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EasyDev Flutter package with widgets for constructing forms.

easydev_forms #

This package containts widgets for entering information in application that use EasyDev UI Kit.

This package includes checkboxes, radio buttons, switches, select, multiselect, sliders, range sliders, code and number inputs, date picker, date range picker, date input and date range input.

Installation #

To use this package, add easydev_forms as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.

Usage #

Import package into your code:

import "package:easydev_forms/easydev_forms.dart";

Note that all of widgets of this package must be wrapped in EasyDevTheme. You can provide theme manually using EasyDevTheme (from easydev_theme package), Theme or CupertinoTheme or wrap it with widgets, which provide theme automatically such as EasyDevApp (from easydev_basics), MaterialApp or CupertinoApp.



Screen 1

Checkboxes allow users to make selections from multiple options simultaneously, providing a convenient way to indicate preferences, choices, or actions to be taken. EasyDevCheckbox requires selected, onSelect and value properties. selected shows whether checkbox is selected, onSelect provides a callback for tapping and value is used for representing value in EasyDevCheckbox. Other fields can be used to customize appearance of EasyDevCheckbox.

List<int> selectedCheckboxValues = [];
final int checkbox1Value = 1;
  selected: selectedCheckboxValues.contains(widget.checkbox1Value),
  onSelect: (value) {
    setState(() {
      if (selectedCheckboxValues.contains(value)) {
      } else {
  value: widget.checkbox1Value,

Screen 2

Radio buttons is used for enabling users to make mutually exclusive selections from a set of options. EasyDevRadioButton requires selected, onSelect and value properties. selected shows whether radio button is selected, onSelect provides a callback for tapping and value is used for representing value in EasyDevRadioButton. Other fields can be used to customize appearance of EasyDevRadioButton.

final int radio1Value = 1;
int? selectedRadioValue;
  selected: selectedRadioValue == widget.radio1Value,
  radioType: RadioType.classic,
  onSelect: (value) => setState(
      () => selectedRadioValue = selectedRadioValue == value ? null : value),
  value: widget.radio1Value,

Screen 3

Switches offer a convenient way for users to toggle between two states, such as turning a feature on or off. EasyDevSwitch requires value and onSelect properties. value represents current state of EasyDevSwitch and onSelect provides a callback for tapping. Other fields can be used to customize appearance of EasyDevSwitch. To create switch that adapts to current platform you can use EasyDevSwitch.adaptive.

bool switchValue = false;
  value: switchValue,
  onSelect: (value) {
    setState(() {
      switchValue = !value;

Screen 4

Screen 5

Select widgets allow users to choose from a predefined list of options, streamlining data entry and minimizing errors. EasyDevSelect requires selectedValue, values, onSelected and hint properties. selectedValue represents selected value. values is a list of EasyDevSelectItem that are shown for user. onSelected provides a callback for selecting a value. hint is shown in select when selectedValue is null.

withBottomSheet provides an opportunity to chose options displaying type: OverlayEntry or EasyDevBottomSheet. Other fields can be used to customize appearance of EasyDevSelect.

int? value;
  withBottomSheet: true,
  selectedValue: value,
  values: List.generate(
    (index) => EasyDevSelectItem(
        value: index,
      name: 'Option ${index + 1}',
      enabled: index < 15,
  onSelected: (newValue) {
    setState(() {
      value = newValue;
  hint: 'Select option',

Screen 6

Screen 7

Screen 8

Multi-select widgets enable users to efficiently choose multiple options from a list, facilitating the selection of diverse or overlapping preferences or categories. EasyDevMultiSelect requires selectedValues, items and valuesChanged properties. selectedValues represents selected values of widget, items is a list of EasyDevMultiselectItem that are shown for user, valuesChanged provides a callback for changing values.

withBottomSheet provides an opportunity to chose options displaying type: OverlayEntry or EasyDevBottomSheet. Other fields can be used to customize appearance of EasyDevMultiSelect.

List<int> selectedValues = [];
  maxHeight: 400,
  selectedValues: selectedValues,
  items: List.generate(
    (index) => EasyDevMultiselectItem(
      value: index,
      name: 'Option ${index + 1}',
      enabled: index < 15,
  valuesChanged: (newValue) {
    setState(() {
      selectedValues = newValue;
  hint: 'Select option',

Screen 9

Screen 10

Screen 11

Sliders provide an intuitive and interactive way for users to adjust numeric values within a defined range. EasyDevSlider requires value and onChanged properties. value represents current numeric value of the slider, onChanged provides a callback for changing value.

Other useful properties:

  • title represents title above the slider in left corner.
  • showLabel shows whether to show a value above the slider in right corner.
  • showInput shows whether to show an input for slider.
  • inputPosition determines a position of input if showInput is true. There are three position options: SliderInputPosition.top, SliderInputPosition.right and SliderInputPosition.bottom.
  • formatValue is a function showing what text should be displayed on the tooltip, on the label and in the inputs.
  • min and max determines minimun and maximum values of slider. Defaults to 0 and 1.
  • showButtons shows whether to show plus and minus buttons on edges of a slider.
  • buttonStepAmount determines a value that will be added or substracted from current value when button is tapped. Defaults to 0.1.
  • showTooltip shows whether to show a tooltip.
  • showEdgeValues shows whether to show min and max values on edges of the slider.
  • divisions, if this field is not equal to null, than slider will be divided on divisions equal parts.

Other fields can be used to customize appearance of EasyDevSlider.

double _sliderValue = 0.5;
  title: 'Title',
  showLabel: true,
  showInput: true,
  inputPosition: SliderInputPosition.right,
  value: _sliderValue,
  onChanged: (double value) {
    setState(() {
      _sliderValue = value;

Screen 12

Screen 13

Range sliders offer users the ability to select a range of values within a specified interval, enabling precise control over numeric input. EasyDevRangeSlider requires value and onChanged properties. value represents current value of type RangeValue which has numeric start and end values, onChanged provides a callback for changing value.

Most other fields are the same as in the EasyDevSlider and they were described in the previous section. New field is minimalRange, that shows minimal range between value.start and value.end.

RangeValue _sliderRangeValue = const RangeValue(0, 1);
  value: _sliderRangeValue,
  title: 'Title',
  showInput: true,
  inputPosition: SliderInputPosition.top,
  onChanged: (RangeValue value) {
    setState(() {
      _sliderRangeValue = value;
Code input

Screen 14

Screen 15

EnterCodeWithKeyboard is used to simplify inputing different code such as PIN codes or OTP codes. EnterCodeWithKeyboard requires value and valueChanged properties. value represents current string value of input, valueChanged provides a callback for changing value.

EnterCodeState enum provides ability to change EnterCodeField of EnterCodeWithKeyboard to different states with their customization:

  • EnterCodeState.enabled allows entering code.
  • EnterCodeState.loading shows loading indicator and loadingHint.
  • EnterCodeState.success shows success icon and successHint.
  • EnterCodeState.failure shows failure icon and errorHint.

You can use built-in timer functionality using needTimer to show it, and timerText, timerButtonText, onTimerButtonPressed to customize it.

// Code input that successfully loads
EnterCodeState? successState;
var successValue = '';
successState != null
    ? EnterCodeWithKeyboard(
        value: successValue,
        title: 'Enter code from message',
        valueChanged: (newValue) async {
          if (newValue.length == 4) {
            setState(() {
              successState = EnterCodeState.loading;
              successValue = newValue;
            await Future.delayed(
              const Duration(seconds: 2),
            setState(() {
              successState = EnterCodeState.success;
            await Future.delayed(
              const Duration(seconds: 2),
            setState(() {
              successState = null;
              successValue = '';
          } else {
            setState(() {
              successValue = newValue;
        state: successState!)
    : CodeInputButton(
        onTap: () {
          setState(() {
            successState = EnterCodeState.enabled;
        text: 'Change PIN code',

Screen 16

EasyDevInputNumber provides a simple widget for entering a number. EasyDevInputNumber requires valueChanged callback for pressing change buttons.

  initialValue: 0,
  maxValue: 5,
  valueChanged: (int value) {},

Screen 17

Screen 18

Screen 19

Date pickers provide users with an intuitive interface to select dates, ensuring accurate input and minimizing errors in date-related tasks.

EasyDevDatePicker fields:

  • startDate, minimal date available in date picker.
  • endDate, maximal date available in date picker.
  • onOkTap, callback for tapping on OK button.
  • onCancelTap, callback for tapping on CANCEL button.
  • locale, locale for displayning dates.
  • onDateSelected, callback for selecting a date.
  • initialDate, initially selected date in date picker.
  • formatWeekday and formatMonth, functions for formatting weekdays labels and months labels.
  • showDisabledDays, boolean that shows whether to show days that not included in currently displayed month.
  • decoration, DatePickerDecoration, where you can change text styles and colors of date picker.
  endDate: DateTime(2050),
  initialDate: DateTime(2023),
  startDate: DateTime(1800),
  onCancelTap: () {},
  onOkTap: ((value) {}),

Screen 20

Date range pickers provide users with an intuitive interface to select range of dates, ensuring accurate input and minimizing errors in date-related tasks.

EasyDevDateRangePicker is mostly similar to EasyDevDatePicker that was described in previous section. It differs in using DateRange that has date start and date end instead of DateTime.

  endDate: DateTime(2024, 12),
  startDate: DateTime(1800),
  initialDateRange: DateRange(start: DateTime(2024, 02, 10), end: DateTime(2024, 02, 20)),
  onSelectTap: (value) {},
EasyDevDateInput and EasyDevDateRangeInput

Screen 21

Screen 22

These are built-in input that can be used for entering dates. They provide formatting and validation for the entered dates. You can use dateFormat to provide format of dates. Also you can use separator to provide symbol that will divide days, months and years.

  valueChanged: (String value) {},
  label: 'Date of birth',
  separator: '-',
  dateFormat: DateInputFormat.yyyyddMM(),
  startValueChanged: (String value) {},
  endValueChanged: (String value) {},
  startLabel: 'Start date',
  endLabel: 'End date',


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EasyDev Flutter package with widgets for constructing forms.

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GPL-3.0 (license)


community_material_icon, easydev_base_ui, easydev_basics, easydev_theme, flutter, flutter_svg, intl


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