fastpay_iraq 1.0.3 copy "fastpay_iraq: ^1.0.3" to clipboard
fastpay_iraq: ^1.0.3 copied to clipboard

discontinuedreplaced by: fastpay_merchant

FastPay Iraq Flutter Plugin for Android and iOS to integrate FastPay payment gateway in your app.

FastPay Iraq Flutter #

FastPay Developers Arena Accept payments with FastPay's APIs. Our simple and easy-to-integrate APIs allow for less effort in processing payments. This is not an official support channel, but our APIs support both Android and iOS.

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Quick Glance #

  • this plugin not Official but build with integrate native Android & IOS that by FastPay published on FastPay Developers Portal.
  • you need contact FastPay to get storeID and Password

Installation #

  fastpay: ^1.0.2

Android #

  • Requires AndroidX

Build Gradle #

Include support in android/app/build.gradle add this line if not exit:

implementation ''

styles #

change theme app in android/app/src/main/res/values/styles.xml and android/app/src/main/res/values-night/styles.xml to :

if you want show appbar with app name title :
if you do not want show appbar with app name title :

Example :

<!-- change theme app to AppCompat theme -->
 <style name="LaunchTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light">
       <!-- update this line to change background payment color to white -->
        <item name="android:windowBackground">#ffffff</item>


Manifest #

add this line to manifest

       <-- lable name show in fastpay title screen -->
       <-- add this line in hear --> 


It doesn't need to be changed

  • iOS only supports real device you can't test it on simulator because FastPay SDK not support simulator

Initiate FastPaySDK #

  • Store ID : Merchant’s Store Id to initiate transaction
  • Store Password : Merchant’s Store password to initiate transaction
  • Order ID : Order ID/Bill number for the transaction, this value should be unique in every transaction
  • Amount : Payable amount in the transaction ex: “1000”
  • isProduction : Payment Environment to initiate transaction (false for test & true for real life transaction)

Examples #

FastpayResult _fastpayResult = await FastPayRequest(
                    storeID: "********", 
                    storePassword: "********",
                    amount: "1000", 
                    orderID: "HBBS7657", 
                     isProduction: false, 

 if (_fastpayResult.isSuccess ?? false) {
       // transaction success
     } else {
       // transaction failed

When FastPayRequest call open FastPay SDK then after payment return FastpayResult that contains:

payment result #

  • isSuccess : return true for a successful transaction else false.
  • errorMessage : if transaction failed return failed result
  • transactionStatus : Payment status weather it is success / failed.
  • transactionId : If payment is successful then a transaction id will be available.
  • orderId : Unique Order ID/Bill number for the transaction which was passed at initiation time.
  • paymentAmount : Payment amount for the transaction. “1000”
  • paymentCurrency : Payment currency for the transaction. (IQD)
  • payeeName : Payee name for a successful transaction.
  • payeeMobileNumber : Number: Payee name for a successful transaction.
  • paymentTime : Payment occurrence time as the timestamp.
pub points


unverified uploader

FastPay Iraq Flutter Plugin for Android and iOS to integrate FastPay payment gateway in your app.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


unknown (license)


flutter, plugin_platform_interface


Packages that depend on fastpay_iraq