ezflap 0.9.0+7 copy "ezflap: ^0.9.0+7" to clipboard
ezflap: ^0.9.0+7 copied to clipboard


Reactive Markup for Flutter. Allows to use a simple XML-based markup to easily create reactive UX.

ezFlap is a reactive markup library for Flutter.

With ezFlap, you can:

  • Use XML to define your user interface.
  • Style widgets with CSS-like selectors.
  • Control the rendering flow with XML attributes.
  • Forget about setState().
    • The UI updates automatically when the underlying data is modified.
  • Easily communicate with parent widgets, using:
    • Events.
      • Bi-directional models.
  • Easy access to hosted widgets from their parent widgets' code.
  • Separate business logic from widget tree building.
  • Easier conversion of Vuejs and Angular web applications to Flutter.

ezFlap is inspired by Vuejs and a little bit by Angular.

Read the full documentation at ezflap.io.

What ezFlap Looks Like #

This is what an ezFlap version of the Flutter bootstrap project may look like:

MyApp #


MyHomePage #


Getting Started #

ezFlap is mainly a build-time tool, used to "compile" ezFlap widgets to Dart.

An "ezFlap widget" is a Flutter widget that provides its render tree using ezFlap's ZML and annotations.

When developing ezFlap widgets - we do not write a build() method. ezFlap generates it for us automatically.

We will refer to Flutter widgets that are not ezFlap widgets as "native widgets".

ezFlap analyzes:

  • The ezFlap widget class.
  • ezFlap annotations.
  • ZML code (that provides the build tree).
  • ZSS code (that provides styling).
  • ZSS files in the directory hierarchy.

Then, it generates the Dart code that will:

  • Build the widgets tree
  • Perform additional logic expressed in the ZML and ZSS of the widget.

Where to Go From Here #

Follow the Installation instructions, and then read the full documentation.

OR choose from the following resources:



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Reactive Markup for Flutter. Allows to use a simple XML-based markup to easily create reactive UX.

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analyzer, build, dart_style, flutter, flutter_test, get, meta, path, source_gen, stack_trace, xml


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