fancy_richtext 0.0.3
fancy_richtext: ^0.0.3 copied to clipboard
Markdown like RichText features with color,bold,italic,heading,strikethrough,underline support
A widget that display text like markdown with own tags
Features #
- If u want to use only text u can use it
Getting started #
If you want to hightlight text you can use this package for more information plz check on github repo
Usage #
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(),
body: const FuncyRichText(
text: """
**//black//1.** #//cyan//HEADING# \n
2. ##//yellow//HEADING2## \n
3. ###//green//HEADING3### \n
4. ####//#232323//HEADING4M<__>HEXCOLOR#### \n
5. #####HEADING5##### \n
6. ######HEADING6###### \n
7. <--/__/--> --> <__> SPACE \n
8. **BOLD** \n
9. ***BOLD_ITALIC*** \n
11. *ITALIC* \n
12. **//red//BOLD<__>WITH<__>COLOR** \n
12. _UNDER_LINE_ \n
1. color //red// //#ffffff//
2. bold **TEXT**
3. italic *TEXT*
4. heading1 #TEXT#
5. <__> white space
6. boldItalic ***TEXT***
7. heading2 ##TEXT##
8. heading3 ###TEXT###
9. heading4 ####TEXT####
10. heading5 #####TEXT#####
11. heading6 ######TEXT######
12. strikeThrough ~TEXT~
13. underLine _TEST_
14. link [[google,]]
- ❌ TODO add escape tags
- ✅ whitespace done
##INFO All texts were splitted by white space eg."*HELLO* **WORD**"
It will decorate HELLO AND WORD If you want to ingore the space use<__> *HELLO<__>WORLD*