ffigen 14.0.1 copy "ffigen: ^14.0.1" to clipboard
ffigen: ^14.0.1 copied to clipboard

Generator for FFI bindings, using LibClang to parse C, Objective-C, and Swift files.

14.0.1 #

14.0.0 #

  • Create a public facing API for ffigen that can be invoked as a library: void generate(Config config). Make Config an implementatble interface, rather than needing to be parsed from yaml.
  • Add a external-versions config option. Setting the minimum target version will omit APIs from the generated bindings if they were deprecated before this version.
  • Global variables using ObjC types (interfaces or blocks) will now use the correct Dart wrapper types, instead of the raw C-style pointers.
  • Rename assetId under ffi-native to asset-id to follow dash-case.
  • Breaking change: ObjC blocks are now passed through all ObjC APIs as ObjCBlock<Ret Function(Args...)>, instead of the codegenned ObjCBlock_... wrapper. The wrapper is now a non-constructible set of util methods for constructing ObjCBlock.
  • Breaking change: Generated ObjC code has been migrated to ARC (Automatic Reference Counting), and must now be compiled with ARC enabled. For example, if you had a line like s.requires_arc = [] in your podspec, this should either be removed, or you should add the ffigen generated ObjC code to the list. If you're compiling directly with clang, add the -fobjc-arc flag.
  • Breaking change: Structs with enum members now generate their members as Dart enum values as well. For example, with an enum MyEnum and a struct with a member MyEnum enumMember, two members are generated: enumMemberAsInt which contains the original integer value, and enumMember, which is of type MyEnum. If you configure the enum to be generated as Dart integers, this new behavior will not apply, and the struct member will be an integer as well.
  • Breaking change: Enums generated as integers will now generate sealed classes as opposed to abstract classes.
  • Fix some bugs in the way ObjC method families and ownership annotations were being handled: https://github.com/dart-lang/native/issues/1446
  • Apply the existing member-rename option to ObjC interface and protocol methods and properties.
  • Add a member-filter option that filters ObjC interface and protocol methods and properties.

13.0.0 #

  • Breaking change: Code-gen the ObjC id type to ObjCObjectBase rather than NSObject, since not all ObjC classes inherit from NSObject. Eg NSProxy.
  • Breaking change: Generate a native trampoline for each listener block, to fix a ref counting bug: https://github.com/dart-lang/native/issues/835.
    • If you have listener blocks affected by this ref count bug, a .m file will be generated containing the trampoline. You must compile this .m file into your package. If you already have a flutter plugin or build.dart, you can simply add this generated file to that build.
    • If you don't use listener blocks, you can ignore the .m file.
    • You can choose where the generated .m file is placed with the output.objc-bindings config option.
  • Breaking change: Native enums are now generated as real Dart enums, instead of abstract classes with integer constants. Native enum members with the same integer values are handled properly on the Dart side, and native functions that use enums in their signatures now accept the generated enums on the Dart side, instead of integer values. To opt out of this, use the enums->as-int option as specified in the README.
  • Breaking change: Enum integer types are implementation-defined and not part of the ABI. Therefore FFIgen does a best-effort approach trying to mimic the most common compilers for the various OS and architecture combinations. To silence the warning set config silence-enum-warning to true.
  • Rename ObjC interface methods that clash with type names. Fixes https://github.com/dart-lang/native/issues/1007.
  • Added support for implementing ObjC protocols from Dart. Use the objc-protocols config option to generate bindings for a protocol.
  • Fix some bugs where ObjC interface/protocol methods could collide with Dart built-in methods, or with types declared elsewhere in the generated bindings.
  • Add include-unused-typedefs to allow generating typedefs that are not referred to anywhere, the default option is false.
  • Use package:dart_flutter_team_lints.

12.0.0 #

  • Global variables are now compatible with the ffi-native option.
  • Exposing symbol addresses of functions and globals is now compatible with the ffi-native option.
  • Add retainAndReturnPointer method to ObjC objects and blocks, and add castFromPointer method to blocks.
  • Add -Wno-nullability-completeness as default compiler option for MacOS.
  • Breaking change: Use package:objective_c in ObjC bindings.
    • ObjC packages will have a flutter dependency (until https://github.com/dart-lang/native/issues/1068 is fixed).
    • Core classes such as NSString have been moved into package:objective_c.
    • ObjC class methods don't need the ubiquitous lib argument anymore. In fact, ffigen won't even generate the native library class (unless it needs to bind top level functions without using @Native). It is still necessary to DynamicLibrary.open the dylib though, to load the classes and methods.
    • Adapting to this change:
      • Update ffigen and re-run the code generation. If the generated code no longer contains the native library class, it means it isn't needed anymore. So final lib = FooNativeLib(DynamicLibrary.open('foo.dylib')); must be changed to DynamicLibrary.open('foo.dylib');.
      • Regardless of whether the native library class still exists, delete the lib parameter from all ObjC object constructors and static method calls and block constructors.
      • If core ObjC classes such as NSString are being used, package:objective_c must be imported, as they won't be exported by the generated bindings.
  • Add --[no-]format option to ffigen command line, which controls whether the formatting step happens. Defaults to true.
  • Delete Dart functions associated with ObjC closure blocks when the block is destroyed. Fixes https://github.com/dart-lang/native/issues/204
  • Reduce cursor definition not found logs when structs/unions -> dependency-only is set to opaque.

11.0.0 #

  • Any compiler errors/warnings in source header files will now result in bindings to not be generated by default, since it may result in invalid bindings if the compiler makes a wrong guess. A flag --ignore-source-errors (or yaml config ignore-source-errors: true) must be passed to change this behaviour.
  • Breaking change: Stop generating setters for global variables marked const in C.
  • Fix objc_msgSend being used on arm64 platforms where it's not available.
  • Fix missing comma with ffi-native functions marked leaf.
  • Add support for finding libclang in Conda environment.

10.0.0 #

  • Stable release targeting Dart 3.2 using new dart:ffi features available in Dart 3.2 and later.
  • Add support for ObjC Blocks that can be invoked from any thread, using NativeCallable.listener.
  • Fix invalid exceptional return value ObjCBlocks that return floats.
  • Fix return_of_invalid_type analysis error for ObjCBlocks.
  • Fix crash in ObjC methods and blocks that return structs by value.
  • Fix ObjC methods returning instancetype having the wrong type in sublasses.
  • When generating typedefs for Pointer<NativeFunction<Function>>, also generate a typedef for the Function.
  • Use Dart wrapper types in args and returns of ObjCBlocks.
  • Use Dart wrapper types in args and returns of static functions.
  • Renamed asset to assetId for ffi-native.

9.0.1 #

  • Fix doc comment missing on struct/union array fields.
  • Allow extern inline functions to be generated.

9.0.0 #

  • Added a JSON schema for FFIgen config files.

8.0.2 #

  • Fixed invalid code generated due to zero-length arrays in structs/union.

8.0.1 #

  • Fixed invalid code generated due to anonymous structs/unions with unsupported types.

8.0.0 #

  • Stable release for Dart 3.0 with support for class modifers, variadic arguments, and @Natives.

8.0.0-dev.3 #

  • Added support for variadic functions using config functions -> variadic-arguments.

8.0.0-dev.2 #

  • Use @Native syntax instead of deprecated @FfiNative syntax.

8.0.0-dev.1 #

  • Fix invalid struct/enum member references due to multiple anonymous struct/enum in a declaration.

8.0.0-dev.0 #

  • Adds final class modifier to generated sub types Struct, Union and Opaque. A class modifier is required in Dart 3.0 because the classes dart:ffi as marked base. When migrating a package that uses FFIgen, and exposes the generated code in the public API of the package, to Dart 3.0, that package does not need a major version bump. Sub typing Struct, Union and Opaque sub types is already disallowed by dart:ffi pre 3.0, so adding the final keyword is not a breaking change.
  • Bumps SDK lowerbound to 3.0.

7.2.11 #

  • Fix invalid struct/enum member references due to multiple anonymous struct/enum in a declaration.

7.2.10 #

  • Generate parameter names in function pointer fields and typedefs.

7.2.9 #

  • Detect LLVM installed using Scoop on Windows machines.

7.2.8 #

  • Automatically generate ignore_for_file: type=lint if not specified in preamble.

7.2.7 #

  • Fix some macros not being generated in some cases due to relative header paths.

7.2.6 #

  • Fix path normalization behaviour for absolute paths and globs starting with **.

7.2.5 #

  • Add support nested anonymous union/struct

7.2.4 #

  • Add new supported typedef - uintptr_t (mapped to ffi.UintPtr).

7.2.3 #

  • Change compiler option order so that user options can override built-in options.

7.2.2 #

  • Added newer versions of LLVM, to default linuxDylibLocations.

7.2.1 #

  • Fix helper methods sometimes missing from NSString.

7.2.0 #

  • Added support for sharing bindings using symbol-file config. (See README.md and examples/shared_bindings).

7.1.0 #

  • Handle declarations with definition accessible from a different entry-point.

7.0.0 #

  • Fix typedef include/exclude config.
  • Return ObjCBlock wrapper instead of raw pointer in more cases.

7.0.0-dev #

  • Relative paths in ffigen config files are now assumed to be relative to the config file, rather than the working directory of the tool invocation.

6.1.2 #

  • Fix bug where function bindings were not deduped correctly.

6.1.1 #

  • EXPERIMENTAL support for FfiNative. The API and output might change at any point.

6.1.0 #

  • Added exclude-all-by-default config flag, which changes the default behavior of declaration filters to exclude everything, rather than include everything.

6.0.2 #

  • Bump package:ffi to 2.0.1.

6.0.1 #

  • Replace path separators in include-directives before matching file names.
  • Add more ways to find libclang.

6.0.0 #

  • Removed config dart-bool. Booleans are now always generated with bool and ffi.Bool as it's Dart and C Type respectively.

5.0.1 #

  • Add a the xcode tools llvm as default path on MacOS.

5.0.0 #

  • Stable release targeting Dart 2.17, supporting ABI-specific integer types.
  • EXPERIMENTAL support for ObjectiveC on MacOS hosts. The API and output might change at any point. Feel free to report bugs if encountered.

5.0.0-dev.1 #

  • Fixed invalid default dart types being generated for size_t and wchar_t.

5.0.0-dev.0 #

  • Added support for generating ABI Specific integers.
  • Breaking: removed config keys - size-map and typedef-map.
  • Added config keys - library-imports and type-map.

4.1.3 #

  • Analyzer fixes.

4.1.2 #

  • Added fix for empty include list to exclude all

4.1.1 #

  • Added fix for errors due to name collision between member name and type name used internally in structs/unions.

4.1.0 #

  • Add config key functions -> leaf for specifying isLeaf:true for functions.

4.0.0 #

  • Release for Dart SDK >=2.14.

4.0.0-dev.2 #

  • Added config key functions -> expose-typedefs to expose the typedef to Native and Dart type.
  • Config key function->symbol-address no longer exposes the typedef to Native type. Use expose-typedefs to get the native type.

4.0.0-dev.1 #

  • This package now targets package:lints for the generated code. The generated code uses C symbol names as is. Use either // ignore_for_file: lintRule1, lintRule2 in the preamble, or rename the symbols to make package:lints happy.
  • Name collisions are now resolved by suffixing <int> instead of _<int>.

4.0.0-dev.0 #

  • Added support for generating typedefs (referred typedefs only).
Example C Code Generated Dart typedef
typedef struct A{
} TA, *PA;

TA func(PA ptr);
class A extends ffi.Struct {...}
typedef TA = A;
typedef PA = ffi.Pointer<A>;
TA func(PA ptr){...}
  • All declarations that are excluded by the user are now only included if being used somewhere.
  • Improved struct/union include/exclude. These declarations can now be targetted by their actual name, or if they are unnamed then by the name of the first typedef that refers to them.

3.1.0-dev.1 #

  • Users can now specify exact path to dynamic library in llvm-path.

3.1.0-dev.0 #

  • Added support for generating unions.

3.0.0 #

  • Release for dart sdk >=2.13 (Support for packed structs and inline arrays).

3.0.0-beta.0 #

  • Added support for inline arrays in Structs.
  • Remove config key array-workaround.
  • Remove deprecated key llvm-lib from config, Use llvm-path instead.

2.5.0-beta.1 #

  • Added support for Packed structs. Packed annotations are generated automatically but can be overriden using structs -> pack config.
  • Updated sdk constraints to >=2.13.0-211.6.beta.

2.4.2 #

  • Fix issues due to declarations having duplicate names.
  • Fix name conflict of declaration with ffi library prefix.
  • Fix char not being recognized on platforms where it's unsigned by default.

2.4.1 #

  • Added /usr/lib to default dynamic library location for linux.

2.4.0 #

  • Added new config key llvm-path that accepts a list of path/to/llvm.
  • Deprecated config key llvm-lib.

2.3.0 #

  • Added config key compiler-opts-automatic -> macos -> include-c-standard-library (default: true) to automatically find and add C standard library on macOS.
  • Allow passing list of string to config key compiler-opts.

2.2.5 #

  • Added new command line flag --compiler-opts to the command line tool.

2.2.4 #

  • Fix sort: true not working.
  • Fix extra // or /// in comments when using comments -> style: full.

2.2.3 #

  • Added new subkey dependency-only (options - full (default) | opaque) under structs. When set to opaque, ffigen will generate empty Opaque structs if structs were excluded in config (i.e added because they were a dependency) and only passed by reference(pointer).

2.2.2 #

  • Fixed generation of empty opaque structs due to forward declarations in header files.

2.2.1 #

  • Fixed generation of duplicate constants suffixed with _<int> when using multiple entry points.

2.2.0 #

  • Added subkey symbol-address to expose native symbol pointers for functions and globals.

2.1.0 #

  • Added a new named constructor NativeLibrary.fromLookup() to support dynamic linking.
  • Updated dart SDK constraints to latest stable version 2.12.0.

2.0.3 #

  • Ignore typedef to struct pointer when possible.
  • Recursively create directories for output file.

2.0.2 #

  • Fixed illegal use of const in name, crash due to unnamed inline structs and structs having Opaque members.

2.0.1 #

  • Switch to preview release of package:quiver.

2.0.0 #

  • Upgraded all dependencies. package:ffigen now runs with sound null safety.

2.0.0-dev.6 #

  • Functions marked inline are now skipped.

2.0.0-dev.5 #

  • Use Opaque for representing empty Structs.

2.0.0-dev.4 #

  • Add support for parsing and generating globals.

2.0.0-dev.3 #

  • Removed the usage of --no-sound-null-safety flag.

2.0.0-dev.2 #

  • Removed setup phase for ffigen. Added new optional config key llvm-lib to specify path to llvm/lib folder.

2.0.0-dev.1 #

  • Added support for passing and returning struct by value in functions.

2.0.0-dev.0 #

  • Added support for Nested structs.

2.0.0-nullsafety.1 #

  • Removed the need for --no-sound-null-safety flag.

2.0.0-nullsafety.0 #

  • Migrated to (unsound) null safety.

1.2.0 #

  • Added support for Dart_Handle from dart_api.h.

1.1.0 #

  • typedef-map can now be used to map a typedef name to a native type directly.

1.0.6 #

  • Fixed missing typedefs nested in another typedef's return types.

1.0.5 #

  • Fixed issues with generating macros of type double.Infinity and double.NaN.

1.0.4 #

  • Updated code to use dart format instead of dartfmt for sdk version >= 2.10.0.

1.0.3 #

  • Fixed errors due to extended ASCII and control characters in macro strings.

1.0.2 #

  • Fix indentation for pub's readme.

1.0.1 #

  • Fixed generation of NativeFunction parameters instead of Pointer<NativeFunction> in type signatures.

1.0.0 #

  • Bump version to 1.0.0.
  • Handle unimplememnted function pointers causing errors.
  • Log lexical/semantic issues in headers as SEVERE.

0.3.0 #

  • Added support for including/excluding/renaming un-named enums using key unnamed_enums.

0.2.4+1 #

  • Minor changes to dylib creation error log.

0.2.4 #

  • Added support for C booleans as Uint8.
  • Added config dart-bool (default: true) to use dart bool instead of int in function parameters and return type.

0.2.3+3 #

  • Wrapper dynamic library version now uses ffigen version from its pubspec.yaml file.

0.2.3+2 #

  • Handle code formatting using dartfmt by finding dart-sdk.

0.2.3+1 #

  • Fixed missing typedefs of nested function pointers.

0.2.3 #

  • Fixed parsing structs with bitfields, all members of structs with bit field members will now be removed. See #84

0.2.2+1 #

  • Updated package:meta version to ^1.1.8 for compatibility with flutter sdk.

0.2.2 #

  • Fixed multiple generation/skipping of typedef enclosed declarations.
  • Typedef names are now given higher preference over inner names, See #83.

0.2.1+1 #

  • Added FAQ to readme.

0.2.1 #

  • Fixed missing/duplicate typedef generation.

0.2.0 #

  • Updated header config. Header entry-points and include-directives are now specified under headers key. Glob syntax is allowed.
  • Updated declaration include/exclude config. These are now specified as a list.
  • Added Regexp based declaration renaming using rename subkey.
  • Added Regexp based member renaming for structs, enums and functions using member-rename subkey. prefix and prefix-replacement subkeys have been removed.

0.1.5 #

  • Added support for parsing macros and anonymous unnamed enums. These are generated as top level constants.

0.1.4 #

  • Comments config now has a style and length sub keys - style: doxygen(default) | any, length: brief | full(default), and can be disabled by passing comments: false.

0.1.3 #

  • Handled function arguments - dart keyword name collision
  • Fix travis tests: the dynamic library is created using pub run ffigen:setup before running the tests.

0.1.2 #

  • Fixed wrapper not found error when running pub run ffigen.

0.1.1 #

  • Address pub score: follow dart File conventions, provide documentation, and pass static analysis.

0.1.0 #

  • Support for Functions, Structs and Enums.
  • Glob support for specifying headers.
  • HeaderFilter - Include/Exclude declarations from specific header files using name matching.
  • Filters - Include/Exclude function, structs and enum declarations using Regexp or Name matching.
  • Prefixing - function, structs and enums can have a global prefix. Individual prefix Replacement support using Regexp.
  • Comment extraction: full/brief/none
  • Support for fixed size arrays in struct. array-workaround (if enabled) will generate helpers for accessing fixed size arrays in structs.
  • Size for ints can be specified using size-map in config.
  • Options to disable using supported typedefs (e.g uint8_t => Uint8), sort bindings.
  • Option to add a raw preamble which is included as is in the generated file.
pub points


verified publishertools.dart.dev

Generator for FFI bindings, using LibClang to parse C, Objective-C, and Swift files.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


#interop #ffi #codegen


API reference


BSD-3-Clause (license)


args, cli_util, collection, ffi, file, glob, logging, package_config, path, pub_semver, quiver, yaml, yaml_edit


Packages that depend on ffigen