eztime 0.0.1 eztime: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard
Easy to use, tiny Time library for when you just need time without all that DateTime nonsense.
Easy to use, tiny Time library for when you just need time without all that DateTime nonsense.
Features #
- Conversion to and from
s - Conversion to and from milliseconds as
s - Addition and subtraction
Getting started #
To get started, simply import the library with import 'package:eztime/eztime.dart'
and create a Time
var t = Time.fromString("12:00:00");
// or
var t = Time.fromMilliseconds(43200000); // 12 hours
// or
var t = Time(12, 00, 00)
Usage #
Addition and subtraction
Time(12) + Time(0, 30); // 12:30:00
Time(10) - Time(5); // 05:00:00
Time(10, 0, 0, true) + Time(5); // -10:00:00 + 05:00:00 = -05:00:00
Conversion to and from more familiar formats
print(Time.fromString("00:30:00").toString()); // 00:30:00
print(Time(0, 1, 5).asMilliseconds); // 65000
Additional information #
Source code found at https://github.com/jaq-the-cat/eztime. Contribute at any time with anything, I'm pretty much always on GitHub :P