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A library to define error use cases for Dart.

Error Case #

Welcome to the error_case library. A library to define error cases that we can use to test our code.

Features #

  • Data class validation
  • Empty string validation
  • Minimum number validation
  • Maximum number validation
  • More to come in the future...

How to use #

Let's start with an example of a data class.

class User implements JsonModel {

    User(,, this.address, this.age);

    final String id;
    final String name;
    final Map<String, String> address;
    final int age;

    factory User.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =>

    Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$UserItemToJson(this);

In our data class User we have id, name, address, age properties. This will be our sample data class throughout the guide.

It is important to note that this implements JsonModel a class that contains fromJson() & toJson() functions.

In this example I am also using json_serializable to generate fromJson & toJson functions.

class InvalidUserModelErrorCase extends ObjectSingleErrorCase {

    InvalidUserModelErrorCase(): super(
        ['id', 'name', '', age], // Required properties
        minimumValue: {'age': 21},
        maximumValue: {'age': 200}

// P.S. There's a shorter way to implement this but we need Dart 2.16

In our error case we've defined our required fields id, name,, age.

What is This defines a nested lookup that validates the keys it passes through and value at the end.

If we don't include a property of the class. It will be considered optional, no validation will happened to that property.

Let's see a brief example of how we use these classes we've written.

void main() {

    final user = User( // Here's a sample User class
        'ABCD1234', // id
        'David Hamster', // name
        {'country': 'Kingdom of Nocturnia'}, // address map
        24 // age

    const errorCase = InvalidUserModelErrorCase();


void _onInvalidUserModel(Exception ex) {
    // 'ex' can be a child of ErrorCaseException or a different Exception altogether.

void _onValidUserModel(User user) {
    // When there are no errors, the data that was validated will be passed on as a parameter for this function.

To summarize the example above.

  • We have a user class with data.
  • We create a const of an Error case.
  • We then call .validate() and pass data, errorFunction, successFunction.

Non Returning Error Cases #

These are error cases that do not expect a return value on the error and success functions.


  • SingleErrorCase
  • ObjectSingleErrorCase

See error_case_test.dart

Returning Error Cases #

These are error cases that expect a return value on the error and success functions.


  • SingleErrorReturnCase
  • ObjectSingleErrorReturnCase

See error_case_return_test.dart

Good Practices #

DO: Create a new error case class for a specific scenario. Just like when defining a Use Case for specific business logics.

DONT: Combine with other scenarios. This will make it difficult to locate where the error is happening when on reports.


DO: Declare a new instance of an error case with const for compile time benefits.

DONT: Declare a new instance of an error case without const on the UI code because it can be recreated.

Developed by #

Contributors #

pub points



A library to define error use cases for Dart.

Repository (GitHub)
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API reference


Apache-2.0 (license)


Packages that depend on error_case