easy_tech_calendar 0.0.1+2
easy_tech_calendar: ^0.0.1+2 copied to clipboard
Easy Calendar
Easy Tech Calendar #
A highly customizable and user-friendly calendar widget for Flutter. The easy_tech_calendar
widget allows users to select dates in multiple modes (range selection or multi-selection) and offers a variety of customization options like colors, borders, and locale support.
Features #
- Range Selection: Allows users to select a date range.
- Multi-Selection: Users can select multiple individual dates.
- Customization: Customize the appearance of selected and unselected days, borders, and text colors.
- Localization: Supports localization for week days and month names.
- Year Selector: Allows users to select a year and navigate through the months of that year.
- Built-in Controller: Manage selected days with the
Installation #
To add the easy_tech_calendar
package to your Flutter project, add the following line to your pubspec.yaml
sdk: flutter
easy_tech_calendar: ^1.0.0 # Check for the latest version
intl: ^0.18.0 # Required for date formatting
Usage #
Step 1: Import the package
import 'package:easy_tech_calendar/easy_tech_calendar.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
Step 2: Create an EasyCalendarController The EasyCalendarController is used to manage selected dates. It can be used to handle multi-selection or range selection mode.
class EasyCalendarController {
List<DateTime> selectedDays = []; // Multi-selection mode
DateTime? selectedMinDate; // Range selection (min date)
DateTime? selectedMaxDate; // Range selection (max date)
Step 3: Use the EasyCalendar widget The EasyCalendar widget can be placed inside your widget tree. You can toggle between range mode and multi-selection mode, and customize the calendar's appearance with various properties.
import 'package:easy_tech_calendar/easy_tech_calendar.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
class CalendarPage extends StatefulWidget {
_CalendarPageState createState() => _CalendarPageState();
class _CalendarPageState extends State<CalendarPage> {
final EasyCalendarController _controller = EasyCalendarController();
bool _rangeMode = false;
String _locale = 'en'; // Set locale for the calendar (e.g., 'en', 'ru', 'uz')
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: Text('Easy Calendar'),
actions: [
icon: Icon(Icons.calendar_today),
onPressed: () {
setState(() {
_rangeMode = !_rangeMode;
body: Padding(
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
child: EasyCalendar(
rangeMode: _rangeMode, // Toggle range mode
locale: _locale, // Set locale (e.g., 'en', 'ru', 'uz')
controller: _controller,
selectedDayColor: Colors.blue, // Customize selected day color
selectedDayBorderColor: Colors.blue.shade700, // Customize selected day border
selectedDayTextColor: Colors.white, // Customize selected day text color
unSelectedDayColor: Colors.white, // Customize unselected day color
unSelectedDayBorderColor: Colors.grey.shade300, // Customize unselected day border
unSelectedDayTextColor: Colors.black, // Customize unselected day text color
disabledDaysColor: Colors.grey.shade200, // Customize disabled day color
disabledDaysTextColor: Colors.grey, // Customize disabled day text color
yearTitleColor: Colors.black87, // Customize year title color
monthTitleColor: Colors.black87, // Customize month title color
weakDaysColor: Colors.grey.shade500, // Customize weak day text color
Step 4: Use the EasyCalendar widget For using Localization u should init localization to your app first.
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
const MyApp({super.key});
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return const MaterialApp(
debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
supportedLocales: [
localizationsDelegates: [
home: HomePage()