fbutton_nullsafety 4.0.0 copy "fbutton_nullsafety: ^4.0.0" to clipboard
fbutton_nullsafety: ^4.0.0 copied to clipboard


Let developers just need to grasp only one button component.

4.0.0 #

  • bug修复

2.0.2 #

  • 适配flutter 2.5.0

2.0.1 #

  • optimization

2.0.0 #

  • Delete the following parameters and use style instead:

    • textColor
    • fontSize
    • fontStyle
    • fontHeight
    • textWeight
  • Delete the following parameters:

    • splashColor
    • focusNode
    • autofocus
  • Delete the effect parameter

  • Delete disabledTextColor and use disableStyle instead

  • FButtonCorner changed to FCorner

  • FButtonCornerStyle changed to FornerStyle

  • Add the activeMaskColor parameter. The color of the mask when the button is pressed. Adjust the alpha of the color value to ensure that the view behind can be displayed.

  • Add Hover support.

    • The color in hover state can be configured through hoverColor.
    • onHover can help developers perceive hover state changes.
  • Add onPressedDown and onPressedUp and onPressedCancel to help developers to make corresponding changes when pressing, lifting or canceling the press.

  • Add loadingWidget parameter, so that developers can define their own loading style

  • Add Neumorphism style support.

    • Neumorphism style support can be turned on/off through the isSupportNeumorphism parameter
    • The highlightShadowColor parameter can configure the bright shadow color after enabling the Neumorphism style
    • The lightOrientation parameter can adjust the direction of the light source
  • Add surfaceStyle parameter to support the definition of surface style.

    • Flat
    • Convex
    • Concave

1.1.0 #

  • Add style parameter to configure text style. The following parameters will be removed in subsequent versions:

    • textColor
    • fontSize
    • fontStyle
    • fontHeight
    • textWeight
  • Add the alignment parameter to cancel the default centering

  • Remove default Padding

  • Remove the default background color

  • `onPress' is no longer a required parameter

1.0.4 #

  • add @immutable to fbutton.dart

  • minSDK 2.2

1.0.3 #

  • Remove a few bad attributes

  • Increase text configurability

pub points


verified publisheritbug.shop

Let developers just need to grasp only one button component.

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (license)


fcontrol, flutter


Packages that depend on fbutton_nullsafety