encrypt_decrypt_plus 1.5.0 encrypt_decrypt_plus: ^1.5.0 copied to clipboard
This package helps to encryption and decryption with or without secret key and JWT decode.
encrypt_decrypt_plus #
This package helps to encryption and decryption with or without secret key.
Using #
For help getting started with Flutter, view our online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile and web development, and a full API reference.
Installation #
First, add encrypt_decrypt_plus
as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.
In your flutter project add the dependency:
For help getting started with Flutter, view the online documentation.
Example #
Please follow this example here.
AES Encryption and Decryption #
- AES-256-CBC
AES aes = AES(secretKey: "datadirrdatadirrdatadirrdatadirr", iv: "datadirrdatadirr");
String encryptTxt = aes.encryptAES256CBC("Hello datadirr");
String decryptTxt = aes.decryptAES256CBC(encryptTxt);
XOR Encryption and Decryption #
- With Secret Key
- Method 1
XOR xor = XOR(secretKey: "datadirr");
String encryptTxt = xor.xorEncode("Hello datadirr");
String decryptTxt = xor.xorDecode(encryptTxt);
- Method 2
XOR xor = XOR();
String encryptTxt = xor.xorEncode("Hello datadirr", secretKey: "datadirr");
String decryptTxt = xor.xorDecode(encryptTxt, secretKey: "datadirr");
- Method 3
String encryptTxt = XOR().xorEncode("Hello datadirr", secretKey: "datadirr");
String decryptTxt = XOR().xorDecode(encryptTxt, secretKey: "datadirr");
- Method 4
String encryptTxt = XOR(secretKey: "datadirr").xorEncode("Hello datadirr");
String decryptTxt = XOR(secretKey: "datadirr").xorDecode(encryptTxt);
- Without Secret Key
- Method 1
XOR xor = XOR();
String encryptTxt = xor.xorEncode("Hello datadirr");
String decryptTxt = xor.xorDecode(encryptTxt);
- Method 2
String encryptTxt = XOR().xorEncode("Hello datadirr");
String decryptTxt = XOR().xorDecode(encryptTxt);
JWT token decode #