eb 0.0.1-dev copy "eb: ^0.0.1-dev" to clipboard
eb: ^0.0.1-dev copied to clipboard


Event-driven architecture pattern

EB #

About #

Implementation of event-driven publish–subscribe pattern with singleton Event Bus.

Example: #

import 'package:eb/eb.dart';

class A with Subscriber {
  A() {
    events.forEach((Event e) => print('A gotcha $e')); 
class B with Subscriber {}

class C with Publisher {}

void main() {
  EventBusSupervisor.addEventCallback((Event e) => print('Supervisor gotcha $e #1'));
  EventBusSupervisor.addEventCallback((Event e) => print('Supervisor gotcha $e #2'));

  final A a = A();
  final B b = B()..onEvent((Event e) => print('B gotcha $e'));

  final C c = C()..emit(const Event());
