environment_config 1.0.1 copy "environment_config: ^1.0.1" to clipboard
environment_config: ^1.0.1 copied to clipboard


Environment specific config generator. Allows to specify env configuration during CI/CD build. Primarily created to simplify Flutter build configuration

Environment Config Generator #

pub package

Environment specific config generator.

Allows to specify env configuration during CI/CD build.

Primarily created to simplify Flutter build configuration.

Features #

  • flexible configuration for Config class generation
  • allows to specify pattern for field values
  • allows to define required and optional keys for generation
  • allows to export variables to .env file

Getting Started #

Install package as dependency.

Create environment_config.yaml or update package.yaml file with following code

Note This is an example with ALL possible params

  path: lib/environment_config.dart # optional, result file path
  dotenv_path: lib/.env # optional, result file path for .env file
  class: EnvironmentConfig # optional, class name
  fields: # set of fields for command
    some_key: # key name
      type: # optional, default to 'String'
      short_name: # optional, short name for key during command run
      const: # optional, default to TRUE
      pattern: # optional, specified pattern for key value, use __VALUE__ to insert entered value anywhere in the pattern
      default: # optional, default value for key, if not provided key will be required during command run
      dontenv: true # optional, if this field should be added to .env file
  imports: # optional, array of imports, to include in config file
    - package:some_package

Run pub get to install dependencies.

After config is specified in YAML file run following command

pub run environment_config:generate --some_key=some_value

Or for flutter project

flutter pub run environment_config:generate --some_key=some_value

This command with generate file, that was specified in path key with class, fields and name specified in yaml config.

Import this file into your application and use it.

Note: It's recommended to add generated config files to .gitignore

Why this package is needed? #

This package allows to integrate config generation based on environment in an easy way.

Unlike most env specific configurations this package can be added to CI/CD build process to generate config file with values, that specific to particular env, without need to specify your Prod credentials anywhere except your build process.

Also reading this values doesn't require async process, that will decrease you app start time

Obviously this package doesn't obfuscate or encrypt config values, but generated Dart file will be build and obfuscated with rest of your mobile application code. If you want to secure your sensitive information you can use encrypted values and pattern key to wrap it with your decrypt library. But overall keep in mind that there is no way to fully secure your app from reverse engineering

Also this package allows to generate .env file with same key value pairs

Config #

Command options #

During command run YAML file will be parsed to define keys for command.

  • config - path to yaml file with package configuration
  • any key name, that specified in yaml file under fields key

For example. If you will have next yaml config

      short_name: o #optional
      short_name: t #optional

You will be able tou run command with following options

flutter pub run environment_config:generate --key_one=something --key_two=other

Or (if short_name is specified)

flutter pub run environment_config:generate -o something -t other

Both commands will generate same dart class

class EnvironmentConfig {
  static const String key_one = 'something';

  static const String key_two = 'other';

Class configuration #

Class and file can be configured with next options

  • path - path to file against lib folder, by default it's environment_config.dart
  • dotenv_path - path to file against lib folder, by default it's .env
  • class - class name, by default will be generated based on file name
  • const - optional, defines if class constructor should be defined as const.
  • imports - array of imports to add to generated config file

If class is not specified value for class name will be generate based on file name in path field. It will convert snake_case into CamelCase.

If const not provided builder will analyze each field and if all of them are const - it will add const constructor. Otherwise generated class will be without any constructor

Field dotenv_path will be used only if at least one field contains dotenv: true

Config Examples #

Custom path example

  path: config/some_config.dart

Will create file with name some_config.dart in lib/config folder with following class

class SomeConfig {

Custom class name example

  path: config/some_other_config_file.dart
  class: OtherClass

will create file with name some_other_config_file.dart in lib/config folder with following class

class OtherClass {

Class with const constructor

  class: OtherClass
  const: true

will create config with following class

class OtherClass {
  const OtherClass();

If const is used it will force class to have const constructor or without it. Without it, builder will analyze each field, and if ALL of them are const, builder will generate const constructor, otherwise - class will be generated without any constructor

Field configuration #

To define fields for config definition, provide key set under fields key.

Configuration accepts any amount of field keys. At least one field should be specified

Note: config key can't be used for field definition. It's reserved by command itself to define path to custom config yaml file

Each field accepts next params, each param is optional

  • type - field type, default to String
  • const - if field should be const, default to TRUE. If FALSE, final modifier will be used instead
  • pattern - pattern for field value. Inside value for this field __VALUE__ can be used. It will be replaced with actual entered value or with default value
  • default - default value for the field. If not specified, field will be treated as required
  • short_name - short key name, that can be used during command run instead of full field name. Accepts 1 symbol values only
  • dotenv - bool flag, if TRUE this field will be added to .env file.

If you want to generate .env file in addition to class config, at least ONE key should have dotenv to be TRUE. Otherwise .env file won't be generated

Note: If pattern key is specified and const is TRUE ensure your pattern also contains const modifier like this

      pattern: const CustomClass('__VALUE__')

Fields config examples #

Pattern example

      type: num
      const: false
      short_name: o #optional
      type: CustomClass
      pattern: const CustomClass('__VALUE__')

This config allows to run next command

flutter pub run environment_config:generate -o 345 --customClassValue=something

It will generate following class

class EnvironmentConfig {
  static final num numberValue = 345;

  static const CustomClass customClassValue = const CustomClass('something');

DotEnv example

To create .env at least one key should have dotenv: true attribute

      type: num
      dotenv: true

This command

flutter pub run environment_config:generate --first_key=123 --second_key=456

will generate Dart class config

class EnvironmentConfig {
  const EnvironmentConfig();

  static const num first_key = 123;

  static const String second_key = '456';

and following .env


Integration with CI/CD #

To add config generation into any CI/CD, add command execution after deps are installed and before build run.

flutter pub run environment_config:generate --<key_name>=<key_value>

Integration with other packages #

Note Next package was selected just for an example. You can choose any other package that works with .env file

Support of .env generation was primarily added to generate config for packages that relies on it.

For example .env generation feature can be used with flutter_config package. This particular package allows you to pass environment variables from .env into your native layer like your plugins or Android/iOS app configuration.

For more info see this docs for Android or iOS

Changelog #

Please see the Changelog page to know what's recently changed.

Bugs/Requests #

If you encounter any problems feel free to open an issue. If you feel the library is missing a feature, please raise a ticket on Github and I'll look into it. Pull request are also welcome.



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Environment specific config generator. Allows to specify env configuration during CI/CD build. Primarily created to simplify Flutter build configuration

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args, code_builder, dart_style, yaml


Packages that depend on environment_config