ecp_sync_plugin 4.0.0+4 copy "ecp_sync_plugin: ^4.0.0+4" to clipboard
ecp_sync_plugin: ^4.0.0+4 copied to clipboard


A new Flutter plugin. Added AES Encription, Added QR Code Scanner, File & DB Sync for Android & IOS, Internet Connectivity check for both Android & IOS.

4.0.0+4 #

  • remove external storage uses for android sync

3.9.7+10 #

  • ChiperLab Reader, package changes, LAB Camera issue

3.9.6+5 #

  • Lab File sync IOS, resolved memory issue, REPF app changes

3.9.3 #

  • Encryption and Decryption For Android.

3.9.0 #

  • split sync call in to two process

3.8.9 #

  • split sync call in to two process

3.8.8 #

  • very stable version of plugin

3.8.7 #

  • Android Sync changes for Log App

3.8.5 #

  • Android Sync changes for Utility

3.8.4 #

  • Android Sync for LAB

3.8.3 #

  • Dynamic Label for Scan Scan screen

3.8.1 #

  • Bug Fix, removed flutter_sqlcipher, added Data Logger Sync

3.8.0 #

  • Bug Fix

3.7.6 #

  • Bug Fix, Added System Settings

3.7.4 #

  • Added 1D QR Code Scan for IOS

3.6.9 #

  • Resolved Memory issue Android Main Sync

3.6.5 #

  • Resolved Sync massage change, delete before insert new, sound change

3.6.1 #

  • Resolved IOS & ANDROID Issue

3.5.9 #

  • Code 128 supoort

3.5.8 #

  • Pallate

3.5.7 #

  • DB Migration, Pallate

3.5.6 #

  • DB Migration

3.4.7 #

  • Resolved IOS & ANDROID Issue

3.4.0 #


3.3.9 #

  • MANAGE TIMEOUT, Keyboard Hide, Zip

3.3.2 #

  • Optimize Process

3.1.0 #

  • TODO: Added AES Encription, Added QR Code Scanner, File & DB Sync for Android & IOS, Internet Connectivity check for both Android & IOS.

3.0.0 #

  • TODO: Scan QR Code & Data matrix Added Design Screen, Sound & Flash support Android & IOS

2.0.0 #

  • TODO: Scan QR Code & Data matrix for Android & IOS
pub points


unverified uploader

A new Flutter plugin. Added AES Encription, Added QR Code Scanner, File & DB Sync for Android & IOS, Internet Connectivity check for both Android & IOS.



unknown (license)


flutter, json_annotation, json_serializable


Packages that depend on ecp_sync_plugin