easy_task 0.0.2 copy "easy_task: ^0.0.2" to clipboard
easy_task: ^0.0.2 copied to clipboard

A TODO like task management system that allows users to create, update, delete and view tasks.

Easy Task #

This package is a todo like task manage system which allows a user to create groups, user lists, tasks and assign the task to the users of the group, and moderating the workflow.

Logic #

  • Sign-in is required before using any of the widget or logic of the package. This package does not provide anything for user authentication. You can develop your own.
  • User collection must be set on the TaskService.instance.init( user: { collection: 'users', displayName: 'name', photoUrl:'photoURL', } ).
    • The document id of the user collection must be the uid.
    • And by default, this package uses displayName in the document to get the user's name to display on the screen. And photoUrl to get the user's photoUrl. If your document uses different fields, you can set it on initialization.
    • For user search screen(or dislog), it will use the display name in user documents.

Coding convention #

Documenations #


  • Starting must be START(xxxx)
  • End must be END(())
  • End with options should be BUTTONS>Many options]. For instance, after create a post, the app will show post deatil screen where the user can choose many options. And the process is finished when the post is created, then use this.
  • Process must be WORK[xxxx]
  • Create, Save, Update, Delete, or anything that need Database work must be SAVE[(CREATE|UPDATE|DELETE)]
  • Subroutines, or the next screen, dialog should be displayed with NEXT_SCREEN[[List screen xxx]].

Model class #

Model class does

  • serialization/deserialization
  • basic crud of the model data
  • helper functions of the entity itself. Not other entities of the same model.
  • encapsulating the refs.

Service class does

  • something that are related with the model(entity) or the service can handle for the whole function(feacher).
  • showing screens
  • search & listing data
  • initialization, listening, etc.

Data listing #

Use FirestoreQueryBuilder or FirebaseDatabaseQueryBuilder. Use query builder all the time.

Documentation #

There is no english version of documents. So, write all the document in the source code. The comment int source code will turn into dartdoc when it is deployed into pub.dev.

Test #

Unit test #

Do the unit test as Flutter does.

Widget test #

Do the widget test as Flutter does.

House test #

This is a special test for house only. This is because it's not easy to test while connection with Firebase.

Translation #

  • initialize
void main() async {
  runApp(const MyApp());
  • t
'name'.t // 결과: 이름
  • tr
final translationTexts = {
    'apple': {
        'en': {
            'zero': '{name} has no apple.',
            'one': '{name} has one apple.',
            'many': '{name} has {n} apples.',


  key: 'apple',
  locale: 'en',
  value: {
    'zero': '{name} has no apple.',
    'one': '{name} has one apple.',
    'many': '{name} has {n} apples.',

int n = 0;
expect('apple'.tr(args: {'name': 'J'}, form: n), 'J has no apple.');
n = 1;
expect('apple'.tr(args: {'name': 'J'}, form: n), 'J has one apple.');
n = 3;
expect('apple'.tr(args: {'name': 'J', 'n': n}, form: n), 'J has 3 apples.');

Task feature #

  • A task can not be shared to multiple users. It's not sharing. It's like the same task is given to muliple user.

    • Sharing task and working together is not supported, yet.
    • When the creator creates a task, there will be only 1 copy of the task under /todo-task.
  • The creator can assign the task to other user.

    • The list of assigns will be saved under /todo-task-assign subcollection.
  • The relation of creator and assignee is N:M.

  • flow of task.

creator -> assigned -> in-progress(working) -> [ finished | quit ] -> review -> [ accept | reject ]
  • creator can schedule the task.
accept -> archive
reject -> [ask for enhance | failure | re-assign | delete]
failure -> [re-assign | achive | delete]
  • status of task
[] -> [finished | quit] -> [accept | reject ]
  • when the moderator accepts; properties: comment, score,
  • when the moderator rejects; properties: comment, ... the task can be re-assigned to someone else.

'uid-1': { status: "", beginDate: "2024-07-04", endDate: "2024-08-01", comment: ".....", ...... }, 1M limit status is is empty date: is ongoing

/// 'uid-2': {status: 'rejected', }, /// 'uid-3': 'review', /// 'uid-4': 'ongoing', /// 'uid-5': 'done',

task1 { assigned: { .... }} task2 { assigned: { .... }} task3 { assigned: { .... : my-uid: finished }} task4 { assigned: { .... }} task5 { assigned: { .... }} task6 { assigned: { .... }} task7 { task-aissgned / uid-1 { ... } uid-2 { ... } uid-3 { ... } uid-4 { ... } } /users/privte/"task-assigned"/ ... documents ... /todo/people/works/tomorrow/"task_assgned"/ ... many documetns ... ...

TODO feature #

TO DOs #

There are more to improve. But these work will be done later.

  • a moderator should be able to give permission to whom he can create tasks.
  • A moderator can create his own user groups so he can quickly add all his member without inviting them indivisually in each group.

Terms #

  • A moderator is the one who manages the tasks. Usually, the he is the one who creates the group, invites other users, creates tasks and assigns to others. Anyone can be a moderator without any registration.

  • A group is a separate enity. It is managed by a moderator. It can have members. A moderator can assign task to a group.

Logic of TODO feature #

  • A moderator should begin with creating a group to start managing tasks and users.
flowchart LR
    --> FORM{{INPUT FORM;<br>group name}}
      --> SAVE[(CREATE)] --> END(((Group\nCreated)))
  • Task can be created any member.
flowchart TD
  START(Create task)
    --> FORM{{FORM;\ninput title, content}}
      --> SAVE[(CREATE)]
        --> DETAILS[[Task Detail Screen]]
          --> OPTIONS>Many options]

    --> INVITE[Invite user]

    --> ASSIGN[Assign task to other;\none can assign/remove himself]

    --> STATUS[Change status]
  • Invite user and accept/reject
flowchart LR
  START(A invites B)
    --> CREATE[(Save Invitation\nto Group)]
    --> WaitAcceptance>Wait for B to Accept]
    --> |Accepted| BAccepted[(Update Invite\ninto Accepted)]
    WaitAcceptance --> |Rejected| BRejected[(Delete User\nInvitation)]
    BAccepted --> End(((End)))
    BRejected --> End(((End)))
  • Invite user (minor age)
flowchart LR
  START(A invites child)
    --> CREATE[(Save Invitation\nto Group)]
    --> WaitAcceptance>Wait for Parent to Accept]
    --> |Accepted| BAccepted[(Update Invite\ninto Accepted)]
    WaitAcceptance --> |Rejected| BRejected[(Delete User\nInvitation)]
    BAccepted --> End(((End)))
    BRejected --> End(((End)))
  • Assign Task to Group (Main)
flowchart TD
  --> CreateTask[[Create Task]]
  --> AssignToGroup[[Assign Task to Group\nLoop thru all members then assign]]
  --> End(((End)))  

  AssignToGroupSubRoute(Assign Task to Group)
  --> HasMember{Has More\nMembers?}
  --> |false| EndAssignToGroupSubRoute(((End Assign\nGroup)))
  HasMember --> |true| nextMember[Next Member]
  --> assign[[Assign]]
  --> HasMember

  • User B Does the task assigned by User A
flowchart TD
  START(A Assigned Task to B)
  --> BReceive[B received the task with `Waiting` Status]
  --> ChangeStatusProgress[(B updated status from\n`Waiting` into `Progress`)]
  --> BDoesTask[B Does the task]
  --> BChangeStatusReview[(B updated status from\n`Progress` into `Review`)]
  --> AReviews>A Reviews B's output]
  AReviews --> |A Accepts| Accepted[(A updated status from\n`Review` into `Finished`)]
  AReviews --> |A Rejects| Rejected[(A updated status from\n`Review` into `Closed`)]
  AReviews --> |A Rejects with Enhancement| RejectedFeedback[A changed status from\n`Review` into `Waiting`]
 RejectedFeedback --> AAddedFeedback[A Added Feedback]
  AAddedFeedback --> BReceive
  Accepted --> AChangeStatusClosed[(A updated status from\n`Finished` into `Closed`)]
  --> AGiveGrade[[A Give Grade to B]]
  AGiveGrade --> End(((End)))
  Rejected --> AGiveGrade
  • User A Created his own task for herself
flowchart TD
  --> CreateTask[[Create Task]]
  --> AssignToHerself[[Assign Task to Herself]]
  --> ReceiveTask[A sees the task in her listing.\nStatus is `Waiting`]
  --> ChangeStatusProgress[A changed status from\n`Waiting` into `Progress]
  --> ADoesTask[A Does the task]
  ADoesTask --> |Pause| ChangeStatusPaused[A changed status from\n`Progress` into `Paused`]
  ChangeStatusPaused --> ChangeStatusProgess2[A changed status from\n`Paused` into `Progress`]
  ChangeStatusProgess2 --> ADoesTask
 ADoesTask --> |Done| AChangeStatusReview[A changed status from\n`Progress` into `Finished`]
  --> AClosedTask[A changed status from\n`Finished` into `Closed`]
  --> End(((End)))

Firestore Database #

These are the collections relating to easy_task:

  • task is the collection for tasks.
  • task-assign is the collleciton for assigns. It has taskId to relate to tasks.
  • task-user-group is the collection for group.

task collection (Task)

  • uid is the uid of creator.
  • assignedTo is a list of uids that the task was assigned to. This will help on getting the user list of the task.
  • title is the title of the task.
  • content is the content of the task.
  • groupId is the id of the group. Can be null if the task is not related to any group.
  • createdAt is when it was created.
  • updatedAt is updated when there is any changes on the task itself.

task-assign collection (Assign)

  • uid is the uid of the assignee.
  • assignedBy is the uid of the assignor.
  • taskId is the id of the task.
  • status is the status of the task.
    • The status can be chagned by the creator or assignee.
    • It can be one of;
      • waiting - meaning, the task is created but no activity yet. the task is assigned and the aissgnee hasn't done anyting yet.
      • progress - the task is in the middle of work.
      • finished - The task is finished. The app should notify the moderators(creators)
      • review - the work is in review. asking, the moderator to review it.
      • closed - the moderator can only mark it as closed. If the task is in closed status, assignee cannot update(change) anyting including the status anymore.
    • For example, The status can be changed at any time. Assignee can mark it as review and the moderator can mark it as progress soon after. But the moderator is the only one who can mark it as closed and once it is closed, it cannot be updated(changed).
  • groupId is the id of the group. Can be null if the task is not related to any group.
  • createdAt is when it was created.
  • updatedAt is updated when there is any changes on the assign itself.
  • taskId is the id of the task which the assign is related to.

task-user-group Collection (TaskUserGroup)

  • name is the name of the group.
  • users is the uids of the users under the group.
  • moderatorUsers is the uids of the moderators of the group.
  • invitedUsers is a list of users' uids who were invited by the moderator.
  • rejectedUsers is a list of users' uids who rejected the invitation.
  • createdAt is when it was created.
  • updatedAt is updated when there is any changes on the group itself.

Widgets of TODO #


This list view is responsible to list all kinds of tasks which includes but not limited to, listing;

  • tasks that are created by himself,
  • tasks that assign to himself,
  • task that are create by himself and assigned himself,
  • task that are create by himself and assigned to others,
  • task that are create by himself and not assigned to any one,
  • task that are create by himself and assigned to more than 2 others,
  • and more more options.

Usage #

These are the usage of how you code using easy_task package.

In easy task there are these entities:

  • group
  • assign
  • task

Creating a Group #

To create a TaskUserGroup, you can check the example code below.

class TaskUserGroupDetailScreen extends StatefulWidget {
  const TaskUserGroupDetailScreen({super.key});

  State<TaskUserGroupDetailScreen> createState() => _TaskUserGroupDetailScreenState();

class _TaskUserGroupDetailScreenState extends State<TaskUserGroupDetailScreen> {
  final nameController = TextEditingController();

  void dispose() {

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        title: const Text("Create Group"),
      body: Padding(
        padding: const EdgeInsets.all(24.0),
        child: Column(
          crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.stretch,
          children: [
              controller: nameController,
              decoration: const InputDecoration(
                labelText: "Group Name",
            const Spacer(),
              onPressed: () async {
                final groupRef = await Group.create(name: nameController.text);
                final group = await Group.get(groupRef.id);
                if (!context.mounted) return;
              child: const Text("Create"),
            const SafeArea(
              child: SizedBox(
                height: 24,

To simplify, the code that creates a group is:

final groupRef = await TaskUserGroup.create(name: nameController.text);

TaskUserGroup.create() will automatically set the current user as the moderator of the group.

Viewing the Group Details #

To view the details of the group, check the code below.

// We need to get group from somewhere. Here we got it thru id.
final group = await TaskUserGroup.get(groupRef.id);
  context: context,
  pageBuilder: (context, a1, a2) {
    return TaskUserGroupDetailScreen(group: group!);

However, for customization, you can code your own group detail screen.

Inviting User in a group #

In easy_task, invited users' uid will be included under invitedUsers field in TaskUserGroup. Check the code below.

  onPressed: () {
      context: context,
      pageBuilder: (context, a1, a2) =>
        group: widget.group,
        onInviteUids: (context) async {
          return await showGeneralDialog<List<String>?>(
            context: context,
            pageBuilder: (context, a1, a2) => Scaffold(
              appBar: AppBar(
                title: const Text("Invite Users"),
              body: UserListView(
                itemBuilder: (user, index) {
                  return UserListTile(
                    user: user,
                    onTap: () => {
  icon: const Icon(Icons.outbox),

It will depend on how you want to use invitation or how to choose who to invite (or get the uid of the user to invite).

Listing Invitations #

To list the invitations by the group, check the code below.

  onPressed: () {
      context: context,
      pageBuilder: (context, a1, a2) => TaskUserGroupInvitationListScreen(
        group: widget.group,
  icon: const Icon(Icons.outbox),

The code above will show a default invitation list screen for group. However, for customization, you can code your own invitation list screen.

The code below will show a listing for group's invitation.

// We need to get group from somewhere. Here we got it thru id.
final group = await TaskUserGroup.get(groupRef.id);

// ...
// This is usually inside build method.
// ...
  itemCount: group.invitedUsers.length,
  itemBuilder: (context, index) => ListTile(
    title: Text(group.invitedUsers[index]),

To list the invitations received by the current user, check the code below.

class ReceivedInvitationScreen extends StatelessWidget {
  const ReceivedInvitationScreen({super.key});

  String? get myUid => FirebaseAuth.instance.currentUser?.uid;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        title: const Text("Invitations"),
      body: TaskUserGroupListView(
        queryOptions: TaskUserGroupQueryOptions(
          invitedUsersContain: myUid!,
        itemBuilder: (group, index) {
          return ListTile(
            title: Text(group.name),
            trailing: Row(
              mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
              children: [
                  onPressed: () async {
                    await group.accept();
                    if (!context.mounted) return;
                  child: const Text("Accept"),
                  onPressed: () {
                  child: const Text("Reject"),

In the code above, it is using queryOptions: TaskUserGroupQueryOption(invitedUsersContain: myUid!) to list the invitations received by the current user, using TaskUserGroupListView widget.

String? get myUid => FirebaseAuth.instance.currentUser?.uid;

// ...
  queryOptions: TaskUserGroupQueryOptions(
    invitedUsersContain: myUid!,

Accepting/Rejecting a Group Invitation #

To create an Accept/Reject buttons, check the code below.

// We need to get group from somewhere. Here we got it thru id.
final group = await TaskUserGroup.get(groupRef.id);

// ...
// Normally, this is being returned inside build method.
// ...
  mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
  children: [
      onPressed: () async {
        await group.accept();
        if (!context.mounted) return;
      child: const Text("Accept"),
      onPressed: () {
      child: const Text("Reject"),

To accept a group, using group.accept() will accept the invitation and let the current user join the group.

To reject a group, using group.reject() will reject the invitation.

// accept
await group.accept();

// reject
await group.reject();

Creating Task #

To make a button that opens a Task Create Screen, use the code below.

  onPressed: () {
      context: context,
      pageBuilder: (context, a1, a2) {
        return const TaskCreateScreen();
  child: const Text('+ Create A Task'),

The code above will use the easy_task's default task create screen. However, for customization, you can code your own task create screen.

  onPressed: () {
      context: context,
      pageBuilder: (context, a1, a2) {
        return const CustomTaskCreateScreen();
  child: const Text('+ Create A Task'),

In your CustomTaskCreateScreen, what you can do is to add the create button that calls a function like the code below.

class _TaskCreateScreenState extends State<TaskCreateScreen>{
  final titleController = TextEditingController();
  final contentController = TextEditingController();
  // ...
  // add your field controllers as needed.
  // ...
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: //...
      body: Column(
        children: [
          // ...
          // add your text fields as needed.
          // ...
            onPressed: createTask,
            child: const Text("Create Task"),
          // ...

  createTask() async {
    final createRef = await Task.create(
      title: titleController.text,
      content: contentController.text,
      groupId: widget.group?.id,
    final task = await Task.get(createRef.id);
    if (!mounted) return;
      context: context,
      pageBuilder: (_, __, ___) => TaskDetailScreen(
        task: task!,

Viewing a Task #

To view or to display the details of the task, use the code below.

// We need to get task from somewhere. Here we got it from snapshot.
final task = Task.fromSnapshot(snapshot.docs[index]);

// We can show the details of the task here.
  context: context,
  pageBuilder: (_, __, ___) => TaskDetailScreen(
    task: task,

The code above will use the easy_task's default TaskDetailScreen. However, for customization, you can code your own task detail screen.

Listing Tasks #

Create your task list screen using TaskListView widget. Check the code below.

class TaskListScreen extends StatelessWidget {
  const TaskListScreen({super.key});

  String? get myUid => FirebaseAuth.instance.currentUser?.uid;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        title: const Text('Task Assigned to Me'),
      body: TaskListView(
        queryOptions: TaskQueryOptions(
          assignToContains: myUid!,

The TaskListView widget will use a default queryOptions that will list all the task if queryOptions is not provided. Automatically, the listing is ordered by createdAt field, descending.

The TaskListView widget uses it's own ListTile widget to display each task in list. Modify the widgets using the itemBuilder. Check the code below.

class TaskListScreen extends StatelessWidget {
  const TaskListScreen({super.key});

  String? get myUid => FirebaseAuth.instance.currentUser?.uid;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        title: const Text('Task Assigned to Me'),
      body: TaskListView(
        queryOptions: TaskQueryOptions(
          assignToContains: myUid!,
        itemBuilder: (task, index) {
          // Replace this with your own list tile.
          return ListTile(
            title: Text(task.title),

Assigning a Task (Creating Assign) #

To assign a task, in easy_task, it means creating assign doc. As an example check the code below to see how to create assign button.

// Get task somewhere. Here we got it thru id.
final task = Task.get(taskId)

// ...
// Normally, this is being returned inside build method.
  onPressed: () async {
    // Get the target user to be assigned somewhere.
    // This will depend on your user model.
    final user = User.get(uid);
    await Assign.create(
      uid: user.uid,
      taskId: task.id,
  child: const Text('ASSIGN +'),

The code above shows an example to assign a task to a user. However, we can also assign task to group as well.

// Get the group somewhere. Here we got it thru id.
final group = TaskUserGroup.get(groupId);

// ...
// Normally, this is being returned inside build method.
  onPressed: () async {
      taskId: task.id,
      groupId: group!.id,
  child: const Text('ASSIGN +'),

As shown in code above, we can use TaskService.instance.assignGroup() to assign a task to a group.

Viewing an Assign #

To view or to display the details of the assign, use the code below.

// We need to get assign from somewhere. Here we got it from snapshot.
final assign = Assign.fromSnapshot(snapshot.docs[index]);

// We can show the details of the assign here.
  context: context,
  pageBuilder: (_, __, ___) => AssignDetailScreen(
    assign: assign,

The code above uses easy_task's default assign detail screen. However, for customization, you can code your own assign detail screen.

Listing Assigns #

In task, we can assign it to a user or to multiple users. In each task, we can have multiple assigns. Check the code below to see how we can code with assign listing.

// We need only the task ID. Here we got it from snapshot.
final task = Task.fromSnapshot(snapshot.docs[index]);

// ...
// This is usually inside build method.
// ...
  queryOptions: AssignQueryOptions(
    taskId: task.id,
// ...

The code above will display the list of assign of the task. If queryOptions was not provided, it will use default AssignQueryOptions and list all assigns across all tasks.

Status of an Assigned Task #

Once the task is assigned, by default the status is waiting.

To change the status, check the code below.

// We need to get assign from somewhere. Here we got it thru id.
final assign = Assign.get(assignId);

await assign.changeStatus(AssignStatus.progress);

The code above will update the assign into progress status.



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A TODO like task management system that allows users to create, update, delete and view tasks.

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cloud_firestore, easy_helpers, firebase_auth, firebase_core, firebase_storage, firebase_ui_firestore, flutter


Packages that depend on easy_task