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A library that supports code generation of C++ code and supporting infrastructure. The focus is both code (e.g. classes, enums, functions, ...) and overall structure (cpp files, hpp files, build scri [...]

Ebisu Cpp #

Build Status

Code generation library/toolkit that focuses on generating the structure of c++ code and as much of the boilerplate coding that goes with that in the creation of c++ systems. Much like its required companion library ebisu this library does what it can to leverage a convenient declarative approach encouraging heavy use of cascades.

General C++ Code Generation Approach #

As stated the focus is on c++ structure as opposed to attempting to support all aspects of the language. On any large system there is some combination of boilerplate and hand-crafted custom business logic. The larger the amount of boilerplate the larger the benefit of code generation. In order to make the use of code generation palatable in the face of large amounts of custom code it is important to be able to have the two live nicely side-by-side. In ebisu and ebisu_cpp this is accomplished with Protect Blocks, also called Custom Blocks. A custom block is code that exists in generated output that is protected because it has been hand coded. Custom blocks are designated with special comments, which are labeled with tags. Here are some examples:

For C++, a custom block with a tag of designating the class public section of class Change_tracker:

 template <typename T>
 class Change_tracker {
   // custom <ClsPublic Change_tracker>
        **** CUSTOM CODE WRITTEN HERE ****
   // end <ClsPublic Change_tracker>

   //! getter for current_ (access is Ro)
   T current() const { return current_; }

   //! getter for previous_ (access is Ro)
   T previous() const { return previous_; }

   T current_{};
   T previous_{};

All code around the custom block is generated. Any code within a Custom Block is preserved from one run to the next of the code generation.

For cmake a custom block with tag of <date_time_converter libs> designating additional libraries required for the date_time_converter application:

 # custom <date_time_converter libs>
 # end <date_time_converter libs>

Approach to Naming #

These code generation utilities ensure consistent naming by requiring all potential identifier names to be derived from an identifier provided by the user in snake case. A utility library id with class Id is used to ensure names are converted from the input snake case to whatever case is deemed appropriate. The naming conventions are guaranteed consistent and can be modified to taste by assigning a [Namer] instance to the [Installation] prior to generation. Two namers are included, [EbisuCppNamer] and [GoogleNamer].

Structural Targets #

Specifically, the following are some of the current structural targets covered by ebisu_cpp:

  • [Enum]: C++ enums, with some support for serialization and different flavors - such as masks.


 ..values = [
   'submit_invalid_order_details' ],

Generates Content:

 enum Submit_result {

In addition to the basic enum, support is provided for converting enum values to and from strings, streaming and mask enums.

  • [Class]: The heart of the language. With simple declarations, classes can be generated:
        ..descr = '''
  Tracks current/previous values of the given type of data. For some
  algorithms it is useful to be able to examine/perform logic on
  current value and compare or evalutate how it has changed since
  previous value.'''
        ..template = [ 'typename T' ]
        ..customBlocks = [clsPublic]
        ..members = [
          member('current')..type = 'T'..access = ro,
          member('previous')..type = 'T'..access = ro,

Which generates content:

  Tracks current/previous values of the given type of data. For some
  algorithms it is useful to be able to examine/perform logic on
  current value and compare or evalutate how it has changed since
  previous value.
 template <typename T>
 class Change_tracker {
   // custom <ClsPublic Change_tracker>
   // end <ClsPublic Change_tracker>

   //! getter for current_ (access is Ro)
   T current() const { return current_; }

   //! getter for previous_ (access is Ro)
   T previous() const { return previous_; }

   T current_{};
   T previous_{};

  • [Header]: A single header file, typically with a collection of C++ type things like includes, enums, classes, forward declarations, using statements


 final raii = lib('raii')
   ..namespace = namespace([ 'ebisu', 'raii' ])
   ..headers = [
     ..includes = [ 'boost/call_traits.hpp' ]
     ..classes = [

Generates File: $TOP/ebisu/cpp/ebisu/raii/change_tracker.hpp

  • [Impl]: A single cpp implementation, typically with a collection of C++ type things like includes, enums, classes, forward declarations, using statements

  • [Lib]: C++ libraries. These days C++ libarary has a broader connotation than just the archived collection of object files. Today it is common to have header only libraries which implies no library at all. In ebisu_cpp [Lib] does not necessarily imply a C++ archive is created. Rather it is a collection of code generated within a namespace in a consistent directory structure that may or may not entail the creation of a C++ archive.

  final utils = lib('utils')
    ..namespace = namespace([ 'ebisu', 'utils' ])
    ..headers = [

Generates Files:

 No change: $TOP/ebisu/cpp/ebisu/utils/block_indenter.hpp
 No change: $TOP/ebisu/cpp/ebisu/utils/fixed_size_char_array.hpp
 No change: $TOP/ebisu/cpp/ebisu/utils/utils.hpp
 No change: $TOP/ebisu/cpp/ebisu/utils/version_control_commit.hpp
 No change: $TOP/ebisu/cpp/ebisu/utils/histogram.hpp
  • [App]: A single application executable.
 final date_time_converter = app('date_time_converter')
   ..namespace = namespace(['ebisu'])
   ..customBlocks = [ fcbEndNamespace ]
   ..includes = [
   ..args = [
     ..shortName = 't'
     ..descr = 'Some form of timestamp'
     ..isMultiple = true
     ..type = ArgType.STRING,
     ..shortName = 'd'
     ..descr = 'Some form of date'
     ..isMultiple = true
     ..type = ArgType.STRING,

Generates: $TOP/ebisu/cpp/app/date_time_converter/date_time_converter.cpp If run in context of installation updates build scripts with targets content:

 # Application build directives

 # custom <date_time_converter libs>
 # end <date_time_converter libs>
  • [AppArg]: An application argument that gets translated into boost::program_option code. Even when using helpful libraries like boost::program_options, there is typically large amounts of boilerplate code. The arguments associated with an application are localized into a single class containing the program options as fields. So for the example application above:
 struct Program_options {
   Program_options(int argc, char** argv) {...}
   static boost::program_options::options_description const& description() {...}
   static void show_help(std::ostream& out) {...}
   //! getter for help_ (access is Ro)
   bool help() const { return help_; }
   //! getter for timestamp_ (access is Ro)
   std::vector<std::string> const& timestamp() const { return timestamp_; }
   //! getter for date_ (access is Ro)
   std::vector<std::string> const& date() const { return date_; }
   friend inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out,
                                          Program_options const& item) {

   bool help_{};
   std::vector<std::string> timestamp_{};
   std::vector<std::string> date_{};
 int main(int argc, char** argv) {
   using namespace ebisu;
   try {
     Program_options options = {argc, argv};
     if (options.help()) {
       return 0;
  • [Test]: A generated test.

  • [Script]: Any large C++ installation will typically require or benefit from some set of scripts.

  • [Installation]: The kit and caboodle. An installation is a collection of libs, apps, tests and scripts. When an installation is generated it generates all artifacts, taking care to leave all protect blocks in tact.

Functional Targets #

In most large scale projects there are often those mundane tasks that scream for code generation. Here are some that are covered by ebisu_cpp

  • Common Operators Often support for various operators can (and should) be code generated. Assume you have a class that looks something like:
  ..isStreamable = true
  ..members = [
    member('name')..type = 'ebisu::utils::Fixed_size_char_array<64>',
    member('descr')..type = 'ebisu::utils::Fixed_size_char_array<256>',

The following common operators are generated.

  • operator==: Equality operator
 bool operator==(Code_packages_value const& rhs) const {
   return this == &rhs || (name == rhs.name && descr == rhs.descr);
  • operator<: Less than operator
 bool operator<(Code_packages_value const& rhs) const {
   return name != rhs.name
              ? name < rhs.name
              : (descr != rhs.descr ? descr < rhs.descr : (false));
  • operator<<: Streaming operator
 friend inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out,
                                        Code_packages_value const& item) {
   out << '\n' << "name:" << item.name;
   out << '\n' << "descr:" << item.descr;
   return out;

Other types of methods are easily generated. #

Constructors initializing members. For example to add a member initializing constructor that initializes the member name, the following addition will work:

 ..memberCtors = [ memberCtor(['name']) ] ...

Which will cause the addition of:

   ebisu::utils::Fixed_size_char_array<64> name) :
   name_ { name } {

Note, that it is accepting the name by value. Depending on your code this may not be desirable, and in this case it is not. A simple modification to the member will address it:

 ..isByRef = true
 ..type = 'ebisu::utils::Fixed_size_char_array<64>',

Now we have pass by reference, much better:

   ebisu::utils::Fixed_size_char_array<64> const & name) :
   name_ { name } {

  • Serialization Classes can be given support for serialization and the

Large Scale Code Generation #

Perhaps you want to generate all code, business logic as well as structure. This is a common task when the functionality is very pattern oriented.

More on Custom Blocks #

Typically, the set of custom blocks associated with some type of entity are determined up front. For instance, for C++ classes you can specify inclusion of any of the following custom blocks:

 ..customBlocks = [clsPreDecl, clsPublic, clsProtected, clsPrivate, clsPostDecl]

Similarly for any C++ file, Header, Impl, or App which is an Impl, you can choose from:

 ..namespace = namespace(['ebisu'])
 ..customBlocks = [
   fcbCustomIncludes, fcbPreNamespace, fcbPostNamespace,
   fcbBeginNamespace, fcbEndNamespace ]

Essentially the predefined set of custom blocks for an entity comprise the set matching the best guess of the code generation author as to where additional custom code might be required. The name indicates the location, so fcbCustomIncludes is a protection block near the top of the file, just below any pre-registered include statements, allowing the C++ developer to throw in new includes as they are developing without regenerating. Similarly, fcbPreNamespace is the location just above the namespace declaration containing the meat of the structure and logic. The interesting thing about these locations is that they represent not only where a user might like enter hand written code, they are also the location where a large scale code generation effort might like to programatically include more generated content.

For example, suppose you were generating support for a class whose members are determined programatically.

 _makeClass(String id, Iterable<Column> columns) {
   final result = class_(id)
     ..isStruct = true
     ..isStreamable = true
     ..members = columns.map((c) => _makeMember(c)).toList();
   return result;

In this example, like the prior examples a class is created with operator== and operator< as well as streaming support, operator<<. However, here the members are not hand coded but rather pulled in from other data, in this case column names from the schema of a database of table. Also, note that the clsPublic code block which before was used for a Custom Block is used here to inject snipets of code.

Generated Code Requirements #

  • cpp_ebisu Code generated by ebisu_cpp requires the companion C++ header only libraries from cpp_ebisu

  • boost Used for program_options to support application arguments. Used for date_time, and thread_local_storage support when using database orm facilities.

  • cereal Used for serialization.

Philosophies/Goals #

  • Always support generating code around custom code. Alternatively always provide hooks for custom code to be inserted into generated code.

  • Make usage of ebisu_cpp simple enough to be used on tasks where hand-coding is still the bulk of the effort, but the option to incorporate code generation is still desired

  • Where possible steer generation towards good practices

    • Encourage consistent naming
    • Encourage good member encapsulation
    • Encourage namespace usage
    • Encourage consistent directory structure/layout
    • Encourage consistent file structure/layout

Structural Diagram #

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A library that supports code generation of C++ code and supporting infrastructure. The focus is both code (e.g. classes, enums, functions, ...) and overall structure (cpp files, hpp files, build scripts, test files, etc.)

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args, drudge, ebisu, id, ini, logging, path, petitparser, quiver, stack_trace


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