expandable_datatable 0.0.7 expandable_datatable: ^0.0.7 copied to clipboard
A flutter package for viewing and editing data in a table view with expandable rows.
ExpandableDataTable #
ExpandableDataTable is a Flutter library for dealing with displaying and editing data in tabular view.
Features #
- Row sorting
- Flexible column sizes
- Expandable rows
- Row pagination
- Editable rows
- Customizable edit dialogs
- Customizable pagination widget
- Customizable expansion content
- Styling rows and header columns
ExpandableDataTable Parameters:
Name | Description |
headers | Header list of data columns |
rows | List of the data rows |
visibleColumnCount | Number of columns to show in the headers |
multipleExpansion | Flag indicating that multiple expansions are enabled for rows |
isEditable | Flag indicating whether the rows are editable |
onRowChanged | The callback that is called when a row is changed with edit dialog |
onPageChanged | The callback that is called when the page changed with pagination widget |
renderEditDialog | Render function that builds a custom edit dialog widget |
renderCustomPagination | Render function that builds a custom pagination widget |
renderExpansionContent | Render function that builds custom expansion container for all rows |
ExpandableThemeData Parameters:
Name | Description |
headerTextStyle | Text style of header row |
rowTextStyle | Text style of all rows |
contentPadding | Padding for all header and data rows |
headerTextMaxLines | Maximum number of lines for header text to span |
rowTextMaxLines | Maximum number of lines for row text to span |
rowTextOverflow | Visual overflow of the row's cell text |
expandedTextStyle | Text style of expansion content |
headerColor | Background color of header row |
headerSortIconColor | Color of the header sort arrow icon |
headerHeight | Height of the header widget |
expandedBorderColor | Expansion border color |
rowColor | Background color of rows |
evenRowColor | Background color of the even indexed rows |
oddRowColor | Background color of the odd indexed rows |
rowBorder | Border style of all rows |
editIcon | Icon image showing editing feature |
expansionIcon | Icon image expanding expansion content |
paginationSize | Size of the default pagination widget |
paginationTextStyle | TextStyle of the page numbers for default pagination widget |
paginationSelectedTextColor | Color of the selected cell's page number for default pagination widget |
paginationUnselectedTextColor | Color of the unselected cells' page number for default pagination widget |
paginationSelectedFillColor | Background fill color of the selected cell for default pagination widget |
paginationBorderColor | Border color for default pagination widget |
paginationBorderRadius | Border radius value for default pagination widget |
paginationBorderWidth | Border width value for default pagination widget |
Usage #
To use this package, add expandable_datatable as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.
Import the package
import ‘package:expandable_datatable/expandable_datatable.dart’;
- Create data to use in the data table
Create the list of the headers to be used in data table with types. Header list should be in a prioritized order, all columns have a flex value that all cells inside that column will be used.
List<ExpandableColumn<dynamic>> headers = [
ExpandableColumn<int>(columnTitle: "ID", columnFlex: 1),
ExpandableColumn<String>(columnTitle: "First name", columnFlex: 2),
ExpandableColumn<String>(columnTitle: "Last name", columnFlex: 2),
ExpandableColumn<String>(columnTitle: "Maiden name", columnFlex: 2),
ExpandableColumn<int>(columnTitle: "Age", columnFlex: 1),
ExpandableColumn<String>(columnTitle: "Gender", columnFlex: 2),
ExpandableColumn<String>(columnTitle: "Email", columnFlex: 4),
Create the list of the rows to be used in data table. All row list elements must contain all columns for lists.
List<ExpandableRow> rows = userList.map<ExpandableRow>((e) {
return ExpandableRow(cells: [
ExpandableCell<int>(columnTitle: "ID", value: e.id),
ExpandableCell<String>(columnTitle: "First name", value: e.firstName),
ExpandableCell<String>(columnTitle: "Last name", value: e.lastName),
ExpandableCell<String>(columnTitle: "Maiden name", value: e.maidenName),
ExpandableCell<int>(columnTitle: "Age", value: e.age),
ExpandableCell<String>(columnTitle: "Gender", value: e.gender),
ExpandableCell<String>(columnTitle: "Email", value: e.email),
- Code
void createDataSource() {...}
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: const Text("Expandable Datatable Example"),
body: ExpandableTheme(
data: ExpandableThemeData(
rowBorder: const BorderSide(color: Colors.amber),
expandedBorderColor: Colors.transparent,
paginationSize: 48,
child: ExpandableDataTable(
rows: rows,
headers: headers,
visibleColumnCount: 4,