extended_markdown_viewer 0.3.0 copy "extended_markdown_viewer: ^0.3.0" to clipboard
extended_markdown_viewer: ^0.3.0 copied to clipboard

A Flutter package that displays markdown text in a flutter widget with support for simple html tags like <u>, <b> and <i>,<li><ol><ul> etc , while also allowing you to expand or collapse the widget

Extended Markdown Viewer #

A Flutter package that provides a customizable Markdown viewer with "Read More/Less" functionality, perfect for displaying collapsible Markdown content in your Flutter applications.

Features #

  • 📝 Renders Markdown content with HTML support
  • ↕️ Expandable/Collapsible text with smooth animation
  • 🎨 Customizable appearance including text colors and read more/less widgets
  • 🔗 Customizable link tap handling
  • 📏 Configurable collapsed text length
  • 🎯 Smart text truncation that preserves Markdown structure
  • ⚡ Smooth transitions with fade animations
  • 📐 Configurable content alignment (start, center, end)

Getting started #

Add this package to your Flutter project by including it in your pubspec.yaml:

  extended_markdown_viewer: ^1.0.0

Usage #

Here's a simple example of how to use ExtendedMarkDownViewer:

  markdownText: '''
# Hello World
This is a markdown text that can be collapsed and expanded.
It supports **bold**, *italic*, and [links](https://example.com).
  maxCollapsedLength: 100,
  readMoreText: 'Show more',
  readLessText: 'Show less',

Customization #

You can customize various aspects of the viewer:

  markdownText: yourMarkdownText,
  maxCollapsedLength: 150,
  readMoreText: 'Continue reading',
  readLessText: 'Close',
  expandedTextColor: Colors.black,
  collapsedTextColor: Colors.grey,
  readMoreTextColor: Colors.blue,
  readLessTextColor: Colors.blue,
  readMoreWidget: CustomWidget(), // Custom widget for read more button
  readLessWidget: CustomWidget(), // Custom widget for read less button
  contentAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.center, // Align content center
  isExpandable: true, // Toggle expandability
  onLinkTap: (url, params) {
    // Handle link taps

Additional information #

Properties #

  • markdownText: The Markdown content to display
  • maxCollapsedLength: Maximum length of text when collapsed (default: 80)
  • readMoreText: Text for expand button (default: "Read more")
  • readLessText: Text for collapse button (default: "Read less")
  • expandedTextColor: Color of text when expanded
  • collapsedTextColor: Color of text when collapsed
  • readMoreTextColor: Color of read more text
  • readLessTextColor: Color of read less text
  • contentAlignment: Alignment of content (start, center, end)
  • isExpandable: Whether the content can be expanded/collapsed
  • onLinkTap: Callback for handling link taps
  • readMoreWidget: Custom widget to replace default read more button
  • readLessWidget: Custom widget to replace default read less button

Features in Detail #

Smart Text Truncation

The viewer intelligently truncates text while preserving Markdown structure, ensuring that the formatting is preserved.


  • Smooth size transitions when expanding/collapsing
  • Fade animations for content changes
  • Configurable animation durations


  • Zero default margins and padding for clean integration
  • Customizable list indentation
  • Responsive width handling
  • Support for different text alignments

Contributing #

Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.

License #

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details. Developed by Rohan Kumar Panigrahi at RaftLabs.



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A Flutter package that displays markdown text in a flutter widget with support for simple html tags like <u>, <b> and <i>,<li><ol><ul> etc , while also allowing you to expand or collapse the widget

Repository (GitHub)
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API reference


MIT (license)


beautiful_soup_dart, flutter, flutter_html, markdown


Packages that depend on extended_markdown_viewer