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RSA Cryptography library with ease of use at its core.

einfache_krypto #

RSA Cryptography library with ease of use at its core.

Hecho en 🇵🇷 por Radamés J. Valentín Reyes

API functions #

Note: You must always convert your data to a List


Einfache_Krypto.cipher(data: data,password: password,securityLevel: 2);


Einfache_Krypto.decipher(data: x, password: password, securityLevel: 2);

Key Generation:

Returns an object with all of the RSA required variable values. You can access such values using the dot notation on the object.

CipherGen(seed: password,securityLevel: securityLevel);

Adaptable password generation:

Generates a password that adapts to the data so that it can completely cypher it by generating a password that avoids getting problems where data values are larger than the modulo mentioned in the technical limitations section. Its the smallest number that can be used as password to cipher successfully the data.

Einfache_Krypto.adaptivePasswordGeneration(data: myData);//Returns the password as an int

Asymmetric Encryption:

Einfache_Krypto.asymmetricCipher(data: myData, publicKey: publicKey, modulo: modulo);

Asymmetric Decryption:

Einfache_Krypto.asymmetricDecipher(data: encryptedData, privateKey: privateKey, modulo: modulo);

Catching errors

  //Library operations go here
  CipherGen(seed: 12,securityLevel: 12);
   //Error handling goes here
  if(err == CipherError.bigPassword){
      //Do this
      //Do that

Library Use Example #

Symmetric Encryption and Decryption Sample #

//Define a password
int password = 2434;
//Convert the data to a list of integers
List<int> data = 'Hello Cyphered World'.codeUnits;
//Print the original text
print('Original: ${String.fromCharCodes(data)}');
//Cypher the data
List<int> x = Einfache_Krypto.cipher(data: data,password: password,securityLevel: 2);
//Print the cyphered data
print('Cyphered: ${String.fromCharCodes(x)}');
//Decipher the data
List<int> y = Einfache_Krypto.decipher(data: x, password: password, securityLevel: 2);
//Print decyphered data
print('Deciphered: ${String.fromCharCodes(y)}');

Key Generation: #

Note: All of the variables shown in the Eddie Woo videos are available through this object.

//Generate Key pairs
CipherGen generated = CipherGen(seed: password,securityLevel: securityLevel);
//Encryption key
//Mod value(N variable)

Adaptive Password: #

Note: You can use the returned password number or a number bigger that itself to guarantee that all your content can be encrypted.

List<int> data = 'Hello Cyphered World from Puerto Rico'.codeUnits;
int password = Einfache_Krypto.adaptivePasswordGeneration(data);
List<int> encrypted = Einfache_Krypto.cipher(data: data, password: password, securityLevel: 2);
List<int> decrypted = Einfache_Krypto.decipher(data: encrypted, password: password, securityLevel: 2);
print('Generated adaptive password is "$password"');
print('Decrypted test: ${String.fromCharCodes(decrypted)}');

Asymmetric Encryption Sample: #

Note: You can use your previously generated private and public keys with this methods. Using CipherGen() to generate the keys is completely unnecessary.

List<int> myData = 'Hallo Freunde'.codeUnits;
print('Original: ${String.fromCharCodes(myData)}');
CipherGen generatedKeys = CipherGen(seed: Einfache_Krypto.adaptivePasswordGeneration(myData),securityLevel: 4);
List<int> encrypted = Einfache_Krypto.asymmetricCipher(data: myData, publicKey: generatedKeys.e, modulo: generatedKeys.N);
List<int> decrypted = Einfache_Krypto.asymmetricDecipher(data: encrypted, privateKey: generatedKeys.d, modulo: generatedKeys.N);
print('Asymetric decryption result: ${String.fromCharCodes(decrypted)}');

References #

I was able to understand the RSA method and create this library thanks to this marvelous learning resource. Check out eddie woo's YouTube channel.

Technical Limitations #

Note: Take into account that all data is always read by the program as numbers. Your password is a seed for all of the RSA variables that need to be generated.

  • You cannot encrypt a number greater than the modulo. Modulo is generated on the background using your password(seed).
  • If the password is too small. The range to pick a number for the variable e may be so small that it may not contain any number that meets the necessary criteria to use RSA encryption. Example: using 12 for the password parameter will throw you an error using this library.
  • Using as password extremely big numbers may generate numbers that are too big for your computer/device or client's computer/device to handle, because RSA relies on raising the numbers they will grow at exponential levels which means that your device may not be able to perform the necessary computation.
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RSA Cryptography library with ease of use at its core.


unknown (LICENSE)


flutter, meta, optimus_prime


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