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Simple union types using extension types. Types: the union of `int` and `String` is `Union2<int, String>`. Values: `42.u21` is `42` with type `Union2<int, Never>`.

Extension Type Unions #

Support for union types in Dart has been requested at least since 2012. This repository provides a basic level of support for union types in Dart.

Union Types, and the kind offered here #

There are several different ways to define the notion of a union type. Here is how to understand union types in the context of this package:

A union type is a type which is created by taking the union of several other types. At the conceptual level, we could use a notation like int | String to denote the union of the types int and String. (Note that this package does not support new syntax for union types, this notation is only used to talk about the meaning of union types.) The basic semantics of a union type is that an object has the union type iff it has any of the types that we're taking the union of. For example, 1 has type int | String, and so does 'Hello'.

This package supports union types that are untagged: There is no wrapper object or any other kind of run-time entity that keeps track of the operand type which was used to justify the typing of a given object. So if you have an expression of type Object | num and the value has run-time type int then you can't tell whether it's considered to have that union type because it's a num, or because it's an Object.

The kind of union type which is supported by this package does not have any of the algebraic properties that one would normally expect. In particular, there is no support for computing the traditional subtype relationships (such that int | String is the same type as String | int, and int and String are both subtypes of int | String, etc). Similarly, there is no support for detecting (and acting on) the otherwise standard property that Object | num is the same as Object.

Those properties would certainly be supported by an actual language mechanism, but this package just provides a very simple version of union types where these algebraic properties are considered unknown. In general, these union types are unrelated, except for standard covariance (e.g., int | Car | Never is a subtype of num | Vehicle | String, assuming that Car is a subtype of Vehicle).

Concrete syntax and example #

Now please forget about the nice, conceptual notation T1 | T2. The actual notation for that union type with this package is Union2<T1, T2>. There is a generic extension type for each arity up to 9, that is Union2, Union3, ... Union9.

Here is an example showing how it can be used:

import 'package:extension_type_unions/extension_type_unions.dart';

int f(Union2<int, String> x) => x.split(
      (i) => i + 1,
      (s) => s.length,

void main() {
  print(f(1.u21)); // '2'.
  print(f('Hello'.u22)); // '5'.

This example illustrates that this kind of union type can be used to declare that a particular formal parameter can be an int or a String, and nothing else, and it is then possible to pass actual arguments which are of type int or String, as long as they are explicitly marked as having the union type and being a particular operand (first or second, in this case) of that union type.

The method split is used to handle the different cases (when the value of x is actually an int respectively a String). It is safe in the sense that it accepts actual arguments for the operands of the union type; that is, the first argument is a function (a callback) that receives an argument of type int, and the second argument is a function that receives an argument of type String, and split is going to call the one that fits the actual value.

The extension getters u21 and u22 invoke the corresponding extension type constructors. For example, 1.u21 is the same thing as Union2<int, String>.in1(1), which may again be understood conceptually as "turn 1 into a value of type int | String, using the first type in the union". The actual type arguments int and String are obtained from the context, which allows us to use the concise notation 1.u21.

An alternative approach would be to use a plain type test:

int g(Union2<int, String> x) => switch (x.value) {
      int i => i + 1,
      String s => s.length,
      _ => throw "Unexpected type",

This will run just fine, but there is no static type check on the cases: x.value has the type Object?, and there is no notification (error or warning) if we test for the wrong set of types (say, if we're testing for a double and for a String, and forget all about int).

Extension Type implications #

This package uses extension types in order to implement support for union types. There are a few important consequences of this choice, as described below.

First, there is no run-time cost associated with the use of these union types, compared to the situation where we use a much more general type (say, dynamic) and then pass actual arguments of type, say, int or String. Applied to the example from the previous section, we would get the following variant:

int h(dynamic x) {
  if (x is int) return x + 1;
  if (x is String) return x.length;
  throw "Unexpected type";

The approach that uses extension types is useful because (1) g is just as cheap as h, and (2) g gives rise to static type checks: It is an error to pass an actual argument to g which is not an int or a String (suitably wrapped up as a Union2).

(f is probably slightly more expensive than g and h because it includes the creation and invocation of function literals. However, f has better type safety and, arguably, better readability.)

The static type checks are strict, as usual, in that it is a compile-time error to pass, say, an argument of type Union2<double, String> to f or g. This means that we do keep track of the fact that f is intended to work on an int or on a String, and not on any other kind of object.

However, it is always possible to violate the encapsulation of an extension type by applying a type cast to it. This is the basic trade-off which is inherently a property of extension types: There is no wrapper object, we're just using the underlying representation object directly, and the extension type as such is erased and does not exist at run time (it is replaced by the type of its field). Here is an example where we obtain an invalid value of type Union2<int, String>:

void main() {
  var invalid = true as Union2<int, String>; // No error here.
  print(invalid.isValid); // We can detect it manually: 'false'.
  try {
    invalid.split((_){}, (_){}); // Throws, because `invalid` is invalid.
  } catch (_) {
    print('Caught validity exception'); // Reached.

This illustrates that a cast (as) to an extension type is possible (it succeeds at run time because the actual object is a bool, and the type of the value of the extension type is Object?). In other words, we can easily obtain an expression of type Union2<int, String> whose value isn't any of those two types.

However, the point is that this will only happen if the code uses a type cast, and for an organization or developer who is using 'extension_type_unions' to detect type mismatches, it shouldn't be too difficult to simply avoid having any such casts.

Moreover, the extension type feature will be supported by a lint which will report the locations where such casts occur.

An alternative approach would be to use a regular class (rather than an extension type) to model each union type. The code would be identical, except that the words extension type would be replaced by class in the declaration of each class Union1 .. Union9, and the constructor would have to be specified in the more verbose syntax which is used for class constructors today. If we had done that then the use of union types would be considerably more expensive at run time, because every union type would be reified as an actual wrapper object.

On the other hand, we would have firm guarantees (no instance of a class C can be obtained without running a generative constructor of C, and the constructors of the Union... classes do check that the given value has the required type), i.e., there would never exist an invalid union value. On the other hand, it would be a performance cost (time and space), and the assumption behind this package is that the trade-off associated with the use of extension types is more useful in practice.

The type Json #

This package includes an extension type named Json which is used to support an approach which is typically used when a JSON term is parsed and modeled as an object structure that consists of lists, maps, and certain primitive values.

This could be modeled as a recursive union type, but not as a plain union type. For example, a Json typed value could be a List<Json> that contains elements of type Json which could in turn be List<Json>, and so on. This implies that we cannot describe Json as a simple union of "other" types.

// Assuming that Dart supports recursive typedefs (but it doesn't).
rec typedef Json = 
  | bool
  | int
  | double
  | List<Json>
  | Map<String, Json>;

We could of course say that Json is just a plain union with operands Null, bool, int, double, List<dynamic>, and Map<String, dynamic>. However, if we do that then we haven't modeled the constraint that the contents of those collections must again be of type Json. So we could have, for example, <dynamic>[#foo], which should be prevented because we don't expect to encounter a Symbol in a JSON value.

It is not hard to express the recursive nature of these object graphs in terms of member signatures: We just make sure that a value of type Json is typed as a Map<String, Json> in the case where it is a map, and so on. This doesn't rely on any special type system magic. It just requires that each recursive type is supported by a corresponding extension type, because Union6 won't suffice.

Future extensions #

If Dart adds support for implicit constructors then we will be able to avoid the unwieldy syntax at sites where a given expression needs to get a union type:

import 'package:extension_type_unions/extension_type_unions.dart';

int f(Union2<int, String> x) => x.split(
      (i) => i + 1,
      (s) => s.length,

void main() {
  print(f(1)); // '2'.
  print(f('Hello')); // '5'.

This would work because an expression e of type int in a location where a Union2<int, String> is expected is implicitly rewritten as Union2<int, String>.in1(e) if Union2.in1 is an implicit constructor. Similarly, 'Hello' would be implicitly rewritten as Union2<int, String>.in2('Hello') if Union2.in2 is implicit.

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Simple union types using extension types. Types: the union of `int` and `String` is `Union2<int, String>`. Values: `42.u21` is `42` with type `Union2<int, Never>`.

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