errflow 0.4.0-nullsafety.0 errflow: ^0.4.0-nullsafety.0 copied to clipboard
A package for making it somewhat easier to comprehend the flow of errors and handle them.
import 'package:errflow/errflow.dart';
enum ErrorTypes {
final errFlow = ErrFlow<ErrorTypes>(ErrorTypes.none);
Future<void> main() async {
..logger = logger
..criticalErrorHandler = errorHandler;
for (var i = -2; i <= 2; i++) {
// Executes the dividedBy() method, and calls criticalErrorHandler
// if the last error is critical at the point when the method ends.
final result = await errFlow.scope<int?>(
(notifier) async => dividedBy(notifier, 10, i),
criticalIf: (result, error) => error == ErrorTypes.critical,
print('= $result');
Future<void> logger(Object? e, StackTrace? s, {Object? reason}) async {
print('Logged: $e');
void errorHandler<T>(T result, ErrorTypes error) {
print('Error: $error');
int? dividedBy(ErrNotifier notifier, int v1, int v2) {
print('\n$v1 ~/ $v2');
int? result;
// Treats the exception caused by division by zero as a critical error,
// and logs other exceptions (which in fact never occur in this example).
try {
result = v1 ~/ v2;
} on IntegerDivisionByZeroException catch (e, s) {
notifier.set(ErrorTypes.critical, e, s);
} on Exception catch (e, s) {
notifier.log(e, s);
return result;