enhanced_paginated_view 2.0.3 copy "enhanced_paginated_view: ^2.0.3" to clipboard
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the enhanced paginated view is one of a kind widget that support pagination

Enhanced Paginated View #

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Overview πŸš€ #

EnhancedPaginatedView makes pagination effortless! It seamlessly integrates with ListView, GridView, and Slivers, providing a highly customizable builder that dynamically renders layouts while handling loading, errors, and scrollingβ€”all without extra hassle.

Designed for both box-based and sliver-based layouts, it optimizes performance for large datasets, reducing boilerplate and improving the user experience. Say goodbye to complex pagination logicβ€”EnhancedPaginatedView lets you build smooth, efficient, and responsive lists with minimal effort!

List View Grid View
List View GridView

Features πŸš€ #

  • Flexible Layouts – Supports both box-based and sliver-based views for seamless UI integration.
  • Custom Scroll Direction – Easily switch between forward or reverse scrolling.
  • Built-in Error Handling – Includes retry mechanisms for a smoother user experience.
  • Customizable Loading Indicators – Fully configurable loading states for both initial load and load more scenarios.
  • Infinite Scrolling & Manual Pagination – Supports both automatic and controlled pagination strategies.
  • Delegate-Based Architecture – Simplifies data management and enhances separation of concerns.
  • State Management Compatibility – Works seamlessly with BLoC, Riverpod, Provider, and other state management solutions.
  • ✨ New: Pull-to-Refresh Support – Refresh the list dynamically with the onRefresh callback.
  • ✨ New: Custom Refresh Indicator – Fully control the refresh UI using the refreshBuilder function.

Getting Started #

To use EnhancedPaginatedView, add it to your pubspec.yaml:

  enhanced_paginated_view: ^latest_version

Then import it in your Dart file:

import 'package:enhanced_paginated_view/enhanced_paginated_view.dart';

Usage #

EnhancedPaginatedView can be used in two primary modes: box-based view and sliver-based view. Choose the one that best fits your layout needs.

Box-Based View Example #

  onLoadMore: (page) {
    // Load more data
  itemsPerPage: 15,
  delegate: EnhancedDelegate(
    listOfData: yourDataList,
    status: EnhancedStatus.loaded,
  builder: (items, physics, reverse, shrinkWrap) {
    return ListView.builder(
      itemCount: items.length,
      physics: physics,
      shrinkWrap: shrinkWrap,
      reverse: reverse,
      itemBuilder: (context, index) {
        return ListTile(title: Text(items[index].toString()));

Sliver-Based View Example #

  onLoadMore: (page) {
    // Load more data
  itemsPerPage: 15,
  delegate: EnhancedDelegate<YourDataType>(
    listOfData: yourDataList,
    status: EnhancedStatus.loaded,
  builder: (context, data) {
    return SliverGrid.builder(
      gridDelegate: const SliverGridDelegateWithFixedCrossAxisCount(
        crossAxisCount: 2,
        crossAxisSpacing: 16,
        mainAxisSpacing: 16,
        childAspectRatio: 1,
      itemCount: data.length,
      itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) {
        return GridWidget(item: data[index], index: index);

Pull-to-Refresh with Custom Refresh Indicator #

Starting from version 2.0.2, the package supports pull-to-refresh functionality. You can implement the onRefresh callback to refresh the list when the user pulls down. If no callback is provided, the refresh indicator will be disabled by default.

Additionally, you can customize the refresh indicator using the refreshBuilder parameter, giving you complete control over its appearance and behavior.

  onLoadMore: (int page) {
    // Load more data
  onRefresh: () async {
    // Trigger data refresh
  refreshBuilder: (context, onRefresh, child) {
    return RefreshIndicator(
      color: Colors.white,
      backgroundColor: Colors.green,
      onRefresh: onRefresh,
      child: child,
  itemsPerPage: 15,
  delegate: EnhancedDelegate(
    listOfData: yourDataList,
    status: EnhancedStatus.loaded,
  builder: (items, physics, reverse, shrinkWrap) {
    return ListView.builder(
      itemCount: items.length,
      physics: physics,
      reverse: reverse,
      shrinkWrap: shrinkWrap,
      itemBuilder: (context, index) {
        return ListTile(title: Text(items[index].toString()));

Key Components #

1. EnhancedPaginatedView Widget #

Parameter Type Required Description
onLoadMore Function βœ… Callback triggered when scrolling to the bottom.
hasReachedMax bool βœ… Controls whether more items should be loaded.
itemsPerPage int ❌ Number of items loaded per page (default: 15).
delegate EnhancedDelegate βœ… Provides data and configuration.
builder Function βœ… Builds the scroll view.
direction EnhancedViewDirection ❌ Defines scroll direction (default: forward).
onRefresh Function ❌ Callback for pull-to-refresh functionality.
refreshBuilder Function ❌ Customizes the refresh indicator.

2. EnhancedDelegate Class #

Property Type Required Description
listOfData List<dynamic> βœ… List of items to display.
status EnhancedStatus βœ… Current status (loading, loaded, or error).
physics ScrollPhysics ❌ Custom scroll physics.
removeDuplicatedItems bool ❌ Removes duplicates (default: true).
scrollDirection Axis ❌ Scroll direction (default: Axis.vertical).
crossAxisAlignment CrossAxisAlignment ❌ Aligns children along the cross-axis (default: center).
header Widget ❌ Widget displayed at the top of the list.
emptyWidgetConfig Widget ❌ Configuration for the empty state widget.
loadingConfig Widget ❌ Configuration for the loading widget.
errorPageConfig Widget ❌ Configuration for the error page.
errorLoadMoreConfig Widget ❌ Configuration for the load-more error message.

3. Loading, Error, and Empty States #

The package provides customizable UI components for handling different states:

πŸ”„ Loading State (LoadingConfig)

Defines widgets for page-level loading and load-more scenarios.

  pageWidget: CircularProgressIndicator(),
  loadMoreWidget: CircularProgressIndicator(),

❌ Error State (ErrorPageConfig)

Displays a custom error page with retry functionality.

  title: "Error loading data",
  description: "Something went wrong.",
  btnText: "Retry",
  onRetry: () => loadMore(1),
  customButton: CustomButton(),
  customView: CustomErrorPageView(),

πŸ“­ Empty State (EmptyWidgetConfig)

Provides a custom view when no data is available.

  title: "No data found",
  customView: CustomEmptyView(),

🏷 Enum Types #

βœ… EnhancedStatus #

Defines possible states of the paginated view.

enum EnhancedStatus {

πŸ”ƒ EnhancedViewDirection #

Controls the scrolling direction of the list.

enum EnhancedViewDirection {

Examples with Different State Management Approaches #

The package includes examples demonstrating integration with various state management solutions:

  1. Native Flutter (setState): A basic example using Flutter's built-in state management.
  2. BLoC: An example showcasing integration with the BLoC (Business Logic Component) pattern.
  3. Riverpod: Demonstrates usage with the Riverpod state management library.

These examples can be found in the package's GitHub repository under the example folder. They provide clear, concise implementations to help you integrate EnhancedPaginatedView with your preferred state management solution.

License #

This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

Author #

For more information, feature requests, or bug reports, please visit the GitHub repository.



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the enhanced paginated view is one of a kind widget that support pagination

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