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Extension Pro simplifies your development process, making it faster and more efficient.
Extension Pro #
Extension Pro simplifies your development process, making it faster and more efficient.
This Extensions Pro Package empowers you to accelerate your development process, enabling faster and more efficient project completion.
- Date Picker
- Week Day
- Time Picker
- Date Time Difference
- Valid URL
- Navigation Extension
- Widgets Extension
Date Picker
final dateSelected = await context.pickDate(dateFormatChange: "yyyy-MM-dd"); Output: 2024-11-06
Week Day
int day = 3;
var days=day.toWeekDay(); // Output: Wednesday
var dayHalfName=day.toWeekDay(isHalfName: true); // Output: Wed
Time Picker
TimeOfDay? selectedTime;
// onTap
final selectedTimes = await context.pickTime();
setState(() {
selectedTime = selectedTimes;
var output = selectedTime!.format(context); // 11:08 PM
Date Time Difference
final date1 = DateTime(2024, 11, 19);
final date2 = DateTime(2024, 11, 15);
final difference = date1.differenceInDays(date2);
Difference in days: difference.inDays // Output: Difference in days: 4 days
Total difference in hours: difference.inHours // Output: Total difference in hours: 96 hours
Valid URL
final url1 = "https://www.example.com";
final url2 = "example.com";
final url3 = "htp:/invalid-url";
final url4 = "https://sub.domain.co.uk/path";
print("Is '$url1' a valid URL? ${url1.isValidUrl()}"); // Output: true
print("Is '$url2' a valid URL? ${url2.isValidUrl()}"); // Output: true
print("Is '$url3' a valid URL? ${url3.isValidUrl()}"); // Output: false
print("Is '$url4' a valid URL? ${url4.isValidUrl()}"); // Output: true
Navigation Extension
context.push(SecondScreen()); // Push a new Screen
context.pushReplacement(SecondScreen()); // Push and Replace Current Screen
context.pop(); // Pop the Current Screen
context.pushAndRemoveUntil(HomeScreen()); // Push and Clear Navigation Stack
Widgets Extension
// withPadding: Wraps the widget in a Padding widget to apply padding around it.
// withMargin: Wraps the widget in a Container and applies margin.
// centered: Centers the widget inside a Center widget.
// withBorder: Adds a border around the widget by wrapping it inside a Container with a BoxDecoration.
widget.withBorder(color: Colors.blue, width: 2.0);
// withShadow: Adds a shadow to the widget by wrapping it in a Material widget.
widget.withShadow(blurRadius: 5.0, color: Colors.grey);
//withRoundedCorners: Applies rounded corners to the widget using ClipRRect.
widget.withRoundedCorners(radius: 12.0);
// onTap: Wraps the widget inside a GestureDetector to detect tap
widget.onTap(() { events.
print('Widget tapped!');
// withVisibility: Wraps the widget in a Visibility widget, conditionally hiding it based on the isVisible flag.
// Example
Text('Hello World!')
.withBorder(color: Colors.blue, width: 2.0)
.withShadow(blurRadius: 8.0, color: Colors.black)
.withRoundedCorners(radius: 12.0),
onPressed: () {
print('Button tapped');
child: Text('Tap Me'),
).onTap(() {
print('Button tapped from extension!');