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A Dart package for streamlined API handling and robust exception management in Flutter apps.

exception_handler #

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This Dart package provides a robust framework for handling API calls and processing exceptions in Flutter applications. It simplifies the process of making network requests, parsing responses, and handling various exceptions, making it an essential tool for Flutter developers.

Features #

  • API Handling: Simplify your API calls with a structured approach, ensuring clean and maintainable code.
  • Exception Management: Comprehensive exception handling, including network issues and HTTP errors, to improve the robustness of your applications.

Getting Started #

To start using this package, add it as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file:

  exception_handler: ^latest_version

Then, import it in your Dart files where you want to use it:

import 'package:exception_handler/exception_handler.dart';

Usage #

This package simplifies the process of making API calls and handling exceptions in Flutter apps. Below are some examples to demonstrate how to use various features of the package.

Basic API Call #

Here's a simple example of making an API call and handling the response:

import 'package:dio/dio.dart';
import 'package:exception_handler/exception_handler.dart';

// Example of making an API call
Future<void> fetchUserData() async {
    final ApiHandler<Response, UserModel> apiHandler = ApiHandler(
        call: () => dio.get('https://example.com/api/user'),
        parserModel: (data) => UserModel.fromJson(data),

    TaskResult<UserModel> result = await DioExceptionHandler().callApi(apiHandler);

        success: (UserModel data) => print('UserModel data: $data'),
        failure: (exception) => print('Error: ${exception.toString()}'),

Replace UserModel with the appropriate data model for your application.

Advanced API Call with Custom Parser #

Using a custom parser for complex API responses:

import 'package:dio/dio.dart';
import 'package:exception_handler/exception_handler.dart';

Future<void> fetchComplexData() async {
    final ApiHandler<Response, ComplexData> apiHandler = ApiHandler(
        call: () => dio.get('https://example.com/api/complex'),
        parserModel: customParser,

    TaskResult<ComplexData> result = await DioExceptionHandler().callApi(apiHandler);

        success: (ComplexData data) => print('Complex Data: $data'),
        failure: (exception) => print('Error: ${exception.toString()}'),

ComplexData customParser(dynamic responseData) {
    // Custom parsing logic
    return ComplexData.fromResponse(responseData);

Basic Exception Handling #

Handling basic exceptions with logging information:

void handleApiCall() async {
    TaskResult<UserModel> result = await DioExceptionHandler().callApi(apiHandler);

        success: (UserModel data) => print('User data retrieved successfully: $data'),
        failure: (exception) {
            print('Exception occurred: ${exception.toString()}');
            // Additional logging or error handling

Advanced Exception Handling with Specific Cases #

Implementing detailed handling for each type of exception:

void advancedExceptionHandling() async {
    TaskResult<UserModel> result = await DioExceptionHandler().callApi(apiHandler);

        success: (UserModel data) => print('Fetched data: $data'),
        failure: (exception) {
            if (exception is DataNetworkException) {
                // Handle network-related exceptions
            } else if (exception is DataHttpException) {
                // Handle HTTP-related exceptions
            } else if (exception is DataParseException) {
                // Handle parsing-related exceptions
            } else if (exception is DataClientException) {
                // Handle client-side exceptions
            } else {
                // Handle any other types of exceptions

void handleNetworkException(DataNetworkException exception) {
    print('Network Exception: ${exception.networkException}');
    // Additional logic for handling network exceptions

void handleHttpException(DataHttpException exception) {
    print('HTTP Exception: ${exception.httpException}');
    // Additional logic for handling HTTP exceptions

void handleParseException(DataParseException exception) {
    print('Parse Exception: ${exception.parseException}');
    // Additional logic for handling parsing exceptions

void handleClientException(DataClientException exception) {
    print('Client Exception: ${exception.clientException}');
    // Additional logic for handling client-side exceptions

void handleUnknownException(ExceptionState exception) {
    print('Unknown Exception: ${exception.toString()}');
    // Additional logic for handling unknown exceptions

In these methods, you can add specific actions that should be taken when each type of exception occurs. For example, you might show different error messages to the user, log the error for further analysis, or try alternative approaches if possible.

These examples provide a structured approach to handle different kinds of exceptions that might occur during API interactions in a Flutter app, ensuring that each case is dealt with appropriately.

Contribution and Support #

For contributing to the package, refer to the CONTRIBUTING.md file in the package repository. If you encounter any issues or require support, please file an issue on the repository's issue tracker.

Additional Information #

For more information on how to use this package, contribute to its development, or file issues, please visit exception_handler. The package authors are committed to maintaining and improving this tool, and your feedback and contributions are greatly welcomed.

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verified publishertech-andgar.me

A Dart package for streamlined API handling and robust exception management in Flutter apps.

Repository (GitHub)
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connectivity_plus, dio, equatable, flutter


Packages that depend on exception_handler