ezetap_sdk 0.2.6 ezetap_sdk: ^0.2.6 copied to clipboard
Integrating the SDK will allow you to access Ezetap services in your application
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:ui' as ui;
import 'package:eze_sdk_flutter_example/re_print.dart';
import 'package:ezetap_sdk/ezetap_sdk.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:screenshot/screenshot.dart';
void main() {
runApp(const MaterialApp(home: MyApp()));
class MyApp extends StatefulWidget {
const MyApp({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
State<MyApp> createState() => _MyAppState();
class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
String _result = 'Unknown';
// Platform messages are asynchronous, so we initialize in an async method.
Future<void> initSdk() async {
var json = {
"prodAppKey": "",
"demoAppKey": "",
"merchantName": "",
"userName": "",
"currencyCode": 'INR',
"appMode": "DEMO",
"captureSignature": 'true',
"prepareDevice": 'false',
"captureReceipt": 'false'
String? result = await EzetapSdk.initialize(jsonEncode(json));
if (!mounted) return;
setState(() {
_result = result;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
home: Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: const Text('Ezetap Sample'),
body: Center(
child: Column(
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.center,
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
children: [
ElevatedButton(onPressed: initSdk, child: const Text("SDK Init")),
onPressed: onPreparePressed,
child: const Text("Prepare Device")),
onPressed: () {
child: const Text("Print Bitmap")),
onPressed: onBarcodePressed,
child: const Text("Scan Barcode")),
onPressed: checkPrinterStatus,
child: const Text("Printer Status")),
onPressed: printTextReceipt,
child: const Text("Print Text Receipt")),
onPressed: showCustomReceiptView,
child: const Text("Print Custom Receipt")),
onPressed: onGetDeviceInfo,
child: const Text("Device Info")),
flex: 1,
child: SingleChildScrollView(
scrollDirection: Axis.vertical, child: Text(_result)),
Future<void> onGetDeviceInfo() async {
String? result = await EzetapSdk.getDeviceInfo();
if (!mounted) return;
setState(() {
_result = result;
Future<void> onBarcodePressed() async {
String? result = await EzetapSdk.scanBarcode();
if (!mounted) return;
setState(() {
_result = result;
Future<void> onPressed(BuildContext context) async {
final controller = ScreenshotController();
///@author TIJO THOMAS
///BillWidget is a dummy receipt widget to create base64
///const BoxConstraints(maxHeight: 1500), change the height according to your receipt
final bytes = await controller.captureFromLongWidget(
InheritedTheme.captureAll(context, const Material(child: ReprintPage())),
pixelRatio: 2.0,
context: context,
constraints: const BoxConstraints(maxHeight: 1500),
delay: const Duration(milliseconds: 100),
var base64Image = base64Encode(bytes);
try {
String? result = await EzetapSdk.printBitmap(base64Image);
if (!mounted) return;
setState(() {
_result = result;
} on PlatformException catch (e) {
if (!mounted) return;
setState(() {
_result = e.message.toString();
Future<void> onPreparePressed() async {
String? result = await EzetapSdk.prepareDevice();
if (!mounted) return;
setState(() {
_result = result;
Future<void> checkPrinterStatus() async {
String? result = await EzetapSdk.checkPrinterStatus();
if (!mounted) return;
setState(() {
_result = result;
Future<void> printTextReceipt() async {
var txtReceipt = "-----------------------------------\n" +
" Receipt\n" +
"-----------------------------------\n" +
"\n" +
"Date: January 9, 2024\n" +
"Time: 12:30 PM\n" +
"\n" +
"-----------------------------------\n" +
"\n" +
"Items Purchased:\n" +
"1. Item Name 10.00\n" +
"2. Another Item 15.50\n" +
"3. Yet Another Item 8.75\n" +
"\n" +
"-----------------------------------\n" +
"\n" +
"Subtotal: 34.25\n" +
"Tax (8%): 2.74\n" +
"Total Amount: 36.99\n" +
"\n" +
"-----------------------------------\n" +
"\n" +
"Payment Method: Credit Card\n" +
"\n" +
"Card Number: **** **** **** 1234\n" +
"Expiry Date: 12/25\n" +
"Authorization Code: 56789\n" +
"\n" +
"-----------------------------------\n" +
"\n" +
"Thank you for your purchase!\n" +
"Please come again.\n" +
"\n" +
try {
String? result = await EzetapSdk.printTextReceipt(txtReceipt);
if (!mounted) return;
setState(() {
_result = result;
} on PlatformException catch (e) {
if (!mounted) return;
setState(() {
_result = e.message.toString();
Future<void> showCustomReceiptView() async {
final ByteData data = await rootBundle.load('assets/logo.png');
final Uint8List bytes = data.buffer.asUint8List();
ui.decodeImageFromList(bytes, (ui.Image img) async {
ByteData? byteData = await img.toByteData(format: ui.ImageByteFormat.png);
var receipt = [
base64.encode(byteData?.buffer.asUint8List() as List<int>),
"<div class=\"item\" style=\"text-align: center;\"><span style=\"font-size: 34;\"><big>Heading</big></span></div>",
"<div class=\"item\"><span>Date:</span> <span>2024-02-12</span></div>",
"<div class=\"item\"><span>Time:</span> <span>15:30</span></div>",
"<div class=\"item\"><span>Receipt No:</span> <span>123456</span></div>",
"<div class=\"item\"><span>Items:</span><ul><li>Item 1 - \$10</li><li>Item 2 - \$20</li><li>Item 3 - \$15</li></ul></div>",
"<div class=\"item\"><span>Total:</span> <span>\$45</span></div>",
"<div class=\"item\"><span>Date:</span> <span>2024-02-12</span></div>",
"<div class=\"item\"><span>Time:</span> <span>15:30</span></div>",
"<div class=\"item\"><span>Receipt No:</span> <span>123456</span></div>",
"<div class=\"item\"><span>Items:</span><ul><li>Item 1 - \$10</li><li>Item 2 - \$20</li><li>Item 3 - \$15</li></ul></div>",
"<div class=\"item\"><span>Total:</span> <span>\$45</span></div>",
"<div class=\"item\"><span>Date:</span> <span>2024-02-12</span></div>",
"<div class=\"item\"><span>Time:</span> <span>15:30</span></div>",
"<div class=\"item\"><span>Receipt No:</span> <span>123456</span></div>",
"<div class=\"item\"><span>Items:</span><ul><li>Item 1 - \$10</li><li>Item 2 - \$20</li><li>Item 3 - \$15</li></ul></div>",
"<div class=\"item\"><span>Total:</span> <span>\$45</span></div>",
"<div class=\"item\"><span>Date:</span> <span>2024-02-12</span></div>",
"<div class=\"item\"><span>Time:</span> <span>15:30</span></div>",
"<div class=\"item\"><span>Receipt No:</span> <span>123456</span></div>",
"<div class=\"item\"><span>Items:</span><ul><li>Item 1 - \$10</li><li>Item 2 - \$20</li><li>Item 3 - \$15</li></ul></div>",
"<div class=\"item\"><span>Total:</span> <span>\$45</span></div>",
base64.encode(byteData?.buffer.asUint8List() as List<int>)
try {
String? result = await EzetapSdk.showReceiptView(jsonEncode(receipt));
if (!mounted) return;
setState(() {
_result = result;
} on PlatformException catch (e) {
if (!mounted) return;
setState(() {
_result = e.message.toString();