exponential_back_off 0.1.0+2 exponential_back_off: ^0.1.0+2 copied to clipboard
Implementation of exponential backoff algorithm using pure dart
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:exponential_back_off/exponential_back_off.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart';
void main(List<String> arguments) async {
// With the default configuration it will be retried up-to 10 times,
// sleeping 1st, 2nd, 3rd, ..., 9th attempt: (will not sleep the 10th)
// randomPercent: >=0.0% <=15%
// 1. 400 ms +/- (randomPercent of 400 ms)
// 2. 800 ms +/- (randomPercent of 800 ms)
// 3. 1600 ms +/- (randomPercent of 1600 ms)
// 4. 3200 ms +/- (randomPercent of 3200 ms)
// 5. 6400 ms +/- (randomPercent of 6400 ms)
// 6. 12800 ms +/- (randomPercent of 12800 ms)
// 7. 25600 ms +/- (randomPercent of 25600 ms)
// 8. 51200 ms +/- (randomPercent of 51200 ms)
// 9. 102400 ms +/- (randomPercent of 102400 ms)
// 10. 204800 ms +/- (randomPercent of 204800 ms) **will not sleep it**
final exponentialBackOff = ExponentialBackOff();
/// The result will be of type [Either<Exception, Response>]
final result = await exponentialBackOff.start<Response>(
// Make a request
() {
return get(Uri.parse('https://www.gnu.org/'))
.timeout(Duration(seconds: 10));
// Retry on SocketException or TimeoutException and other then that the process
// will stop and return with the error
retryIf: (e) => e is SocketException || e is TimeoutException,
/// You can handel the result in two ways
/// * By checking if the result `isLeft` or `isRight`. and get the value accordingly.
/// * Using the fold function `result.fold((error){},(data){})`. will call the
/// first(Left) function if the result is error otherwise will call second
/// function(Right) if the result is data.
/// The error will always be in Left and the data will always be in Right
// using if check
if (result.isLeft()) {
//Left(Exception): handel the error
final error = result.getLeftValue();
} else {
//Right(Response): handel the result
final response = result.getRightValue();
// using fold:
(error) {
//Left(Exception): handel the error
(response) {
//Right(Response): handel the result
print('Reusing the same object with the default configuration');
// reset will call stop() and reset everything to zero
await exponentialBackOff.reset();
print('interval: ' + exponentialBackOff.interval.toString());
print('max randomization factor: ' +
print('max attempts: ' + exponentialBackOff.maxAttempts.toString());
print('max delay: ' + exponentialBackOff.maxDelay.toString());
print('max elapsed time: ' + exponentialBackOff.maxElapsedTime.toString());
await exponentialBackOff.start(
() => get(Uri.parse('https://www.gnu.org/')).timeout(
Duration.zero, // it will always throw TimeoutException
retryIf: (e) => e is SocketException || e is TimeoutException,
onRetry: (error) {
print('attempt: ' + exponentialBackOff.attemptCounter.toString());
print('error: ' + error.toString());
print('current delay: ' + exponentialBackOff.currentDelay.toString());
print('elapsed time: ' + exponentialBackOff.elapsedTime.toString());