excel 2.0.0-null-safety-3
excel: ^2.0.0-null-safety-3 copied to clipboard
A flutter and dart library for reading, creating, editing and updating excel sheets with compatible both on client and server side.
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:path/path.dart';
import 'package:excel/excel.dart';
void main(List<String> args) {
//var file = "/Users/kawal/Desktop/excel/test/test_resources/example.xlsx";
//var bytes = File(file).readAsBytesSync();
var excel = Excel.createExcel();
// or
//var excel = Excel.decodeBytes(bytes);
/// reading excel file values
for (var table in excel.tables.keys) {
for (var row in excel.tables[table]!.rows) {
print("${row.map((e) => e?.value)}");
/// Change sheet from rtl to ltr and vice-versa i.e. (right-to-left -> left-to-right and vice-versa)
var sheet1rtl = excel['Sheet1'].isRTL;
excel['Sheet1'].isRTL = false;
'Sheet1: ((previous) isRTL: $sheet1rtl) ---> ((current) isRTL: ${excel['Sheet1'].isRTL})');
var sheet2rtl = excel['Sheet2'].isRTL;
excel['Sheet2'].isRTL = true;
'Sheet2: ((previous) isRTL: $sheet2rtl) ---> ((current) isRTL: ${excel['Sheet2'].isRTL})');
/// declaring a cellStyle object
CellStyle cellStyle = CellStyle(
bold: true,
italic: true,
textWrapping: TextWrapping.WrapText,
fontFamily: getFontFamily(FontFamily.Comic_Sans_MS),
rotation: 0,
var sheet = excel['mySheet'];
var cell = sheet.cell(CellIndex.indexByString("A1"));
cell.value = "Heya How are you I am fine ok goood night";
cell.cellStyle = cellStyle;
var cell2 = sheet.cell(CellIndex.indexByString("E5"));
cell2.value = "Heya How night";
cell2.cellStyle = cellStyle;
/// printing cell-type
print("CellType: " + cell.cellType.toString());
/// Iterating and changing values to desired type
for (int row = 0; row < sheet.maxRows; row++) {
sheet.row(row).forEach((Data? cell1) {
if (cell1 != null) {
cell1.value = ' My custom Value ';
excel.rename("mySheet", "myRenamedNewSheet");
var sheet1 = excel['Sheet1'];
sheet1.cell(CellIndex.indexByString('A1')).value = 'Sheet1';
/// fromSheet should exist in order to sucessfully copy the contents
excel.copy('Sheet1', 'newlyCopied');
var sheet2 = excel['newlyCopied'];
sheet2.cell(CellIndex.indexByString('A1')).value = 'Newly Copied Sheet';
/// renaming the sheet
excel.rename('oldSheetName', 'newSheetName');
/// deleting the sheet
/// unlinking the sheet if any link function is used !!
sheet = excel['sheet'];
/// appending rows and checking the time complexity of it
Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch()..start();
List<List<String>> list = List.generate(
9000, (index) => List.generate(20, (index1) => '$index $index1'));
print('list creation executed in ${stopwatch.elapsed}');
list.forEach((row) {
print('appending executed in ${stopwatch.elapsed}');
bool isSet = excel.setDefaultSheet(sheet.sheetName);
// isSet is bool which tells that whether the setting of default sheet is successful or not.
if (isSet) {
print("${sheet.sheetName} is set to default sheet.");
} else {
print("Unable to set ${sheet.sheetName} to default sheet.");
var colIterableSheet = excel['ColumnIterables'];
var colIterables = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'];
int colIndex = 0;
colIterables.forEach((colValue) {
rowIndex: colIterableSheet.maxRows,
columnIndex: colIndex,
..value = colValue;
// Saving the file
String outputFile = "/Users/kawal/Desktop/git_projects/r.xlsx";
List<int>? fileBytes = excel.save();
//print('saving executed in ${stopwatch.elapsed}');
if (fileBytes != null) {
..createSync(recursive: true)