fhir_dart 0.1.2 fhir_dart: ^0.1.2 copied to clipboard
A Dart package that provides full support for all FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) R4 resources in Dart, enabling parsing, manipulation, and serialization.
FHIR_Dart Package #
This package provides full support for all FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) R4 resources in Dart, enabling seamless parsing, manipulation, and serialization of FHIR data. It is ideal for healthcare applications requiring interoperability with FHIR-compliant systems.
Features #
- Parse any FHIR R4 JSON resource into a Dart object.
- Serialize Dart objects back into JSON.
- Supports all FHIR R4 resources.
- deep copy of FHIR objects.
Getting started #
To start using this package, add fhir_dart
to your pubspec.yaml
fhir_dart: ^0.1.0
Usage #
import 'package:fhir_dart/fhir_dart.dart';
import 'json_examples.dart';
void main() {
final Account accountWithGurantor = Account.fromJson(
print(accountWithGurantor.runtimeType); // Account
print(accountWithGurantor.id); // the id of the account (e.g. 'ewg')
print(accountWithGurantor.toJson()); // json object (Map<String, dynamic>)
final Account accountWithGurantorCopy = accountWithGurantor.copyWith(
id: 'newId',
print(accountWithGurantorCopy.id); // newId