fastor_app_ui_widget 1.3.61 fastor_app_ui_widget: ^1.3.61 copied to clipboard
Coding Faster By Build Fast UI Widget. Reduce 28% of chars in writing code & lines breaks. Basics ui widget with extra feature not found at regular widget.
1.3.61 #
- Update Readme
- Fixing Analytics Issue
1.3.58 #
- Fix Deprecated Of Theme color of "CheckboxFastor" widget
1.3.57 #
- Update Readme
- Fixing Analytics Issue
1.3.51 #
- ImageFastor : change names of parameter
1.3.49 #
- remove plugin "fl_cart" due to have error
1.3.45 #
- Allow To Upload File With Method Type "PUT"
1.3.44 #
- Fix Colors of "MobileCountryFastor"
1.3.43 #
- add new method "ToolsValidation.isPhoneMobileValidAndEnglishLetter" , check contain arabic letter
1.3.42 #
- Add class "ToolsValidation" at readme
- add new method for check arabic number. use class "ToolsValidation.isStringContainArabicNumber()"
1.3.41 #
- remove space in fixing phone number at method "ToolsPhone.fixEgyptAndSaudiNumber()"
1.3.40 #
- Add new widget "TimerCountDownFastor"
1.3.39 #
- add method "isStatusFrom200To210Code()" in class "ValidateResponse"
- fix SafeArea for "PageFastor" after version 1.3.30
- make required set color of statusBar Mobile Platform while use "PageFastor"
1.3.36 #
- readme update for method "BoarderHelper.cardViewBlur()"
1.3.33 #
- class "NetworkManagerHttp" : add Type Methods ( put, delete, htmlContent)
- class "NetworkManagerHttp" : choose type "NetworkTypeHttp.htmlContent" to handle error "XMLHttpRequest" in network in web platform
- class "NetworkManagerHttp" : show logs by parameter "isLogRequest = true" and "isLogResponse = true"
- class "NetworkManagerDio" : Handler Error XMLHttpRequest by using set parameter "handleErrorXMLHttpRequest = true"
1.3.30 #
- add new methods "NavigationTools.pushTransparentAnimateFade()" add new methods "NavigationTools.pushTransparent()"
- PageFastor rename "colorBackground" to "backgroundColor"
- Update Readme
1.3.29 #
- Make Optional "PageFastor" change color statusBar and navigationHomeBar
1.3.27 #
- Add "height" parameter to widget "CalenderFastor"
- Add "fontSize" parameter to widget "CalenderFastor"
1.3.26 #
- add "ValueChanged
- Remove logs print in logcat from plugin code.
1.3.25 #
add methods "getAlignmentGeometryStart()" it's return left Container( alignment ) in english, while in arabic return right Container( alignment )
add methods "getAlignmentGeometryEnd()" it's return right Container( alignment ) in english, while in arabic return left Container( alignment )
1.3.24 #
- Build "TextFieldPasswordFastor"
1.3.21 #
- Change SuffixIcon in widget "TextFieldEmailOrPhoneFastor" to be same place like regular "TextField"
- widget "MobileCountryFastor" force english direction
- widget "TextFieldEmailOrPhoneFastor" force english direction
1.3.19 #
- add "PaginateBarFastor" for admin panel
1.3.17 #
- responsive classes ResponsiveFastorConstant ,PortraitToLandscapeUtilsResponsiveFastor , PortraitBodyToCenterPageInLandscapeResponsiveFastor, ForumPortraitToLandscapeResponsiveFastor;
1.3.16 #
- add new method "DeviceTools.isLandscapeMobile()"
1.3.15 #
- create "PageViewFastor"
1.3.14 #
- update readme for "MobileCountryFastor" widget
- add "widthCountryCode" and "padding" for "MobileCountryFastor" widget
1.3.12 #
- add Progress Feature in "TableFastor"
1.3.11 #
- add "previousSelectedText" parameter in class "DateTextFieldFastor"
1.3.10 #
- class "ValidateResponse" add method "isResponseStatusCodeInvalidToken()"
- class "validateResponse" write readme of methods.
1.3.8 #
- In class "ApiParserFastor" add new method "convertBooleanToZeroAndOne()"
1.3.7 #
- in "SpinnerView" fix click on icon will popup dropdown
- in "DropdownFastor" make progress view with call attribute "showProgress"
1.3.5 #
- in "DropdownFastor" make previous selected is written instead of hint
1.3.4 #
- in "TabBarFastor" default TabBar flutter sdk not show underline in case not selected
1.3.3 #
- Build Class "ResponsiveFastor"
1.3.2 #
- Add Class "ApiParserFastor"
1.3.1 #
- Fastor - detect orientation device change to update the cache of width and height of device in class "DeviceTools"
1.3.0 #
- build new widget "TabBarFastor"
1.2.99 #
- easy get language code "ar" or "en" by using "LangFastor.activeLanguageCode"
1.2.98 #
- Fix white background at widget "SwitchFastor"
1.2.94 #
- Add "titleMargin" at "ToolbarSimpleFastor"
1.2.93 #
- Add "TextInputAction" at "TextFieldFastor"
1.2.92 #
- Fix Align Direction With Arabic
1.2.91 #
- Add Default Padding in Item Text Of "DropdownFastor" widget.
1.2.88 #
- Add "textAlignItemDropdown" at widget "DropdownFastor"
- Make default of "textDirection" is "LangFastor.getTextDirection()" at widget "DropdownFastor"
1.2.86 #
- Make "ToolbarSimpleFastor" applying with "LangFastor" direction ltr or rtl .
1.2.84 #
- Add in "NetworkHeaderTools" the "LangFastor" new method "bearerTokenAndLang()" return header with "lang" = ar or en
1.2.83 #
- add in "LangFastor" new way to translate english to arabic "arf" means "Arabic By Fastor"
1.2.81 #
- change min sdk version to be flutter 3.0.0, with dart version 2.17.0
1.2.80 #
- Language arabic for stack "Positioned" used "PositionedFastor"
- use "PositionedFastor.langFastor()" auto choose which langauge use used when use LangFastor plugin
1.2.79 #
- Language arabic fix Alignment of "Container" by using "LangFastor.getAlignmentGeometry()"
1.2.77 #
- export "LangFastor" class while you import fastor plugin
1.2.76 #
- Build "PositionFastor.directional()" for handle left and right
1.2.74 #
- Handle Direction of Dropdown or SpinnerView rtl or ltr by using parameter "textDirection"
1.2.73 #
- Fix "TableViewFastor" not rebuild with new data of "listRow"
1.2.72 #
- Validate "TextFieldFastor" parameter "decoration" is instance of class "InputDecoration"
1.2.71 #
- update readme
1.2.0 #
- make initialize fastor plugin from main() method by writing " await Fastor.initializeApp( ); "
1.0.268 #
- in "TextFieldFastor" convert "decoration" parameter to type "InputDecoration"
- in "TextFieldFastor" build "decorationBackground" parameter to type "decoration" to set in the container
- In "TextFieldFastor" make both parameter have same meaning "isShowBoarder" or "showOutlineInput"
1.0.267 #
- allow to use "NetworkDiocallback_dio? callback" the response json from class "NetworkManagerDio" while using "NetworkManagerDio().any()" or any method type like "NetworkManagerDio().get()"
1.0.266 #
- file upload progress using attribute "onReceiveProgress" in class "NetworkManagerDio"
1.0.263 #
- file upload progress using attribute "onSendProgress" in class "NetworkManagerDio"
1.0.262 #
- in "DropdownFastor" can change textstyle of item menu by using "textStyleItemDropdown"
1.0.260 #
- buttonFastor add feature progress bool? showProgress; double? sizeProgress; Color? colorProgress;
1.0.258 #
- add at "DropDownFastor" feature "previousPosition" take int position of choose one item selected programmatically, used at show previous selected item at edit form.
- add at "SpinnerView" feature "previousPosition" take int position of choose one item selected programmatically, used at show previous selected item at edit form.
1.0.256 #
- add listener "onRemoveSelected" at "DropdownFastor"
1.0.255 #
- add class "ClipboardFastor" to save/get from clipboard
- update readme of "DeviceTools" class
1.0.254 #
- add "hint_color" at "TextFieldEmailOrPhoneFastor" widget
1.0.253 #
- add "TextDirection" at "TextFieldEmailOrPhoneFastor" widget
1.0.252 #
- Build class "TableFastor"
1.0.251 #
- Build class "ScaffoldFastor"
1.0.250 #
- Add class "SaveFastor"
1.0.249 #
- hint and text in "CalenderFastor"
1.0.248 #
- add new method "ValidateResponse.isValidJson()"
1.0.247 #
- change name of "TableState" to "TableViewState" for class "TableViewFastor"
1.0.246 #
- add "colorItemTextSelected" at widget "DropdownFastor"
1.0.245 #
- fix dropdown if hidden when not names[]
- add some feature of style of "DropdownFastor"
1.0.239 #
- add "DateTime" in callback of "CalenderFastor"
1.0.238 #
- fix "ScrollFastor" and "ScrollViewPage" in last flutter sdk 3.13.1 , by removing "isAlwaysShown" at scrollview material
1.0.237 #
- build new class "LangFastor" for handle arabic translate and arabic direction left/right
1.0.236 #
- build new widget "TextFieldEmailOrPhoneFastor"
1.0.234 #
- in class "MobileCountryFastor" add feature "hint"
- in class "MobileCountryFastor" add feature "suffixIcon"
- in class "MobileCountryFastor" add feature "isHideCountryCode"
- in class "TextFieldFastor" when "isRemoveUnderLine" is true, remove from both focus and normal decoration.
1.0.233 #
- make "OTPTextFieldFastor" focus to previous field when user remove character.
1.0.232 #
- add "fontFamily" in class "TextFieldFastor"
- build new widget "OTPTextFieldFastor"
1.0.231 #
- add class "ZoneTools" return current country code.
1.0.230 #
- set the countryCode of current country to widget "MobileCountryFastor"
1.0.229 #
- add new widget "CalenderFastor"
1.0.228 #
- add new widget "MobileCountryFastor" use plugin "country_code_picker" with some customization in phone
1.0.227 #
- add method "ToolsPhone.fixEgyptAndSaudiNumber()" fix egyption people ways of enter mobile number.
- add method "ToolsPhone.fixEgyptAndSaudiNumber()" fix saudi people ways of enter mobile number.
1.0.226 #
- add method "ToolsValidation.checkTextIsPhoneNumberCharsOnlyWithoutAbc()"
1.0.225 #
- add some feature in style of "DropdownFastor"
1.0.223 #
- add method "ValidateResponse.isStatusBadRequest()" when status equal 400
- add method "ValidateResponse.isStatusCredentialWrong()" when status equal 403
1.0.221 #
- add class "ToolsWait" to make any action after waiting some time. Juse method "ToolsWait.waitToDo()"
1.0.219 #
- add method "ValidateResponse.isStatusFrom200To210()"
- add method "ValidateResponse.isSuccessStatusCode()" take parameter type Dio Response
1.0.216 #
- add suffix icon to TextFieldFastor
- error underline boarder for "isRemoveBoarder" equal true
- add in class "ValidatorTemplate" method "isEmailOrPhone()"
1.0.214 #
- add class "DateTextFieldFastor"
- add class "DateRangeTextFieldFastor"
- add listener "DateRangePickerResult" for range picker date.
1.0.211 #
- add class "DropdownFastor"
1.0.209 #
- animation - fade in "NavigationTools" class
1.0.208 #
- remove log from widget "GridViewFastor"
1.0.207 #
- add network type "patch" in class "NetworkManagerDio"
1.0.206 #
- add class "NetworkConfigDio" for constructor "NetworkManagerDio"
1.0.205 #
- default iconwidget in spinnerview is alighment to right.
1.0.204 #
- Spinnerview make it take error decoration " Decoration? errorOutlineDropdownDropdown;"
1.0.203 #
- spinnerview add error parse.
1.0.201 #
- add class "ProgressCircleFastor()"
- add class "ProgressSpinFastor()"
1.0.199 #
- add class "ScrollFastor"
- use ThemeData() default.
1.0.198 #
- class "Fastor" for call "Fastor.initializeApp()"
1.0.197 #
- class "SwitchFastor()"
1.0.195 #
- class "SpinnerView()" add feature: decoration
- class "SpinnerView()" add feature: colors
1.0.194 #
- fix not supported "flutter_clean_calendar" plugin while using "CalenderTemplate" widget.
1.0.193 #
- fix "ChartMultiLineFastor"
1.0.192 #
- remove support plugin "easy_localization" at plugin fastor
1.0.191 #
- add widget "ChartMultiLineFastor"
1.0.190 #
- Fix bug of Network Uploading File.
- class "TextFieldBackendErrorFastor" for handle error come from backend
1.0.188 #
- class "ToolsString" add methods "removeLastChar()" and method "isContainSingleCharacter()"
- class "ToolbarSimpleFastor" features change color of icon and title.
1.0.180 #
- class "InternetTools" for check internet connection.
- class "FastorTextField" remove "error_text" just use "ValidatorCustom" message.
1.0.178 #
- class "NetworkManagerDio" fix error "XMLHttpRequest" found at web platform.
1.0.176 #
- class "NetworkManagerDio" handle error.
- class "NetworkManagerDio" make method "callBack" return "Future
- Class "NetworkHeaderTools" check for valid token/username/password before generate header
1.0.172 #
- Make "ValidatorTemplate" take optional parameter "error_text"
- class "NetworkManagerDio" make method "callBack"
1.0.168 #
- Use "ValidatorType" in Form "TextFieldFastor"
- Error Style For "TextFieldFastor"
- Readme Fro How To Use "Cubit/BLoc" with "TextFieldFastor"
- TextFieldFastor handle error backend, by call from parameter constructor:
- String? errorBackendKeyJson;
- Map<String, dynamic>? errorBackendJson;
1.0.164 #
- class "NetworkManagerDio" handle status "404" or any status not 200, by using class "DioError"
- class "NetworkManagerDio" create method "any()" take any type of network type
- class "NetworkManagerDio" choose one method name "get()/put()/delete()/post()/file()"
1.0.158 #
- add class "NavigationTools" for push() or pushAndRemove() or pushWithResumeLifecycle()
1.0.156 #
- add class "Save" for save in cache
1.0.155 #
- Edit class "NetworkManagerHttp" methods "getFutureResponse()"
1.0.154 #
- Add 'color_inactive' in 'CheckboxFastor'
- Add 'color_active' in 'CheckboxFastor'
1.0.152 #
- Add CheckboxFastor
1.0.151 #
1.0.150 #
- Language Readme
- NetworkManage Readme
1.0.148 #
- Add Type "TextFieldFastor"
1.0.145 #
- Edit Readme ColumnFastor
1.0.144 #
- ColumnFastor, make alignment default is null like the Widget Column
1.0.142 #
- Add Feature "NetworkManager" by using class "NetworkManagerDio" and class "NetworkManagerHttp"
1.0.141 #
- BUILD "ColumnFastor"
1.0.139 #
- BUILD "RowScrollFastor"
1.0.136 #
- edit readme for image fastor
1.0.134 #
- edit readme for all page
1.0.133 #
- edit readme for button
1.0.132 #
- Default button color to black/gray
1.0.131 #
- Update "Readme"
1.0.130 #
- Fix "ScrollViewPage.dart" in webplatform for parameter "thumbVisibility"
1.0.129 #
- Add Extra "PointerDeviceKind" for touching.
1.0.128 #
- Update "Readme"
1.0.127 #
- fix bug "platformViewRegistry" not support in Mobile Platform, while support on Website this is Fake Code to can run apk on emulator Mobile
1.0.126 #
- Fix bigs at class "html_fake.dart"
1.0.125 #
- Fix (import 'dart:html') not found when run project for Mobile Platform Android/ios. Create the "html_fake.dart" to can use to switch between platform Mobile or website.
1.0.124 #
- Add "thumbVisibility" in "PageFastor" to show/hide the scrollbar.
- Hide the glow of scroll when go to top/bottom parent of screen.
1.0.123 #
- Add feature "isStopScroll" in "PageFastor" this prevent motion of scrolling by touch
1.0.120 #
- Fix class "LanguageTools.dart" when set arabic in cache.
1.0.119 #
- Readme guild, how to install package in project.
1.0.118 #
- fix default height of "ButtonFastor" by using DSDimen.button_height
1.0.117 #
- fix "ButtonFastor" be optional set textFontSize
- set default corner for "AppBarFastor"
1.0.115 #
- build "AppBarFastor"
1.0.114 #
- export "FastorMaterialApp"
1.0.113 #
- build "FastorScrollTheme" to fix shadow of scrollview
- build "FastorMaterialApp" must to be instead of MaterialApp to fix "FastorPage"
1.0.112 #
- fix issue keyboard pad when open, call many times build()
- fix "ButtonFastor" must set font text size
- export "NotchBarConstant"
- new widget "AppBarFastor"
- remove plugin "EasyLocalization" from "LanguageTools.dart"
1.0.111 #
1.0.110 #
- remove "flutter_inappwebview" from fastor package
1.0.109 #
- remove "MainTemplate" from fastor package
1.0.108 #
- remove "flutter_inappwebview" from fastor package
1.0.107 #
- class "ImageFastor" fix bug of aspectRation not fit to "contain" typedar
1.0.106 #
- export class "GridViewFastor"
1.0.105 #
- fix reverse vertical in scrollChildView with arabic language
1.0.104 #
- convert class "PageTemplate" to StateLessWidget by create class "PageFastor"
- fix bugs
0.0.98 #
- convert class "TextTemplate" to StateLessWidget by create class "TextFastor"
- convert class "ButtonTemplate" to StateLessWidget by create class "ButtonFastor"
- convert class "ImageViewTemplate" to StateLessWidget by create class "ImageFastor"
0.0.97 #
- Tutorial: PageTemplate
0.0.88 #
- "CalenderTemplate" fix wrap content height, and hide event listbuilder view
0.0.87 #
- "CalenderTemplate" fix when not mounted
0.0.86 #
- "CalendarTemplate" create method to update event id
0.0.85 #
- fix height of "CalendarTemplate"
0.0.84 #
- remove space and card shape from "CalenderTemplate"
0.0.83 #
- export class "CalenderTemplate"
0.0.82 #
- new class "CalendarTemplate" for select single date
- Add to "DSColor" Calendar colors Theme
0.0.81 #
- add padding bottom NotchBar for height iphone
0.0.80 #
- fix bugs "FastorStateManagement"
0.0.79 #
- add parameter "resizeToAvoidBottomInset" at class "PageTemplate"
0.0.78 #
- fix bugs in "PrefixIcon" at class "TextFieldTemplate"
0.0.77 #
- fix bugs in "PrefixIcon" at class "TextFieldTemplate"
0.0.76 #
- add "Widget? prefix" to class "TextFieldTemplate" to can set any widget icons or images
0.0.75 #
- add "bool? isShowBoarder" to class "TextFieldTemplate"
0.0.74 #
- add "BorderRadius? radiusBorder" to class "BoarderHelper"
0.0.73 #
- fix "MainAxisAlignment.end" not working in class "ColumnTemplate"
0.0.72 #
- fix "isRemoveUnderline" in "TextFieldTemplate" class
0.0.71 #
- fix bugs
0.0.70 #
- add "SystemUiOverlayStyle" in "PageTemplate" class by use parameter "homeButtonsBackgroundColor"
0.0.69 #
- add extra method at class "ToolsValidation"
0.0.68 #
- add "clearAll()" at class "FastorStateManagement"
0.0.67 #
- fix "getCurrentState()" at class "FastorStateManagement"
0.0.66 #
- add method "isAppForeground()" at class "FastorStateManagement"
0.0.65 #
- class "PageTemplate" add attribute "widgetBackground"
0.0.64 #
- class "BoarderHelper" in method "cardViewPhysical" add attribute "colorBackground"
0.0.63 #
- create class "FastorStateManagement" to manage the state
- edit class "DeviceTools" to add optional "color"
0.0.62 #
- export class "BorderRadiusTools" to helper in generate "Radius"
0.0.61 #
- add attribue "radiusBorder" at class "BoarderHelper" method "cardViewPhysical"
0.0.60 #
- fix class "BoarderHelper"
0.0.59 #
- fix scroll in browser at mobile, to more smooth
0.0.58 #
- fix scroll in browser at mobile, to more smooth
0.0.57 #
- fix scroll in browser at mobile, to more smooth
0.0.56 #
- fix scroll in browser at mobile, to more smooth
0.0.55 #
- attribute new "scrollController" at class "PageTemplate"
0.0.54 #
- attribute "scaffoldKey = GlobalKey()" at class "PageTemplate"
0.0.53 #
- create "ImageViewTemplate" class, to working as StatelessWidget
0.0.52 #
- fix v 0.0.51
0.0.51 #
- add attribute "boxFit_background" in "ImageView" to set shape (cover / fill), where cover make auto crop.
0.0.50 #
- add attribute "selectedTextAllow" in "TextTemplate" for web can select text by mouse
0.0.49 #
- add attribute "minLines" in "TextTemplate"
0.0.48 #
- add attribute "maxLines" in "TextTemplate"
0.0.47 #
- class "TextTemplate" remove Logs
0.0.46 #
- class "PageTemplate" try "Scaffold"
- Class "DeviceTools" fix percentage
0.0.45 #
- class "ListViewTemplate" remove "minWidth" due to cause problem in alignment not working in center
0.0.44 #
- fix "SingleChildScrollViewTemplate" not to be match parent width in "hList"
0.0.43 #
- fix "Background" to be tile "fit: BoxFit.fill" at class "ImageView"
0.0.42 #
- fix "Dark Level for Dimensions" in "TextTemplate"
0.0.41 #
- fix "Dimen" in "TextTemplate"
0.0.40 #
- set "DeviceTools" extra feature, set by percentage, set by fifth
0.0.39 #
- set "decorationColor" same color text in "TextTemplate"
0.0.38 #
- fix "shared_preferences"
0.0.37 #
- fix "hive"
0.0.36 #
- remove lib "shared_preferences" and use "hive" instead
0.0.35 #
- update version "shared_preferences: ^2.0.15"
0.0.34 #
- fix class "SpinnerView"
0.0.33 #
- fix class "scrollAllPage"
0.0.32 #
- add controller to class "scrollAllPage"
0.0.31 #
- fix : "PageTemplate"
0.0.30 #
- fix : "PageTemplate"
0.0.29 #
- class "color change of toolbar"
0.0.28 #
- class "ImageView" fix ValueChanged
0.0.27 #
- class "ImageView" set image url by state variable
0.0.26 #
- export class "ImageCircleView"
0.0.25 #
- add new colors in "DSColor" for "menu"
0.0.24 #
- add new class for progress "ProgressSpinkit"
0.0.23 #
- add new types of "FormFieldValidator" is : min, max, equal
0.0.22 #
- add "focus" and max" at class "TextFiledTemplate"
0.0.21 #
- add class "CropTemplate"
0.0.20 #
- fix class "DirectionLanguage" remove "!"
0.0.19 #
- fix class "DirectionLanguage"
0.0.18 #
- add new feature in class "LanguageTools.dart", add method "setArabicWhenDeviceLangaugeIsArabic()"
0.0.17 #
- fix class "ImageTemplate" make set image background, type "fit: BoxFit.cover"
0.0.16 #
- fix class "UniqueTools" return double not integer
0.0.15 #
- DSColor add Table
- fix DSDimen padding button
0.0.14 #
- DSDimen add padding button
0.0.13 #
- fix class "DirectionLanguage"
0.0.12 #
- export class "ListenerChangeDeviceSize"
0.0.11 #
- export class "ValidatorTemplate"
0.0.10 #
- arabic direction fix bug: scroll page when arabic, make reverse down to top
0.0.9 #
- add dependence "shared_preferences"
- "LanguageTools" class make it in singletone check the cache by using dependence "shared_preferences"
0.0.8 #
- edit class "PageTemplate.dart" add new feature "statusBarColor"
- export class "LogDebug.dart"
- export class "LevelDS.dart"
0.0.7 #
- edit class "StatusBarConstant.dart" to allow to edit color
- export class "DSColor.dart" to allow to edit design system
- export class "DSDimen.dart" to allow to edit design system
- export class "DSFont.dart" to allow to edit design system
- export class "HexColor"
- edit guide get start: replace main file
0.0.6 #
- license for website ""
0.0.5 #
- Guide "Get Start"
0.0.4 #
- class "runAppFastor.dart" to call form "main.dart"
0.0.3 #
- class "MainTemplate.dart", make all classes export at "Fastor.dart" class
0.0.2 #
- fix class "BoarderHelper.dart" warning
0.0.1 #
- TODO: Describe initial release.