All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog,
and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- improve some sentences and correct typos in the README file.
- fix typos and add minor improvements to README —
- Fix table of contents links in README
- Gradient interface — 83.
- doc comments about the purpose of each library.
- add a code quality badge to README.
- more elaborated and better formatted README.
- preparations for Release 1.0.0
- a more elegant README file - 68
- the issue number associated with the section 0.0.14 of this CHANGELOG.
- add a better description of the package in README - #78.
- Less verbose and more elegant CHANGELOG - #75.
- A more elegant README.
- Stricter lint rules - #71.
- Minor corrections to the README file - #71.
- White - #63.
- Accent color swatches - #61.
- Primaries swatch completion - #59
- Red, Pink palettes and swatches - #57
- Transparent
- Green palettes and swatches - #53
- Incorrect use of the word greater as comparative for index; replaced by higher.
- Amber, Lime, Yellow palettes and swatches - #42.
- rearrangement in src directory structure - #50.
- Orange and deep orange palettes and swatches - #42.
- Purplish palettes and swatches - #38.
- Reorganization of the README file structure - #40.
- "cleaner" README file - #36.
- Partial implementation of the Primaries swatch - #24.
- Bluish palettes and swatches - #29.
- Package logo in README - cute wooden color palette - #25.
- This CHANGELOG's formatting.
- Showcase application as an example - #21.
- Greyish color paletes and swatches - #16.
- Less verbose and more elegant README file - #19.
- Palette interface and PaletteRGB abstract class - #3.
- Swatch interface and SwatchBase abstract class - #14.