Filters, Cropping and transformation. plugin support for all ios and android and web, cropping feature is only available for ios and android.

To start with this, we need to simply add the dependencies in the gradle file of our app module like this

Installation #

First, add image_editor_plus: as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.


import 'package:fhoto_editor/fhoto_editor.dart';

Then run flutter pub get to install the package.

iOS #

Add the following keys to your Info.plist file, located in

  • NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription - describe why your app needs permission for the photo library. This is called Privacy - Photo Library Usage Description in the visual editor.
<string>Used to demonstrate image picker plugin</string>

Key Features #

Here is update which already done in PhotoEditing plugin

implement Single filter on given image

implement Multiple filters on given image

saving image after filters

Cropping images














Demo #

Alt text

Usage #

Single Filter on Image #

making an instance for color generator class

final colorGen = ColorFilterGenerator.getInstance();

use it in the ColorFiltered widget as a matrix

         colorFilter: ColorFilter.matrix(myFilter.matrix),
         child: Image.asset('assets/shahid.jpeg'))

Multiple filters on image #

final colorGen = ColorFilterGenerator.getInstance();
ColorMultiFilterGenerator myFilter = ColorMultiFilterGenerator(filters: [
     colorGen.getHueMatrix(value: _hueSeekbarValue),
     colorGen.getContrastMatrix(value: _contrastSeekbarValue),
     colorGen.getBrightnessMatrix(value: _brightnessSeekbarValue),
     colorGen.getSaturationMatrix(value: _saturationSeekbarValue),
     colorGen.getExposureMatrix(value: _exposureSeekbarValue),
     colorGen.getShadowMatrix(value: _shadowSeekbarValue),
     colorGen.getHighlightedMatrix(value: _highlightedSeekbarValue),
     colorGen.getFadedMatrix(value: _fadedSeekbarValue),
     colorGen.getVibrancyMatrix(value: _vibrancySeekbarValue),
     colorGen.getTemperatureMatrix(value: _temperatureSeekbarValue),

apply the myFilter instance to colorFiltered widget

                    colorFilter: ColorFilter.matrix(myFilter.matrix),
                    child: Image.asset('assets/shahid.jpeg'))

Saving image locally #

RenderRepaintBoundary widget to capture a snapshot of a specific area of the screen and converts it into a ui.Image object.

    RenderRepaintBoundary boundary =
    _key.currentContext!.findRenderObject() as RenderRepaintBoundary;
    ui.Image image = await boundary.toImage();
    return image;
void saveImage(ui.Image image) async {
 // Create a ByteData buffer to hold the image data.
 final ByteData? byteData = await image.toByteData(format: ui.ImageByteFormat.png);
 final Uint8List pngBytes = byteData!.buffer.asUint8List();

 // Get the device's default directory for storing files.
 final directory = await getTemporaryDirectory();

 // Create a file to write the image data to.
 final File file = File('${directory.path}/filtered_image.png');

 // Write the image data to the file.
 await file.writeAsBytes(pngBytes);

 if (kDebugMode) {
   print("File Saved:${file.path}");

Cropping images #

Select an image from the image picker and apply sampling to load into memory

 late File _file = File("path");
late File _sample = File("path");

Future<void> _openImage() async {
 final pickedFile =
 await ImagePicker().getImage(source: ImageSource.gallery);
 final file = File(pickedFile?.path as String);

 /// sampleImage is used here for scale down larger images before loading into memory.
 /// preferredSize is being used here for square images
 /// context.size?.longestSide.ceil() is to get actual size of height and width of image

 final sample = await  ImageCrop.getInstance().sampleImage(file: file, preferredSize: context.size?.longestSide.ceil());

 setState(() {
   _sample = sample;
   _file = file;

use cropImage function to crop the sampled image loaded into memory

final cropKey = GlobalKey<CropViewState>();
late File _lastCropped = File("path");

Future<File?> _cropImage() async {
  final scale = cropKey.currentState?.scale;
  final area = cropKey.currentState?.area;
  if (area == null) {
    // cannot crop, widget is not setup
    return null;

  /// scale up to use maximum possible number of pixels
  /// this will sample image in higher resolution to make cropped image larger
  final sample = await ImageCrop.getInstance().sampleImage(
    file: _file,
    preferredSize: (2000 / scale!).round(),

  final file = await ImageCrop.getInstance().cropImage(
    file: sample,
    area: area,


  _lastCropped = file;

  return file;

show cropped image

child: Image.file(File(croppedFile.path)),

Alt text

Adjusting Hue #

ColorFilter.matrix(colorGen.getHueMatrix(value: _seekbarValue)

Brightness #

ColorFilter.matrix(colorGen.getBrightnessMatrix(value: _seekbarValue)

Saturation #

ColorFilter.matrix(colorGen.getSaturationMatrix(value: _seekbarValue)

Exposure #

ColorFilter.matrix(colorGen.getExposureMatrix(value: _seekbarValue)

Shadow #

ColorFilter.matrix(colorGen.getShadowMatrix(value: _seekbarValue)

Highlighted #

ColorFilter.matrix(colorGen.getHighlightedMatrix(value: _seekbarValue)

Vignette #

ColorFilter.matrix(colorGen.getVignetteMatrix(value: _seekbarValue)

Faded #

ColorFilter.matrix(colorGen.getFadedMatrix(value: _seekbarValue)

Vibrancy #

ColorFilter.matrix(colorGen.getVibrancyMatrix(value: _seekbarValue)

Temperature #

ColorFilter.matrix(colorGen.getTemperatureMatrix(value: _seekbarValue)

Contrast #

ColorFilter.matrix(colorGen.getContrastMatrix(value: _seekbarValue)

Rotation #

double _rotation = 0.0;
bool _isVerticalFlip = false;

Flip #

double _rotation = 0.0;
bool _isVerticalFlip = false;

Bugs and feature requests #

Have a bug or a feature request? Please first search for existing and closed issues. If your problem or idea is not addressed yet, please open a new issue.

Author #

DevCrew I/O

Connect with Us:

devcrew.io mycompany DevCrew-io

Contributing #

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Show your Support #

Give a star if this project helped you.

Code copyright 2023 DevCrew I/O. Code released under the MIT license.



verified publisherdevcrew.io

Weekly Downloads

FhotoEditor Plugin with simple, easy support for image editing using Filters, Cropping and transformation. plugin support for all ios and android and web, cropping feature is only available for ios and android.

Repository (GitHub)
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API reference


MIT (license)


dartx, flutter, flutter_web_plugins, matrix2d, plugin_platform_interface


Packages that depend on fhoto_editor