env_reader 1.6.0 copy "env_reader: ^1.6.0" to clipboard
env_reader: ^1.6.0 copied to clipboard

Read, encrypt, or generate environment variables from a .env file into an obfuscated Dart model.

Env Reader #

Enhance the rock-solid integrity of your .env configuration by seamlessly encrypting and decrypting data sourced from a dynamic range of origins—be it assets, files, strings, memory, or networks—spanning a multitude of platforms. What's more, experience the sheer simplicity of generating Dart models directly from your .env data. Your configuration, fortified and efficient, ready to elevate your development journey. 🌟🛡️

Features 🚀 #

  • Automated Generation: Transform your .env files into dynamic Dart models directly. No need to add annotation. ✨
  • Seamless Integration: Directly update your pubspec.yaml and .gitignore on command. No need manual labor. 🛠️
  • Fortified Encryption: Shield your precious .env configurations with an encryption. Say no to prying eyes.🔒
  • Data Diversity Unleashed: Whether they're integers, decimals, booleans, or strings. Automatic interpretation is at your service. 🎮
  • Versatile Sourcing: Load your .env from various sources-assets, files, memory, network, and strings. The choice is yours. 🔄

Install 🚀 #

Get started with these quick commands:

🔥 Add env_reader to your pubspec.yaml with a single line:

dart pub add env_reader

✨ Unlock the magic by activating the env_reader CLI:

dart pub global activate env_reader

Usage 🚀 #

Now elevate your development experience with these straightforward steps:

1. Set up your configuration #

Start by crafting your .env file in the root directory of your project, right alongside your trusty pubspec.yaml.


2. Run the command #

After laying down the foundation, it's time to secure your .env by executing this command in your terminal:

dart run env_reader --input=".env" --password="MyStrongPassword" --model="lib/src/env_model.dart" --null-safety

Behold as the command weaves its magic, turning your .env into a versatile asset, accessible across platforms. It's by default meticulously stored at assets/env/.env, fortifying your configuration for app empowerment.

The result? A triumphant message like this:

Building package executable... (1.3s)
Built env_reader:env_reader.
.env successfully generated into lib/src/env_model.dart 🎉
.env successfully encrypted into assets/env/.env 🚀

3. Loading your encrypted .env #

Load the env_reader instance, after ensuring your WidgetsFlutterBinding was initialized:

import 'package:env_reader/env_reader.dart';

Future<void> main(List<String> arguments) async {

  await Env.load(
    source: EnvLoader.asset('assets/env/.env'),
    password: "MyStrongPassword");

  // Or you can load raw .env by calling this function

  await Env.loadExposed(
    source: EnvLoader.network(


4. Access your configuration #

And now, the moment of truth. Aaccess your configuration values with ease:

import 'package:env_reader/env_reader.dart';
import 'package:my_package/src/env_model.dart';

String api = Env.read("API_KEY") ?? "Got'cha 😎";
bool debug = Env.read<bool>("DEBUG") ?? false;

    debug ? "🤫 pssst, this is my api key y'all \n\n $api" : "Nothing to see here 🤪",

// Or you can access the value directly from env generated model earlier

    EnvModel.debug ? "🤫 pssst, this is my api key y'all \n\n ${EnvModel.apiKey}" : "Nothing to see here 🤪",

Env Reader Command 🚀 #

Available commands:

Flag Description
-i, --input (mandatory) Input path of the .env file
-p, --password Password for encryption & decryption
-o, --output Custom output path for the encrypted .env file
(defaults to "assets/env/")
--model Generate model.dart file to your desired path
-h, --[no-]help Print usage information
--null-safety Make the model null safety
--[no-]pubspec Insert asset path to pubspec.yaml
(defaults to on)
--[no-]gitignore Insert .env input file into .gitignore
(defaults to on)

Example usage:

dart run env_reader -i ".env" -p "MyStrongPassword" --model="lib/src/env_model.dart" --null-safety --no-pubspec --no-gitignore -o "assets/env/custom.env"

Example 🚀 #



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Read, encrypt, or generate environment variables from a .env file into an obfuscated Dart model.

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