express 0.1.2 copy "express: ^0.1.2" to clipboard
express: ^0.1.2 copied to clipboard

outdatedDart 1 only

A thin express-js inspired layer around Dart's primitive HttpServer APIs with JSON and Jade HTML view engine support

Dart Express #

A simple, thin expressjs inspired layer around Dart's primitive HttpServer APIs. Also included is a single static file server module.

This library will eventually expand to help with other common usage patterns and features as and when needed.

Installing via Pub #

Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:

  express: 0.1.1

Example Usages #

Basic Jade and Express app #

import "dart:io";
import "package:jaded/jaded.dart";
import "package:express/express.dart";
import "views/jade.views.dart";

  int counter = 0;
  var app = new Express()
    ..use(new JadeViewEngine(viewTemplates:JADE_TEMPLATES))
    ..use(new StaticFileHandler("public"))
    ..get('/', (HttpContext ctx){
      ctx.render('index', {'title': 'Home'});
    ..get('/counter', (HttpContext ctx){
      ctx.sendJson({'counter': counter++});

 app.listen("", 8000);

Static files used by this app

Pre-compile .jade views on save #

This example uses the Dart Editor build.dart Build System to compile all .jade views in any directory that contains an empty jade.yaml file.

To trigger this in your project add this to your projects /build.dart file:

import "package:express/express_build.dart";


Backbone Todo's JSON Server #

This is an example of an Redis-powered REST backend Backbones.js demo TODO application:

var client = new RedisClient();

var app = new Express();
  .use(new StaticFileHandler())

  .get("/todos", (HttpContext ctx){
    redis.keys("todo:*").then((keys) =>
  .get("/todos/:id", (HttpContext ctx){
    var id = ctx.params["id"];
    redis.get("todo:$id").then((todo) =>
      todo != null ?
        ctx.sendJson(todo) :
        ctx.notFound("todo $id does not exist")
  .post("/todos", (HttpContext ctx){
        var todo = $(x).defaults({"content":null,"done":false,"order":0});
        todo["id"] = newId;
        redis.set("todo:$newId", todo);
  .put("/todos/:id", (HttpContext ctx){
    var id = ctx.params["id"];
      redis.set("todo:$id", todo);
  .delete("/todos/:id", (HttpContext ctx){
  app.listen("", 8000);


Register encapsulated Modules like StaticFileHandler

abstract class Module {
  void register(Express server);

The signature your Request Handlers should implement:

typedef void RequestHandler (HttpContext ctx);

The core Express API where all your Apps modules and request handlers are registered on. Then when the server has started, the request handler of the first matching route found will be executed.

abstract class Express {

  //Gets a config setting
  String getConfig(String name);
  //Sets a config setting
  void setConfig(String name, String value);

  //Register a module to be used with this app
  Express use(Module module);

  //Register a request handler that will be called for a matching GET request
  Express get(String atRoute, RequestHandler handler);

  //Register a request handler that will be called for a matching POST request
  Express post(String atRoute, RequestHandler handler);

  //Register a request handler that will be called for a matching PUT request
  Express put(String atRoute, RequestHandler handler);

  //Register a request handler that will be called for a matching DELETE request
  Express delete(String atRoute, RequestHandler handler);

  //Register a request handler that will be called for a matching PATCH request
  Express patch(String atRoute, RequestHandler handler);

  //Register a request handler that will be called for a matching HEAD request
  Express head(String atRoute, RequestHandler handler);

  //Register a request handler that will be called for a matching OPTIONS request
  Express options(String atRoute, RequestHandler handler);

  //Register a request handler that handles ANY verb
  Express any(String atRoute, RequestHandler handler);
  //Register a custom request handler. Execute requestHandler, if matcher is true.
  //If priority < 0, custom handler will be executed before route handlers, otherwise after. 
  void addRequestHandler(bool matcher(HttpRequest req), void requestHandler(HttpContext ctx), {int priority:0});

  //Alias for registering a request handler matching ANY verb
  void operator []=(String atRoute, RequestHandler handler);

  //Can any of the registered routes handle this HttpRequest
  bool handlesRequest(HttpRequest req);

  // Return true if this HttpRequest is a match for this verb and route
  bool isMatch(String verb, String route, HttpRequest req);

  // When all routes and modules are registered - Start the HttpServer on host:port
  Future<HttpServer> listen([String host, int port]);
  /// Permanently stops this [HttpServer] from listening for new connections.
  /// This closes this [Stream] of [HttpRequest]s with a done event.
  void close();

A high-level object encapsulating both HttpRequest and HttpResponse objects providing useful overloads for common operations and usage patterns.

abstract class HttpContext {

  String routePath;
  HttpRequest  req;
  HttpResponse res;
  Map<String,String> get params;

  String get contentType;
  Future<List<int>> readAsBytes();
  Future<String> readAsText([Encoding encoding]);
  Future<Object> readAsJson({Encoding encoding});
  Future<Object> readAsObject([Encoding encoding]);

  String get responseContentType;
  void set responseContentType(String value);
  HttpContext head([int httpStatus, String statusReason, String contentType, Map<String,String> headers]);

  HttpContext write(Object value, {String contentType});
  HttpContext writeText(String text);
  HttpContext writeBytes(List<int> bytes);

  void send({Object value, String contentType, int httpStatus, String statusReason});
  void sendJson(Object value, {int httpStatus, String statusReason});
  void sendHtml(Object value, [int httpStatus, String statusReason]);
  void sendText(Object value, {String contentType, int httpStatus, String statusReason});
  void sendBytes(List<int> bytes, {String contentType, int httpStatus, String statusReason});

  //Custom Status responses
  void notFound([String statusReason, Object value, String contentType]);

Modules #

JadeViewEngine #

Register the jaded view engine to render HTML views

app.use(new JadeViewEngine());


app.get('/', (HttpContext ctx){
  ctx.render('index', {'title': 'Home'});

Renders the /views/index.jade view with the {'title': 'Home'} view model.

StaticFileHandler #

Serve static files for requests that don't match any defined routes:

app.use(new StaticFileHandler('public'));

Serves static files from the /public folder.

Contributors #

pub points


unverified uploader

A thin express-js inspired layer around Dart's primitive HttpServer APIs with JSON and Jade HTML view engine support

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (LICENSE)


args, dartmixins, jaded, json_client, unittest


Packages that depend on express