epub_plus 5.0.0 copy "epub_plus: ^5.0.0" to clipboard
epub_plus: ^5.0.0 copied to clipboard

Epub Parser for Dart. Epub package fork. Suitable for use on the Server, the Web, or in Flutter

5.0.0 #

  • Migrate to Dart code-style and null-safety

4.0.0 #

  • Merge all pull requests

3.0.0 #

Changed #

  • metadata file now saves as mimetype pull#1

Added #

3.0.0-dev.3 #

Changed #

  • At EpubReader.{openBook, readBook} first argument can be future (not before)

3.0.0-dev.2 #

Fixed #

  • Fixed null-safety bug

3.0.0-dev.1 #

Added #

  • Null-safety migration

Changed #

  • Upgrade all dependencies

2.1.0 #

Fixed #

  • Version 3 EPUB's can have a null Table of Contents
  • Updated pedantic analysis options

2.0.7 #

Added #

  • Added example of using epub in a web page: examples/web_ex

Fixed #

  • Fixed errors from pedantic analysis

Changed #

  • Added pedantic analysis options

2.0.6 #

Fixed #

  • Fixed Issue #35: File cannot be opened if its path is url-encoded in the manifest
  • Updated examples/dart_ex to have a README as well as use a locally stored file.

2.0.5 #

Changed #

  • Exposed EpubChapterRef to consumers.

2.0.4 #

Fixed #

  • Merged pull request #45
    • Fixes pana hits to make code more readable

2.0.3 #

Changed #

  • Raised sdk version constraint to 2.0.0
  • Raised constraint on async to 3.0.0

Fixed #

  • Merged pull request #40 by vblago.
    • Fixes Undefined class 'XmlBuilder'

2.0.2 #

Changed #

  • Lowered sdk version constraint to 2.0.0-dev.61.0

2.0.1 #

Changed #

  • Formatted documents

2.0.0 #

Added #

  • Added support for writing Epubs back to Byte Arrays
  • Tests for writing Epubs

Changed #

  • Epub Readers and Writers now have their == operator and hashCode get-er overridden

Fixed #

  • Fixed an issue when reading EpubContentFileRef

1.3.2 #

Changed #

  • Updates to Travis configuration and publishing

1.3.1 #

Changed #

  • Updates to Travis configuration and publishing

Removed #

  • Removed unused variable FilePath from EpubBook and EpubBookRef

1.3.0 #

Added #

  • Package now supports Dart 2!

Removed #

  • Removed support for Dart 1.2.21

1.2.10 #

Fixed #

  • Merged pull request #15 from ShadowJonathan/dev.
    • Fixes issue with parsing schema by removing opf: namespace

1.2.9 #

Changed #

  • Ran code through dartfmt as per analysis by pana

1.2.8 #

Added #

  • Added unit tests for Images

Changed #

  • Updated dependencies

1.2.7 #

Added #

  • Added upper limit of Dart version to 2.0.1

1.2.6 #

Added #

  • Added Support for Dart 2.0

1.2.5 #

Added #

  • A publish step in the travis deploy

1.2.4 #

Changed #

  • EnumFromString no longer uses the mirrors package to make this Flutter compatible by @MostafaAyesh

1.2.3 #

Added #

  • This Changelog!

Changed #

  • Author email

1.2.2 #

Changed #

  • Dependencies were updated to more permissive versions by @jarontai

Added #

  • Example by @jarontai
  • More Entities and types are exported by @jarontai

Fixed #

  • Issue with case sensitivity in switch statements from @jarontai
  • Issue with Async Loops from @jarontai

1.2.1 #

Fixed #

  • Made code in line with Dart styleguide
pub points


verified publisher4akloon.tech

Epub Parser for Dart. Epub package fork. Suitable for use on the Server, the Web, or in Flutter

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference




archive, collection, image, path, quiver, xml


Packages that depend on epub_plus