feature_guider 1.0.0
feature_guider: ^1.0.0 copied to clipboard
Feature Introduction for First-time Users.
A lightweight and feature-rich
tool for functional guidance and tips #
Preview of Effects #

Feature Introduction #
- Supports custom description widget for GUIDANCE AREA
- Supports locking the tip position with
- Supports setting the background mask opacity
- Supports setting the duration of animation transitions
- Supports preset options for the position of the description widget
- Supports setting the padding of the guidance area
- Supports setting the border radius of the guidance area
- Supports setting the interval between description and guidance area
Usage #
WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((timeStamp) {
guideManager ??= GuideManager(context, opacity: 0.7);
description: "Click here to go back",
toGuideKey: keyAppBarBack,
padding: EdgeInsets.zero,
copied to clipboard
GuideManager #
Parameter | Description |
context | BuildContext |
opacity | Mask opacity, default value is 0.4 |
duration | Tip block animation transition time, default value is 200ms, if set to zero then no animation |
GuideItem #
Parameter | Description |
descriptionWidget | Custom description widget |
toGuideKey | Pass a GlobalKey for guidance area location |
toGuideRect | Pass a Rect for guidance area location |
position | Text display position in guidance area enum, presets include screenCenter , alignTopLeft , alignTopRight , alignBottomLeft , alignBottomRight , auto |
padding | Internal padding for the guidance area |
borderRadius | Border radius for the guidance area |
textInterval | Interval between description and guidance area |
DescriptionPosition #
- Center of the screenalignTopLeft
- Positions the content above the target area, aligned to the left sidealignTopRight
- Positions the content above the target area, aligned to the right sidealignBottomLeft
- Positions the content below the target area, aligned to the left sidealignBottomRight
- Positions the content below the target area, aligned to the right sideauto
- Automatically determined based on the position of your component and the dimensions of the text