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A plugin that enables the usage of Expo Universal Modules in Flutter.

expo_flutter_adapter #

A Flutter adapter for Expo Universal Modules. It requires @unimodules/core to be installed and linked.

Getting Started #

Installation #

Add the plugin as a dependency in your Flutter project's pubspec.yaml file.

  expo_flutter_adapter: ^0.1.0

To install it directly from our git repo, specify the dependency as shown below:

      url: git://github.com/expo/expo.git
      path: packages/expo-flutter-adapter

Configuration #

In your Android app's MainActivity.java file:

  1. Import the adapter's java package by adding import io.expo.expoflutteradapter.ExpoFlutterAdapterPlugin; to your imports section.

  2. Add a call to ExpoFlutterAdapterPlugin's initialize method after the GeneratedPluginRegistrant.registerWith(this); call by adding ExpoFlutterAdapterPlugin.initialize(); after it.

Usage #

If you're simply adding this to consume other previously developed Flutter Universal Module plugins, you won't have to read past this point.

If you're developing a Universal Module Flutter plugin, you are probably interested in the ExpoModulesProxy for interfacing with native Universal Modules from Dart.

You can import the module proxy by adding this line to the beginning of your dart file:

import 'package:expo_flutter_adapter/expo_modules_proxy.dart';

This file contains two classes: ExpoModulesProxy and ExpoEvent.

ExpoModulesProxy #

The Dart API of the ExpoModuleProxy is as follows:

static Future<dynamic> callMethod(String moduleName, String methodName, [List<dynamic> arguments = const []])

ExpoModuleProxy.callMethod is a static method that your plugin can use to call a method exposed by the specified Universal Module. The parameter names should be pretty self-explanatory.

static Future<dynamic> getConstant(String moduleName, String constantName)

ExpoModuleProxy.getConstant is a static method that your plugin can use to retrieve a constant exposed by the specified Universal Module.

static Stream<ExpoEvent> get events

ExpoModuleProxy.events is a stream of all events being emitted by the Universal Module core. As a plugin developer, you can filter by event names to expose module-specific events to your consumers. See accelerometer.dart from the expo_sensors package for an example.

ExpoEvent #

ExpoEvent is a data class streamed from ExpoModuleProxy.events that has the following properties:

expoEvent.name (String): the name of the incoming event.

expoEvent.body (Map<String, dynamic>): the payload of the incoming event.

Pro Tip: See other Universal Module Flutter plugins in the packages directory of this repository for more examples of how this adapter is used.

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A plugin that enables the usage of Expo Universal Modules in Flutter.

Repository (GitHub)
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Packages that depend on expo_flutter_adapter