elegant_notification 1.0.0 copy "elegant_notification: ^1.0.0" to clipboard
elegant_notification: ^1.0.0 copied to clipboard


A new flutter package to display notifications on top of the screen, full customizable with built-in themes

Elegant Notification #

An elegant notification to display important messages to users

success_notification.gif info_notification.gif
error_notification.gif custom_notification.gif

Features #

  • Display a top notification with animation
  • Built-in themes (Success, Error, Info)
  • Different display animations
  • Support custom theme implementation
  • onClose and onProgressFinished callback handlers

Getting Started #

To use this elegant notification package you need to add the dependency in pubspec.yaml file.

	elegant_notification: ^1.0.0

Parameters #

///The toast title String (required)
final  String title;

///The title text style
///by default it's `TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, fontSize: 14)`
final  TextStyle titleStyle;

///The toast description text (required)
final  String description;

///The description text style
///by default it's `TextStyle(fontSize: 12)`
final  TextStyle descriptionStyle;

///The toast icon, required only if using the default constructor
///for other toast types (Success, Info, error) the icon is not changeable
late  Widget? icon;

///The size of the icon, by default it's 40px
late  double iconSize;

///The type of the animation set on the notification
///possible values
///default value `FROM_LEFT`
final  ANIMATION animation;

///The duration of the animation
///Default value `Duration(milliseconds: 100)`
final  Duration animationDuration;

///The shadow color applied on the notification widget
/// by defualt it's `Colors.grey`
/// for types constructors (Success, Info, Delete) this parameter is unchangeable
late  Color shadowColor;

/// the background color of the notification
/// by default it's set to white
/// for types constructors (Success, Info, Delete) this parameter is unchangeable
late  Color background;

///The color of the progress
///by default it's blue
/// for types constructors (Success, Info, Delete) this parameter is unchangeable
late  Color progressIndicatorColor;

///the border radius of the notification widget
///this parameter it's only set if you are using the default constructor
/// for types constructors (Success, Info, Delete) this parameter is unchangeable
late  double radius;

///The duration how much the notification will take time, duration in milliseconds
///by default the duration is `2500 milliseconds`
final  int toastDuration;

///enable or disable the shadow rendering
///by default it's true
/// for types constructors (Success, Info, Delete) this parameter is unchangeable
late  bool enableShadow;

///enable or disable the progress indicator rendering
///by default the indicator is displayed
/// for types constructors (Success, Info, Delete) this parameter is unchangeable
late  bool showProgressIndicator;

///Display or hide the close button
///by default the close button is displayed
/// for types constructors (Success, Info, Delete) this parameter is unchangeable
final  bool displayCloseButton;

///Function invoked when user press on the close button
final  Function? onCloseButtonPressed;

///Function invoked when the notification is closed after the finish of the progress indicator
final  Function? onProgressFinished;

Examples #

  • Success theme animation example
	title:  "Update",
	description:  "Your data has been updated")

  • Info theme animation example
	title:  "Info",
	description:  "This account will be updated once you exit")

  • Error theme animation example
	title:  "Error",
	description:  "Please verifiy your data")

  • Custom theme animation example
	title:  "New version",
	description:  "A new version is available to you please update.",
	icon:  Icon(Icons.access_alarm,color:  Colors.orange,),
	progressIndicatorColor:  Colors.orange,)

Contribution #

Of course the project is open source, and you can contribute to it repository link

  • If you found a bug, open an issue.
  • If you have a feature request, open an issue.
  • If you want to contribute, submit a pull request.


verified publisherbadrkouki.dev

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A new flutter package to display notifications on top of the screen, full customizable with built-in themes

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (license)




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