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Epub Reader and Writer for Dart.

Epub Kit #

Epub Reader and Writer for Dart inspired by this fantastic C# Epub Reader

Example #

//Get the epub into memory somehow
String fileName = "hittelOnGoldMines.epub";
String fullPath = path.join(io.directory.current.path, fileName);
var targetFile = new io.File(fullPath);
List<int> bytes = await targetFile.readAsBytes();

// Opens a book and reads all of its content into memory
EpubBook epubBook = await EpubReader.readBook(bytes);

// Book's title
String title = epubBook.title;

// Book's authors (comma separated list)
String author = epubBook.author;

// Book's authors (list of authors names)
List<String> authors = epubBook.authors;

// Book's cover image (null if there is no cover)
Image coverImage = epubBook.coverImage;


// Enumerating chapters
epubBook.chapters.forEach((EpubChapter chapter) {
  // Title of chapter
  String chapterTitle = chapter.title;
  // HTML content of current chapter
  String chapterHtmlContent = chapter.htmlContent;

  // Nested chapters
  List<EpubChapter> subChapters = chapter.subChapters;


// Book's content (HTML files, stylesheets, images, fonts, etc.)
EpubContent bookContent = epubBook.content;


// All images in the book (file name is the key)
Map<String, EpubByteContentFile> images = bookContent.images;

EpubByteContentFile firstImage = images.values.first;

// Content type (e.g. EpubContentType.iMAGE_JPEG, EpubContentType.iMAGE_PNG)
EpubContentType contentType = firstImage.contentType;

// MIME type (e.g. "image/jpeg", "image/png")
String mimeContentType = firstImage.contentMimeType;


// All XHTML files in the book (file name is the key)
Map<String, EpubTextContentFile> htmlFiles = bookContent.html;

// All CSS files in the book (file name is the key)
Map<String, EpubTextContentFile> cssFiles = bookContent.css;

// Entire HTML content of the book
htmlFiles.values.forEach((EpubTextContentFile htmlFile) {
  String htmlContent = htmlFile.content;

// All CSS content in the book
cssFiles.values.forEach((EpubTextContentFile cssFile){
  String cssContent = cssFile.content;


// All fonts in the book (file name is the key)
Map<String, EpubByteContentFile> fonts = bookContent.fonts;

// All files in the book (including HTML, CSS, images, fonts, and other types of files)
Map<String, EpubContentFile> allFiles = bookContent.allFiles;


// EPUB OPF data
EpubPackage package = epubBook.schema.package;

// Enumerating book's contributors
package.metadata.contributors.forEach((EpubMetadataContributor contributor){
  String contributorName = contributor.contributor;
  String contributorRole = contributor.role;

// EPUB NCX data
EpubNavigation navigation = epubBook.schema.navigation;

// Enumerating NCX metadata
navigation.head.metadata.forEach((EpubNavigationHeadMeta meta){
  String metadataItemName = meta.name;
  String metadataItemContent = meta.content;

// Writing Data
var written = await EpubWriter.writeBook(epubBook);

// You can even re-read the book into a new object! 
var bookRoundTrip = await EpubReader.readBook(written);

Note: Fork of package:epub.