fhir_client 0.0.5-alpha fhir_client: ^0.0.5-alpha copied to clipboard
Dart/Flutter library for consuming FHIR server APIs. Simple, stateless http extensions that make it easy to consume FHIR
// ignore_for_file: avoid_print
import 'package:fhir_client/fhir_extensions.dart';
import 'package:fhir_client/models/basic_types/fixed_list.dart';
import 'package:fhir_client/models/codeable_concept.dart';
import 'package:fhir_client/models/reference.dart';
import 'package:fhir_client/models/resource.dart';
import 'package:fhir_client/models/value_sets/slot_status.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart';
//The base HAPI API URI
const baseUri = 'http://hapi.fhir.org/';
Future<void> main() async {
//Use any old HTTP Client and you can mock this
final client = Client();
//Call the 3 search functions in parallel. This is safe because the
//calls won't throw an Exception/Error. If there is an error, the result
//will be an OperationOutcome, and you can handle that with the switch
final results = await Future.wait([
count: 10,
status: SlotStatus.free,
client.searchSchedules(baseUri, count: 10),
client.searchPractitionerRoles(baseUri, count: 10),
final formattedResult = results
(result) => switch (result) {
(final BundleEntries<Schedule> schedules) =>
(final BundleEntries<Slot> slots) =>
(final BundleEntries<PractitionerRole> roles) =>
// ignore: strict_raw_type
(final OperationOutcome<Resource> oo) when oo.text != null =>
'Error: ${oo.text?.status}\n'
_ => "This case shouldn't happen, but the "
"compiler doesn't know this.",
String _formatCodingListList(FixedList<CodeableConcept> list) =>
String _formatCodingList(CodeableConcept? cc) =>
?.map((coding) => '${coding.code} - ${coding.display}')
.join(', ') ??
String _formatPractitionerRole(PractitionerRole pr) => 'Id: ${pr.id}\nCodes:\n'
'${_formatCodingListList(FixedList(pr.code ?? []))}\n';
String _formatSlot(Slot slot) => 'Id: ${slot.id}\n'
'Appointment Type: ${_formatCodingList(slot.appointmentType)}\n'
'Service Category: '
'${_formatCodingListList(FixedList(slot.serviceCategory ?? []))}\n'
'Service Type: '
'${_formatCodingListList(FixedList(slot.serviceType ?? []))}\n'
'Start ${slot.start} End: ${slot.end}\nComment: ${slot.comment}\n';
String _formatActor(FixedList<Reference> actors) => 'Actors:\n${actors.map(
(actor) => ' - '
'${actor.reference}: ${switch (actor.display) {
(final String displayValue) => displayValue,
_ => 'N/A',
String _formatSchedule(Schedule schedule) =>
'Schedule ID: ${schedule.id}\nSlot Start: '
'${schedule.planningHorizon?.start!.toIso8601String()}\nSlot End: '
'Service Types:\n'
'${_formatCodingListList(FixedList(schedule.serviceType ?? []))}\n'
'Service Categories:\n'
'${_formatCodingListList(FixedList(schedule.serviceCategory ?? []))}\n'
'${_formatActor(FixedList(schedule.actor ?? []))}';
/// Extensions for formatting results in this context
/// Note: that the resoures don't have toString implementations.
/// They might be added in future, but formatting strings is
/// usually context sensitive, so there's not much point pre-empting
/// the format for the context.
extension ResultExtensions<T> on BundleEntries<T> {
String formatResult(String Function(T) format) =>