elapsed 1.0.5 copy "elapsed: ^1.0.5" to clipboard
elapsed: ^1.0.5 copied to clipboard


Get time elapsed for asynchronous function in a single line of code.

Get time elapsed for asynchronous function in a single line of code.

Pub Version Testing Status

What does this do? #

  • This package is written as a simplified form of Stopwatch class. And probably better.
  • Only contains one method which is elapsed(...) .
  • Only accepts a Future<T> that the library will automatically await and record the time elapsed.
  • Where <T> can be of any type including <void> .
  • The time elapsed will be returned alongside the actual result of the future.

Normal vs package:elapsed #

This is how you normally call an API with http package.

var response = await http.get(...);
print(response.body); // prints JSON data response.

But with this library, you can do this:

var data = await elapsed(http.get(...));
print(data.result.body); // prints JSON data response.

^ These two different codes produce the same output. The difference is that you can do this with elapsed:

// prints time elapsed in milliseconds.
// Also has ".inSeconds" and ".inMinutes"

That's it! Implemented time elapsed for a future with only 1 line of code -> await elapsed(...) .

Checkout the example tab for more examples.

Disclaimer #

This is not an alternative to time_elapsed. This is a very different library.

pub points


verified publisherxamantra.dev

Get time elapsed for asynchronous function in a single line of code.

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unknown (LICENSE)


Packages that depend on elapsed