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Extensions Pro simplifies your development process, making it faster and more efficient.
Extension Pro #
Extension Pro simplifies your development process, making it faster and more efficient.
This Extensions Pro Package empowers you to accelerate your development process, enabling faster and more efficient project completion.
Date and Time Extension
//Date Picker
final dateSelected = await context.pickDate(dateFormatChange: "yyyy-MM-dd"); Output: 2024-11-06
// Time Picker
TimeOfDay? selectedTime;
final selectedTimes = await context.pickTime();
setState(() {
selectedTime = selectedTimes;
var output = selectedTime!.format(context); // 11:08 PM
//Week Day
int day = 3;
var days=day.toWeekDay(); // Output: Wednesday
var dayHalfName=day.toWeekDay(isHalfName: true); // Output: Wed
//Date Time Difference
final date1 = DateTime(2024, 11, 19);
final date2 = DateTime(2024, 11, 15);
final difference = date1.differenceInDays(date2);
Difference in days: difference.inDays // Output: Difference in days: 4 days
Total difference in hours: difference.inHours // Output: Total difference in hours: 96 hours
Valid URL Extension
final url1 = "https://www.example.com";
final url2 = "example.com";
final url3 = "htp:/invalid-url";
final url4 = "https://sub.domain.co.uk/path";
print("Is '$url1' a valid URL? ${url1.isValidUrl()}"); // Output: true
print("Is '$url2' a valid URL? ${url2.isValidUrl()}"); // Output: true
print("Is '$url3' a valid URL? ${url3.isValidUrl()}"); // Output: false
print("Is '$url4' a valid URL? ${url4.isValidUrl()}"); // Output: true
Navigation Extension
context.push(SecondScreen()); // Push a new Screen
context.pushReplacement(SecondScreen()); // Push and Replace Current Screen
context.pop(); // Pop the Current Screen
context.pushAndRemoveUntil(HomeScreen()); // Push and Clear Navigation Stack
Widgets Extension
widget.withPadding(EdgeInsets.all(8.0)); //withPadding: Wraps the widget in a Padding widget to apply padding around it.
widget.withMargin(EdgeInsets.all(8.0)); // withMargin: Wraps the widget in a Container and applies margin.
widget.centered(); // centered: Centers the widget inside a Center widget.
widget.withBorder(color: Colors.blue, width: 2.0); // withBorder: Adds a border around the widget by wrapping it inside a Container with a BoxDecoration.
widget.withShadow(blurRadius: 5.0, color: Colors.grey); // withShadow: Adds a shadow to the widget by wrapping it in a Material widget.
widget.withRoundedCorners(radius: 12.0); //withRoundedCorners: Applies rounded corners to the widget using ClipRRect.
widget.onTap(() { events. //// onTap: Wraps the widget inside a GestureDetector to detect tap
print('Widget tapped!');
widget.withVisibility(true); // withVisibility: Wraps the widget in a Visibility widget, conditionally hiding it based on the isVisible flag.
// Example
Text('Hello World!')
.withBorder(color: Colors.blue, width: 2.0)
.withShadow(blurRadius: 8.0, color: Colors.black)
.withRoundedCorners(radius: 12.0),
onPressed: () {
print('Button tapped');
child: Text('Tap Me'),
).onTap(() {
print('Button tapped from extension!');
String Extension
print('flutter'.capitalize()); // Capitalize the first letter Output: Flutter
print('test@example.com'.isValidEmail()); // Check if the string is a valid email Output: true
print('invalid-email'.isValidEmail()); // Check if the string is a valid emailOutput: false
print('flutter'.reverse()); // Reverse the string Output: rettulf
print('123'.isNumeric()); // Check if the string is numeric Output: true
print('abc'.isNumeric()); // Check if the string is numeric Output: false
print('Flutter is awesome'.removeWhitespace()); // Remove all whitespace Output: Flutterisawesome
print('Flutter is amazing'.truncate(10)); // Truncate the string with ellipsis Output: Flutter is...
print('snake_case_string'.toCamelCase()); // Convert snake_case to camelCase Output: SnakeCaseString
print('flutter is fun'.countOccurrences('u')); // Count occurrences of a character Output: 2
print('madam'.isPalindrome()); // Check if the string is a palindrome Output: true
print('flutter'.isPalindrome()); // Check if the string is a palindrome Output:
print('Order1234'.extractNumbers()); // Extract numbers from a string Output: 1234
Authors #
🚀 About Me #
I'm a full stack developer. Cross-Platform Mobile Developer: Android, iOS, Swift , and Flutter Expert
License #
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