elementary 3.0.0
elementary: ^3.0.0 copied to clipboard
This is architecture library with the main goal to split code between different responsibility layers, make code clear, simple, readable and easy testable.
Changelog #
Unreleased #
3.1.0 #
Added #
- [BREAKING CHANGE] support dart 3 version:
- IWidgetModel now is abstract interface;
- ErrorHandler now is abstract interface;
- EntityState has become sealed.
- More detailed dartdoc for classes and methods.
- Alias for EntityStateNotifier's interface.
Changed #
- Supported mocktail 1.0.0 version.
- Updated documentation in repository.
- [BREAKING CHANGE] all custom pub-sub implementation, builders and wrapper moved to separate package - elementary_helper.
3.0.0-dev #
2.0.0 #
Added #
[BREAKING CHANGE] supported breaking changes for noSuchMethod in dart 2.19;
Migration: use MockElementaryModelMixin and MockWidgetModelMixin in the tests for WM and Model mocks to avoid fails
1.1.0 #
- Added multi-sources builders.
1.0.0 #
- First stable release
- Remove useless prebuild hook.
- Add tests for keep alive mixin and ticker provider mixin.
0.1.3 #
- Add constraints to ticker mixins and keep alive mixin.
0.1.2 #
- Mixin for keep alive widget model.
0.1.1 #
- Add theme wrapper.
0.1.0-dev.1 #
- Update naming from dev to release ready.
- Mark protected context in widget model.
0.0.3-dev.5 #
- Model behaviour tested.
- Widget behaviour tested.
0.0.3-dev.4 #
- Infrastructure for testing all layers.
0.0.3-dev.3 #
- Add base documentation.
- Rename WidgetModelBuilder to WidgetModelFactory.
- Rename onCreate method of WidgetModel to initWidgetModel.
0.0.3-dev.2 #
- Remove required error handler for model;
- Remove doWithHandle methods, use try/catch instead.
0.0.3-dev.1 #
- Add error handling;
0.0.2 #
- Example added;
0.0.1 #
- Initial release;