expresspay_sdk 2.1.2 copy "expresspay_sdk: ^2.1.2" to clipboard
expresspay_sdk: ^2.1.2 copied to clipboard

ExpressPay Flutter plugin responsable for help to integerate ExpressPay payment system in to your apps in very precise way.

expresspay_sdk #

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Expresspay Flutter SDK & Sample #

Expresspay is a white-label payment software provider. Thanks to our 15+ years of experience in the payment industry, we’ve developed a state-of-the-art white-label payment system that ensures smooth and uninterrupted payment flow for merchants across industries.


Expresspay Flutter SDK was developed and designed with one purpose: to help the Flutter developers easily integrate the Expresspay API Payment Platform for a specific merchant.

To properly set up the SDK, read Wiki first.

Setup And Installation #

This Flutter plugin is based on iOS and Android native libraries. You need to add the jitpack repository support to the gradle to access the secured Android library. Follow Below

Setup Android

Add to the root build.gradle in Android Project at Path:(${ProjectRoot}/android/build.gradle):

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven {
            url ''

Add below rules to the project proguard configuration file located at path: ${ProjectRoot}/android/app/

-keep class com.expresspay.sdk.model.**.**{ *; }

If the ${ProjectRoot}/android/app/ file not existed and your project has minify enabled create the file and add the above rules in it.

Setup iOS

iOS does not required any setup just install flutter plugin where the iOS framewework is embedded within the plugin in iOS plaform directory. If you need to enable Apple Pay in your app it can be enable by following the instructions at Link

Intalling Flutter Plugin** #

In the dependencies: section of your pubspec.yaml, add the following lines:

  intl: ^0.17.0
  expresspay_sdk: ^2.1.2

Run in to terminal on project path flutter pub upgrade expresspay_sdk

Initialize SDK #

    key: MERCHANT_CLIENT_KEY, // Your Secret Merchant Key
    password: MERCHANT_CLIENT_PASSWORD,  // Your Secret Merchant Password
    enableDebug: true

More Detail

Quick Payment Implementation #

Card Payment for iOS/Android Start the card payment with one click, easy and short line of codes. It will help the developer to easily implement the payment using card in thier application. click the link for easy steps to start payments.

Apple Pay Payment for iOS Start the Apple Pay payment with one click, easy and short line of codes. It will help the developer to easily implement the payment using ApplePay in thier application. the developer just need to configure and enable the Apple Pay in thier AppleDeveloper Account and call the simple function. click the link for easy steps to start payments with ApplePay.

Getting help #

To report a specific issue or feature request, open a new issue.

Or write a direct letter to the

License #

MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.

Contacts #

Phone: +966 920033633
Address: Expresspay, Olaya Street, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

© 2022 - 2023 Expresspay. All rights reserved.

pub points



ExpressPay Flutter plugin responsable for help to integerate ExpressPay payment system in to your apps in very precise way.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


MIT (license)


collection, flutter, intl, plugin_platform_interface


Packages that depend on expresspay_sdk