fhir_at_rest 0.11.4 copy "fhir_at_rest: ^0.11.4" to clipboard
fhir_at_rest: ^0.11.4 copied to clipboard

This package builds on the basic FHIR package. It allows easy creation of RESTful calls to a FHIR server or FHIR API.

fhir_at_rest #

[0.11.4] #

  • updated dependencies

[0.11.3] #

  • updated dependencies
  • added R5 testing
  • Added method to change FhirRequest to FhirHttpRequest (looks like a restful request, plan is to use this with the At Protocol)

[0.11.2] #

  • added toJsonString methods

[0.11.1] #

  • Update dependencies
  • Create toJson and fromJson for requests (doesn't include client)

[0.11.0] #

  • Dart 3.0.0

[0.10.0] #

  • Update error messages
  • Added ability to include a Parameters resource for operations
  • Updated dependencies
  • All requests will now request Json as return type unless specified
  • Changed all ids to be called fhirIds to be inline with primary package

[0.9.5] #

  • Updates for parsing bundles
  • Changed all classes to const, because freezed is immutable anyway and hopefully this can give a little performance boost

[0.9.4] #

  • Updated to fhir 0.9.4
  • Updated to Dart 2.19.0

[0.9.3] #

  • Updated dependencies

[0.9.2] #

  • Updated dependencies

[0.9.1] #

  • Updated dependencies
  • Added better comments
  • Added both OperationOutcome.status and OperationOutcome.severity

[0.9.0] #

  • Improved exception throwing
  • Better checking on return values

[0.8.4] #

  • Epic passes responds to successful queries with an empty body, but puts a location (which is a reference) to the resource involved
  • Now passes back an Informational OperationOutcome for successful requests, along with details of the request made, and the location (reference) to the resource involved
  • Still trying to improve error messages
  • Fixed the content-type for patches

[0.8.3] #

  • Freezed constructors don't really need to be private. And occasionally you may want to have the ability to cast them.

[0.8.2] #

  • Trying to return more useful error messages when something fails.

[0.8.1] #

  • It's annoying that headers were required for requests, especially if they weren't used
  • Now headers are optional

[0.8.0] #

  • Updated to be in line with base FHIR package and with Flutter 3.0.0

[0.7.0] #

  • updated dependencies (including Freezed 2.0)
  • Updated to fhir 0.7.0

[0.6.3] #

  • updated dependencies
  • this included updated new getter from FHIR resourceTypeString (initially resourceTypeString())

[0.6.2] #

  • Updated fhir
  • Updated to dart 2.16.0
  • added import_sorter

[0.6.1] #

  • More Pub Points! (added some curly braces to fix a linting error)

[0.6.0] #

  • Updated dependencies
  • New version

[0.5.0-13] #

  • Updated dependencies

[0.5.0-12] #

  • Dart to 2.15.0
  • Updated other dependencies

[0.5.0-11] #

  • most recent version of fhir package

[0.5.0-10] #

  • Improved error messaging

[0.5.0-9] #

  • most recent version of fhir package

[0.5.0-8] #

  • most recent version of fhir package

[0.5.0-7] #

  • most recent version of fhir package

[0.5.0-6] #

  • Forgot to update something from fhir repository

[0.5.0-5] #

  • Added MimeType which allows you to declare the type for the header [Content-Type]

  • Updated dependencies

[0.5.0-4] #

  • Updated dependencies

[0.5.0-3] #

  • Updated to Dart 2.14.0

[0.5.0-2] #

  • Updating some documentation

[0.5.0-1] #

  • Mostly just updating to the new FHIR dependency

[0.4.5] #

  • Updated dart version
  • Added anlyzer to dev_dependencies
  • Not sure why pub.dev can't run dartanalyzer

[0.4.4] #

  • Removed build.yaml

[0.4.3] #

  • Dependencies updated
  • Run code gen
  • Trying to rid myself of some pub.dev errors

[0.4.2] #

  • Dependencies updated

[0.4.1] #

  • Dependencies updated

[0.4.0] #

  • Stable(ish) & null safe!

[0.3.0-nullsafety.1] #

  • updated dependencies
  • once all packages for all of our FHIR software has been updated to null safety, I'll release the next stable-ish version

[0.3.0-nullsafety.0] #

  • Null safety!
  • Should be completely ready for null safety
  • Should generally work the same as previously, you'll just need to follow null safety requirements

[0.2.5] #

  • Update documentation

[0.2.4] #

  • Updated dependencies for new Dates in basic FHIR package

[0.2.3] #

  • Updated dependencies (again)

[0.2.2] #

  • Instead of throwing Exceptions, it now catches them, and returns them as an OperationOutcome
  • Updated dependencies

[0.2.1] #

  • Removed dart:io dependency to allow native compatibility (need pub points dammit!)

[0.2.0] #

  • Simplified still further
  • Now with same dstu2/stu3/r4/r5 folder setup as most other packages
  • single class called FhirRequest that does all of the work (it is a freezed Union)
  • added FHIR® to the Readme - official permission from HL7 and Graham Grieve.
  • changing most formats from 'application/fhir+json' to just 'json' for querying, it should still be 'application/fhir+json' in the headers
  • Fixed it so that not all requests are delete requests. Thanks to bobosette for pointing out this issue to me.

[0.1.1] #

  • Lots of changes, mostly taking away complexity
  • All parameters and elements are just passed as strings, or maps, so most of the formatting is left up to whoever is designing the call
  • All of the previously made searchParameters classes have been deleted. I think they added extra complexity without enough benefit.
  • Type passed is dynamic, but should be a ResourceType enum (from any version)
  • Returns map value that needs to be changed into a Resource (but this way it will accept any FHIR version)

[0.1.0] #

  • Mostly updated to be able to use the most recent FHIR package
  • All published packages defined their own enum for resourceType, so I consolidated them, and they're now a part of the base package
  • So removed all resourcType enums from this package
  • Edited tests and requests
  • Removed ability to specify all resourceTypes, partly because it's not in the main package, and partly because it's rare when you should actually be able to access all resources apart from initial designing, building and testing. I'll think about adding that back in later.
  • ToDo: consider adding ability to get all resourceTypes

[0.0.10] #

  • Changed makeRequest to allow more flexible transactions. Some servers don't like headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/fhir+json'; And when that's the case, we automatically change it to headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json';. Although we weren't doing it properly before. Now we are.

[0.0.9] #

  • Updated dependencies, primarily FHIR

[0.0.8] #

  • Changed transaction from GET request to POST request

[0.0.7] #

  • Added ability to pass headers with requests (necessary for most authentication)

[0.0.6] #

  • Complete alignment to FHIR HTTP spec for allowed FHIR interactions and http verb options.
  • Add support for POST and formData on SearchRequest and OperationRequest classes with the usePost and useFormData flags.
  • Update to fhir: 0.0.11
  • Add parameter encoding for all parameters including general, interaction specific, search, and custom parameters
  • Add http client override to support testing and allow direct management of the client
  • Add full support for trial use conditional interaction modes

[0.0.5] #

  • Big thanks to drcdev he's done all of the work for this most recent update which has brought some great changes and added functionality
  • Updated the _format parameter to be encoded
  • Updated tests to run using the flutter_test suite
  • Add globals module under /helpers
  • Single variable to keep track of test mode, set to true at the beginning of test, skips https calls, returns query string
  • Creation of FHIRURI class
  • Undo change to flutter_test from test
  • Add parameter encoding for all parameters including general, interaction specific, search, and custom parameters
  • Add http client override to support testing and allow direct management of the client
  • Add full support for trial use conditional interaction modes
  • Update to fhir: 0.0.11

[0.0.4] #

  • Fixed some if-else brackets
  • ran formatter
  • generated documentation

[0.0.3] #

  • Still an issue with the links

[0.0.2] #

  • Updated pubspec.yaml
  • changed to secure links

[0.0.1] #

  • Created 2020-10-15
pub points


verified publisherfhirfli.dev

This package builds on the basic FHIR package. It allows easy creation of RESTful calls to a FHIR server or FHIR API.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


MIT (license)


fhir, freezed_annotation, http, json_annotation


Packages that depend on fhir_at_rest