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Fennec is a dart web framework with the principal goal make web server side more easy and fast to develop.

Fennec is a dart web framework with the principal goal: make web server side more easy and fast to develop. #

installation: #

  1. create a simple dart project. you can use terminal for that dart create 'projectname'
  2. install the framework from pub.dev

make your first request: #

create your First RestController:

@RestController(path: '/example')
class Test {
  @Route('/test', RequestMethod.get())
  Future test(Request request, Response response) async {
    response.send('hello world');

  @AuthenticatedRoute('/template', RequestMethod.get(), MiddlewareHanlderImpl())
  Future testMiddleWare(Request request, Response response) async {

  @AuthorizatedRoute('/authorization', RequestMethod.get(),
      MiddlewareHanlderImpl(), ['ADMIN'], UserProviderImpl())
  Future testAuthorization(Request request, Response response) async {

Fennec Framework has three types of Routing:

  • Route is simple Route without any post executions or middlewares before the request will be executed.
  • AuthenticatedRoute is a Route that required also a milldware class where the deveveloper can define all Operations and Middlwares (for example authenticate the token) that must be executed before the request will be executed.
  • AuthorizatedRoute is a Route that required also a milldware and class for Authorizate the user and a List of Roles of user that can use this request. this Route will typically used for softwares with many roles of users.

Middlware #

it must be a subtype of the class MiddlwareHandler , here an example how to implement it:

class MiddlewareHanlderImpl extends MiddlwareHandler<MiddlewareHanlderImpl> {
  const MiddlewareHanlderImpl();
  @Middleware(priority: 0)
  Future<MiddleWareResponse> test(Request request, Response response) async {
    if (1 == 1) {
      return MiddleWareResponse(MiddleWareResponseEnum.next);
    response.badRequest().send('not allowed second');
    return MiddleWareResponse(MiddleWareResponseEnum.stop);

  @Middleware(priority: 1)
  Future<MiddleWareResponse> test1(Request request, Response response) async {
    if (1 == 1) {
      return MiddleWareResponse(MiddleWareResponseEnum.next);
    response.badRequest().send('not allowed first ');
    return MiddleWareResponse(MiddleWareResponseEnum.stop);

every Middlware inside the class must be annotated with @Middleware() and have this signature Future

UserProvider #

UserProvider is an interface that contains the function loadUser based and the request data and Roles used on the AuthorizatedRoute

Example of implementation of UserProvider

class UserProviderImpl extends UserProvider {
  const UserProviderImpl();
  Future<UserDetails?> loadUser(
      Request request, Response response, List<String> roules) async {
    if (!roules.contains('element')) {
      response.forbidden().send('not allowed');
      return null;
    return UserDetailsImpl(1, 'tester', '1@web.de', '123456', []);
class UserDetailsImpl extends UserDetails {
  UserDetailsImpl(id, String username, String email, String password,
      Iterable<Object> authorities)
      : super(id, username, email, password, authorities);

  UserDetails fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> map) {
    // TODO: implement fromJson
    throw UnimplementedError();

  bool isAccountNonExpired() {
    // TODO: implement isAccountNonExpired
    throw UnimplementedError();

  bool isAccountNonLocked() {
    // TODO: implement isAccountNonLocked
    throw UnimplementedError();

  bool isCredentialsNonExpired() {
    // TODO: implement isCredentialsNonExpired
    throw UnimplementedError();

  bool isEnabled() {
    // TODO: implement isEnabled
    throw UnimplementedError();

WebSocket #

WebSocket is already integrated in the core of Framework.

how to use it :

WebSocketHandler webSocketHandler = WebSocketHandler();
webSocketHandler.clientsListener.stream.listen((event) {
    if (event.headers!.value('token') != null) {
    } else {
      event.webSocket.addError('not allowed');
//Send data to all registred Clients
webSocketHandler.sendToAllJson({'key': 'value'});

Start your Server and test your first Request #

import 'package:fennec/fennec.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;

import 'test.dart';

void main(List<String> arguments) async {
  Application application = Application('', 8080);
  application.set('cache', true);
  application.set('views', path.join(path.current, '/views'));
  Server server = Server(application);
  await server.startServer();

License #




verified publisherfennecframework.com

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Fennec is a dart web framework with the principal goal make web server side more easy and fast to develop.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (license)


mime, path


Packages that depend on fennec