eventuous_test 0.0.10 eventuous_test: ^0.0.10 copied to clipboard
A library with utilities for testing eventuous
A library with utilities for testing eventuous
Usage #
A simple usage example for testing :
import 'package:eventuous/eventuous.dart';
import 'package:eventuous_test/eventuous_test.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
// TODO: Implement your own aggregate store, this is only indicative
typedef FooStore = AggregateStore<
Aggregate<JsonObject, JsonObject, AggregateId, AggregateState<JsonObject>>>;
void main() {
// Reusable test resources
late EventStoreServerSingleNode server;
setUpAll(() {
server = EventStoreServerSingleNode();
return server.start();
tearDownAll(() async {
await server.stop();
test('test aggregate store with InMemoryEventStore', () {
// Create a StreamEventStore using eventuous_test
final eventStore = InMemoryEventStore();
// Create some aggregate store with in-memory event store
// ignore: unused_local_variable
final FooStore = FooStore(
// TODO: onNew: (id, [state]) => Foo(id, state),
// Do some testing here...
test('test aggregate store with EventStoreDB', () {
// Create some aggregate store with EventStoreDB event store
// ignore: unused_local_variable
final FooStore = FooStore(
// TODO: onNew: (id, [state]) => Foo(id, state),
// Do some testing here...
The example above is not complete. You should use eventuous_generator to generate your own aggregate implementation.
Features and bugs #
Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.